Starship Robots / en Rolling into another year of robot deliveries /news/2024-01/rolling-another-year-robot-deliveries <span>Rolling into another year of robot deliveries</span> <span><span>Lauren Reuscher</span></span> <span>Thu, 01/25/2024 - 12:21</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span class="intro-text"><a href="">Mason Dining</a> and <a href="">Starship Technologies</a>, the world’s leading provider of autonomous delivery services, are celebrating five years of autonomous robot deliveries at AV.</span></p> <p><span class="intro-text">What did the Mason Nation order through Starship this past year? How busy were those friendly little robots? Let’s recap the highlights.</span></p> <div class="align-center" style="min-width: 50%;"> <div class="field field--name-field-media-video-embed-field field--type-video-embed-field field--label-hidden field__item"><div class="video-embed-field-provider-youtube video-embed-field-responsive-video"><iframe width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=""></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <p> </p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong><span><span><span>Nearly half a million deliveries since launch</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span>: </span></span></span><span><span><span>458,846 </span></span></span><strong> </strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong><span><span>Miles covered by the fleet since launch:</span></span></strong> <span><span><span>474,225</span></span></span> </span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong><span><span>Mac and Cheese had a big 2023:</span></span></strong><span><span> it was ordered 3,236 times and took the lead compared to what had been the overall most popular item </span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong><span><span>Most popular item ordered since launch:</span></span></strong><span><span> The Original Double ‘N Fries from Steak ‘n Shake (15,779 times) </span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><strong><span><span>Most popular delivery song:</span></span></strong><span><span> "Barbie World" by Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice (played 552 times) </span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>In January 2019, Mason was the first university in the United States to offer autonomous robot deliveries provided by Starship. Mason’s initial fleet of 25 robots has grown to 60. In addition, the merchant locations have increased from four to 18.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/small_content_image/public/2024-01/190205200.jpg?itok=bF61sxUx" width="350" height="234" alt="Starship robot on campus" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Starship robots deliver meals, snacks, and beverages to the AV community. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span><span><span>“Starship robots are an important part of daily campus life at Mason,” said Roshonda Alexander, retail general manager at Mason Dining. “We took a bit of a risk five years ago when we introduced the robots, but we haven’t looked back since. The technology was embraced by our students and faculty as well as our merchants. We’re all about making lives easier for our students. The robots have done that and provided a fun technology that just makes people happy.”</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Starship’s robots are now serving more than 1.1 million people across 50 U.S. college campuses, as well as in local neighborhoods in several other countries. </span></span></span></span></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="53699fcb-4621-482e-9512-1f95ce45ad2c" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> <h2>Try Out Starship Yourself!</h2> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p><span>Download the Starship Food Delivery app today.<br /><em>Available on both iOS and Android.</em></span></p> <p><a href=""><img alt="Download on the Apple App Store" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img alt="Get it on Google Play" src="" /></a></p> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="b7593830-e965-42b4-8b1e-5835fb03c9c4"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">More about Mason Dining <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="e7e1e5d8-1bf5-4201-864c-365a8d32effa" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/116" hreflang="en">Campus News</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/456" hreflang="en">Around Mason (E-Files)</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18151" hreflang="en">Mason Dining</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1196" hreflang="en">Starship Robots</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 25 Jan 2024 17:21:06 +0000 Lauren Reuscher 110371 at Around Mason: Favorite Photos of the Year /news/2023-07/around-mason-favorite-photos-year <span>Around Mason: Favorite Photos of the Year</span> <span><span>Lauren Reuscher</span></span> <span>Thu, 07/27/2023 - 10:27</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="4cd9d8e0-5ebf-477e-a076-ec6cdca6f6e6"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href="/about-mason/faculty-and-staff-news"> <h4 class="cta__title">Read more faculty and staff news <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"> <div class="field field--name-field-cta-icon field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Icon</div> <div class="field__item"><div> <div class="field field--name-field-media-font-awesome-icon field--type-fontawesome-icon field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Icon</div> <div class="field__item"><div class="fontawesome-icons"> <div class="fontawesome-icon"> <i class="fas fa-newspaper" data-fa-transform="" data-fa-mask="" style=""></i> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="b1397492-2b2f-49f3-8bc6-2a719fcf590e"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Check out the Mason photo library <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"> <div class="field field--name-field-cta-icon field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Icon</div> <div class="field__item"><div> <div class="field field--name-field-media-font-awesome-icon field--type-fontawesome-icon field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Icon</div> <div class="field__item"><div class="fontawesome-icons"> <div class="fontawesome-icon"> <i class="fas fa-video" data-fa-transform="" data-fa-mask="" style=""></i> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_associated_people" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-associated-people"> <h2>In This Story</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-associated-people field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">People Mentioned in This Story</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/profiles/vkirsch" hreflang="und">Vicki Kirsch, PhD, MSW, MA</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span class="intro-text">All year long, photographers in AV’s <a href="">Office of University Branding</a> capture the moments that make Mason <strong>All Together Different</strong>. We asked our photographers to share their favorite photos from the 2022-23 school year.</span></p> <p><span class="intro-text">As we prepare for a new academic year, let’s look back at these recent memories—skillfully frozen in time for the Mason vault.</span></p> <hr /><h2><span><span><span><span>Ron Aira, senior photographer, Creative Services</span></span></span></span></h2> <p><span><span><span>Weather can disrupt even the best laid plans</span><span><span>. </span></span><span>But according to Ron Aira, it can also create unexpected opportunities. In Aira’s favorite photos, forces of nature created powerful results. “Without the challenges of the wind and the rain, these shots would never have happened,” Aira said.</span></span></span></p> <figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-07/220923504.jpg?itok=QE-Nyhzu" width="1480" height="987" alt="Mason student stands in front of the Lincoln Memorial while holding a Ukrainian flag flying in the wind over her head" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Ron Aira/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span>Gabriella Grabovska, a first-year student in the Schar School, came to Mason from war-torn Ukraine. Aira captured her portraits in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>“It was very windy—her hair and the flag were flying all over the place,” Aira said. “I decided to go with the wind. I told her to face the wind, think about her country, and let the flag fly, thinking about what it represents to her.” </span><a href=""><span>Read more about Grabovska</span></a><span>.</span></span></span></p> <hr /><figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-07/230428500.jpg?itok=JtoNkvxo" width="1480" height="987" alt="Two people stand close together under a transparent umbrella within the crowd, in front of the performance stage at Mason Day. The rain is coming down." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Ron Aira/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><a href="/news/2022-04/retro-mason-mason-day"><span>Mason Day is a day of celebration and fun</span></a><span>, but Mason Day 2023 was <strong>also</strong> a day of torrential rain. Aira and his equipment were getting soaked. But he watched as Mason students still enjoyed the day, not letting the rain ruin their experience. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>“In the downpour, I saw a moment of peace between this couple under the umbrella,” Aira said. “It was a beautiful moment of quiet serenity, in the middle of the concert and the rain coming in sideways.” </span></span></span></p> <hr /><h2><span><span><span><span>Evan Cantwell, senior photographer, Creative Services</span></span></span></span></h2> <figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-07/230413320.jpg?itok=6WfZAf1W" width="1480" height="987" alt="Mason social work student stands face to face with a horse from the Project Horse Empowerment Center, tenderly petting the horse's chin." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Evan Cantwell/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span>“Sometimes as a photographer, I get to witness students’ ‘aha’ moments, and it was amazing to see how social work students connected with each other and horses from Project Horse Empowerment Center,” Cantwell said. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>Each semester, Associate Professor <a href="">Vicki Kirsch</a> brings students from her advanced Trauma and Recovery course to the center to learn about the emerging field of equine assisted psychotherapy. <a href="/news/2023-06/social-work-students-connect-animals-learn-how-help-trauma-survivors">Read more about their experiences</a>.</span></span></span></p> <hr /><figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-07/221013232.jpg?itok=iDfDCp7V" width="1480" height="987" alt="Students group up for a selfie with a Starship Robot that has been decorated with a Halloween decal." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Evan Cantwell/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span>“<span><span>We were finishing up our lifestyle photo session with students and the Office of International Programs and Services, and this robot beeped by,” Cantwell said. “This photo is also a great representation of how students from so many different countries all went to classes at Mason’s Fairfax Campus.”</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>Pumpkinbot, part of the Starship Robot fleet, appears on campus around Halloween. Because he’s somewhat elusive, those who spot him consider themselves lucky. “I’ve heard that if you take a selfie with Pumpkinbot, all your dining wishes come true,” Cantwell said.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <hr /><h2><span><span><span><span>Cristian Torres, videographer, Strategic Communications</span></span></span></span></h2> <figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-07/220921909.jpg?itok=2Oz6lYja" width="1480" height="987" alt="A student is seen between tall blades of grass in a field. She is holding an aerial net with both hands as she searches for monarch butterflies." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Cristian Torres/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span>In September 2022, students from the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation‘s Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program </span><a href="/news/2022-12/conservation-students-tag-monarch-butterflies-help-save-endangered-species"><span>tagged monarch butterflies on their journey south</span></a><span> to help researchers better understand their grand migration. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>“This was a fun day,” Torres said. “We documented one of the different opportunities that students have in the field, capturing monarch butterflies to identify and tag them.” </span><a href=""><span>Watch the video</span></a><span>.</span></span></span></p> <hr /><figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-07/230210902%20.jpg?itok=EIhSKo_b" width="1480" height="987" alt="A group of students stand together on stage and pose during the Homecoming tip off party and lip sync battle" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Cristian Torres/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span>Torres took photos at the Homecoming Tip Off Party in February 2023. “This was my first Homecoming at Mason,” Torres said. “I found the energy of the students celebrating together exciting. The event was full of happy faces, with everyone rooting for each other in the Lip Sync Battle.” </span><a href="/news/2023-02/fired-homecoming-2023"><span>See more photos from Homecoming events</span></a><span>.</span></span></span></p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/456" hreflang="en">Around Mason (E-Files)</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/206" hreflang="en">Faculty and Staff News</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/116" hreflang="en">Campus News</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18366" hreflang="en">Mason Day</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/6446" hreflang="en">Homecoming</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/806" hreflang="en">Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1196" hreflang="en">Starship Robots</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/596" hreflang="en">Schar School</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/3031" hreflang="en">Social Work</a></div> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/17226" hreflang="en">College of Public Health</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:27:50 +0000 Lauren Reuscher 106786 at Robot Love: Celebrating four years of Starship robot deliveries at Mason /news/2023-01/robot-love-celebrating-four-years-starship-robot-deliveries-mason <span>Robot Love: Celebrating four years of Starship robot deliveries at Mason</span> <span><span>Colleen Rich</span></span> <span>Mon, 01/30/2023 - 11:06</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span class="intro-text">It was January 2019 when AV became the first college campus in the United States to offer autonomous food delivery through Starship Technologies. Now Mason and Starship are celebrating four years of autonomous robot deliveries.</span></p> <p>The service launched with 25 robots, which was the world’s largest fleet of delivery robots. The fleet has now grown to nearly 60 robots, serving the Fairfax Campus. The robots have delivered more than 333,000 orders and brought national and worldwide attention to Mason.<br />  </p> <div alt="video showing animation of robots with factoids about services" style="min-width: 50%;"> <div class="field field--name-field-media-video-embed-field field--type-video-embed-field field--label-hidden field__item"><div class="video-embed-field-provider-youtube video-embed-field-responsive-video"><iframe width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=""></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <p> </p> <p>Here are some stats about Starship robots at Mason:</p> <ul><li>Since launch, more than 335,489 orders have been completed.</li> <li>More than 17,334 people have placed orders.</li> <li>Mason loves Starship robots, but the person with the most orders "really" loves Starship robots, placing 659 orders!</li> <li>The robots have fueled student studies since 2019 with 39,828 coffees delivered.</li> <li>Pizza might be the quintessential college food, but the most popular item for the past four years has been Steak ‘N Shake’s The Original Double ‘N Fries (ordered 13,637 times!)</li> <li>If you’re at Whitetop Hall, you’re likely to spot a robot. This residence hall is the most popular delivery spot on campus.</li> <li>Breakfast became a popular meal once the robots arrived, but it still can’t beat lunch, which is the most popular delivery meal of the day.</li> <li>The robots have not only made an impression on campus, but they have a loyal following online too! Everybody wants a selfie with a robot, but Halloween is the prime “selfie season” for these robots thanks to Pumpkinbot!</li> </ul><p>Mason junior Madison Bryan-Barnes didn’t realize the robots delivered food when she first saw them on campus. “I always thought they were really cute and was surprised at how fast they moved,” she said. “The first time I ordered Starship I was having a really hard day, and I was grateful that I didn’t have to go anywhere to get my food. I like that Mason has a way for students to have their food delivered in a timely fashion.”</p> <figure role="group" class="align-right"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/medium/public/2023-01/starship%20robots%20selfie%20221013232.jpg?itok=BApb2PDF" width="560" height="315" alt="Students group up for a selfie with a starship robot that has been decorated with a "pumkinbot" halloween skin." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Pumpkinbot makes Halloween one of the most popular times to snap a selfie with a Starship robot.</figcaption></figure><p>Noting Northern Virginia’s changeable weather, the integrative studies major added, “I've definitely used Starship when it’s been super cold or hot!”</p> <p>“It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been doing deliveries at Mason for four years,” said Chris Neider, director of business development at <a href="" title="Starship Technologies">Starship Technologies</a>. “The campus community was excited about the technology and the cool factor from the start. We’ve taken what we learned at Mason and have incorporated those lessons across the U.S. We’re looking forward to the next four years and beyond at Mason!”</p> <p>“Starship robots allowed Mason to bring an innovative, safe, and convenient dining solution to students—which was well-received by the campus community and proved to be extremely helpful during the pandemic,” said Pascal Petter, executive director, auxiliary services, at Mason. “We celebrate the milestones achieved thus far and look forward to our collaborative work in the future.”</p> <p>Starship Technologies operates commercially on a daily basis around the world. Its zero-emission robots have made more than four million autonomous deliveries, traveled millions of miles, and make more than 140,000 road crossings every day.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/116" hreflang="en">Campus News</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/5341" hreflang="en">campus dining</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1196" hreflang="en">Starship Robots</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/17481" hreflang="en">Spirit Spring 2023</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/17476" hreflang="en">Spirit Magazine</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/17511" hreflang="en">At Mason</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="783421db-dd96-4f08-8d31-bcc90c25b697" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> <h2>Try Out Starship Yourself!</h2> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p><span>Download the Starship Food Delivery app today.<br /><em>Available on both iOS and Android.</em></span></p> <p><a href=""><img alt="Download on the Apple App Store" src="" /></a> <a href=""><img alt="Get it on Google Play" src="" /></a></p> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="17d00fb1-930f-435e-9bec-d8095837c6b9" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Hungry for More?</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-9a7ed93b7f99a8b19eb885e13bf16899bfd3f954aa98a2cb5085dfb256b6bfff"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2024-01/rolling-another-year-robot-deliveries" hreflang="en">Rolling into another year of robot deliveries</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">January 26, 2024</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2023-07/around-mason-favorite-photos-year" hreflang="en">Around Mason: Favorite Photos of the Year</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">July 27, 2023</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2023-01/robot-love-celebrating-four-years-starship-robot-deliveries-mason" hreflang="en">Robot Love: Celebrating four years of Starship robot deliveries at Mason</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">January 30, 2023</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2020-04/delivery-robots-keep-rolling-during-campus-closure" hreflang="und">Delivery robots keep rolling during campus closure</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">April 8, 2020</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2019-07/summer-snacks-starship-deliveries" hreflang="und">Summer Snacks via Starship Deliveries</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">July 21, 2019</div></div></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 30 Jan 2023 16:06:15 +0000 Colleen Rich 104026 at Delivery robots keep rolling during campus closure /news/2020-04/delivery-robots-keep-rolling-during-campus-closure <span>Delivery robots keep rolling during campus closure</span> <span><span>Colleen Rich</span></span> <span>Wed, 04/08/2020 - 15:00</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/medium/public/2023-02/Delivery_Robotos_01_0.jpg?itok=M3B39O4B" width="560" height="373" alt="Three Starship robots sit queued on the sidewalk outside some academic buildings on the Fairfax Campus." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>The Starship robots are delivering food to the approximately 400 students still living on campus. Photo by Lathan Goumas/Office of Communications and Marketing.</figcaption></figure><p>Just about every day, AV resident student Clinton Carlson Jr. opens his Eastern Shore Hall door to greet a friend. Their visit is brief, and their sparse conversation one-sided, but they do share a momentary touch before going their separate ways.</p> <p>With these interactions, Carlson Jr. isn’t violating social distancing norms, he’s following them. His frequent visitor is one of the Starship Robots that deliver food on the Fairfax Campus.</p> <p>When Mason became the first university in the country to roll out this new take on meals on wheels in January 2019, the conveyances were regarded as a cool, convenient novelty that drew curious looks and garnered <a href="" target="_blank">national media coverage</a>. Now they are important contributors to Mason’s COVID-19 response.</p> <p>The robots deliver coffee, food and other items from the Northern Neck Starbucks, Wing Zone, convenience store One Stop, and late-night fare from the Mason Club, to some of the approximately 400 students living in Mason residence halls, and to faculty and staff whose roles require that they report to campus for work. (Southside is open for students to pick up grab-and-go meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner).</p> <figure role="group" class="align-right"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/medium/public/2023-02/Empty_Campus_13.jpg?itok=3RlKRkzA" width="350" height="525" alt="A Starship robot moves down the sidewalk towards the camera." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Lathan Goumas/Office of Communications and Marketing.</figcaption></figure><p>“It’s kind of like [the robots] provide a sense of comfort,” said Carlson Jr., 26, who continues to live on campus because of extenuating family circumstances. “Almost a nurturing environment. I know they’re just delivering food, but the feelings of when you see a best friend or something are kind of the same feelings I get. It’s actually coming to help and support me like a friend I haven’t seen in a while.”</p> <p>The robots greet their recipients with a mechanical, “Hello, here’s your delivery,” and depart with, “Thank you. Have a nice day.” These days, a programmed response from an autonomous vehicle passes for in-person interaction, and yes, the robots are sanitized after each trip.</p> <p>Mason dining officials knew the boxy white pedestrians would provide a valuable service during and after a weather event. Pandemic response? Not part of the plan.</p> <p>“The reality is that without the robots the possibility of us having retail options open at this time with the social distancing and the low customer rate might not otherwise be possible,” said Bridget Bukovich, field marketing specialist for <a href="" target="_blank">Mason Dining</a>. “But because we have robots in place we’re able to provide more services than usual.”</p> <p>You never know when you might need one. Josh Cantor, director of Parking and Transportation, based in the Nottoway Annex, recently placed an order to Starbucks. When the robot arrived with his mocha, Cantor posted a picture to Facebook and deemed the robot an “essential employee.” The trip saved Cantor about 45 minutes—and prevented further wear and tear on a pinched nerve in his back.</p> <p>“You don’t have to take a break and go somewhere on campus,” Cantor said. “Some of the parking staff can’t really make it somewhere. It’s convenient, and for folks with mobility impairment, it’s a great thing to have.”</p> <p>With the campus nearly empty, sales are modest. On April 1, Sodexo reported about 12 robot-delivered transactions per day from Starbucks during the 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. window it is open, and about 10 transactions per day from One Stop when it began robot deliveries on March 30.</p> <p>But for the grateful few on the receiving end, those six wheels rolling up to the building are a welcome sight. Carlson Jr., an integrative studies major with a concentration in personal health and well-being, and executive director of the Resident Student Association, described himself as an intermittent user of the robots before the COVID-19 outbreak. Because of allergies and a slightly compromised immune system, he has to be extra careful about limiting his exposure to the virus.</p> <p>“I know my risk makes it more kind of real for me,” Carlson Jr. said. “The robots provide a safeguard where I’m not directly having to interact with people but also taking care of myself.”</p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1196" hreflang="en">Starship Robots</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1201" hreflang="en">residence halls</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/196" hreflang="en">coronavirus; COVID-19; News; Editorial</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/116" hreflang="en">Campus News</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Wed, 08 Apr 2020 19:00:39 +0000 Colleen Rich 1891 at Summer Snacks via Starship Deliveries /news/2019-07/summer-snacks-starship-deliveries <span>Summer Snacks via Starship Deliveries</span> <span><span>Lauren Reuscher</span></span> <span>Sun, 07/21/2019 - 00:20</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/461" hreflang="en">Faculty/Staff Announcements</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1196" hreflang="en">Starship Robots</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Sun, 21 Jul 2019 04:20:00 +0000 Lauren Reuscher 12531 at Participate in a Research Study Assessing Starship Delivery Robots /news/2019-04/participate-research-study-assessing-starship-delivery-robots <span>Participate in a Research Study Assessing Starship Delivery Robots</span> <span><span>Lauren Reuscher</span></span> <span>Sun, 04/07/2019 - 00:23</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/461" hreflang="en">Faculty/Staff Announcements</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1196" hreflang="en">Starship Robots</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Sun, 07 Apr 2019 04:23:00 +0000 Lauren Reuscher 9001 at