Mason basketball / en Patriot Pop Quiz: Olympic basketball /news/2024-08/patriot-pop-quiz-olympic-basketball <span>Patriot Pop Quiz: Olympic basketball</span> <span><span>Lauren Reuscher</span></span> <span>Thu, 08/01/2024 - 12:22</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span class="intro-text">Think you know a lot about AV? Let’s find out if we can stump you with this Patriot Pop Quiz.</span></p> <hr /><h3><span><span><span><span><span>Question:</span></span></span></span></span></h3> <h3><span><span><span><span><span>Who was the first George Mason men’s basketball player to participate in the Olympics?</span></span></span></span></span></h3> <figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/small_content_image/public/2024-08/gettyimages-455479315_olympic_torch_.jpg?itok=zmP9RSVC" width="350" height="270" alt="Illustration of the Olympic torch" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Illustration by Getty</figcaption></figure><hr /><h3><span><span><span><span><span>Answer: </span></span><a href=""><span><span>Tony Skinn</span></span></a>,<span><span> </span></span>BA Communication '06<span><span>, head coach for George Mason men’s basketball. </span></span></span></span></span></h3> <figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2024-08/2ddcd04.jpg?itok=t9NByR6E" width="944" height="1480" alt="Tony Skinn reaches for the basketball while playing for the Nigerian national team at the London 2012 Olympics" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Tony Skinn, now the head coach for George Mason men's basketball, played in the London 2012 Olympics for the Nigerian team. Photo by Alamy</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>In 2012, Skinn was a member of the Nigerian national team that qualified for the Olympics in London. At the games, Skinn and Nigeria won their first Olympic preliminary round game, defeating Tunisia, 60–56, before finishing 10th in the tournament. </span></span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Read a Q&A with Skinn leading up to his time at the Olympics</span></span></span></a><span><span><span><span>.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>At George Mason, Skinn was a starter on the 2006 George Mason Final Four team and one of the best all-around guards in program history. He returned to his alma mater as head coach in 2023.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2024-08/2ddcd0a.jpg?itok=lImQg4QK" width="1306" height="1480" alt="Tony Skinn playing basketball for the Nigerian national team at the London 2012 Olympics" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>"It's a good feeling because you represent more than just basketball," Skinn said of playing at the Olympics in 2012. "Our team gave millions of people a chance to root for something." Photo by Alamy</figcaption></figure><p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18336" hreflang="en">Patriot Pop Quiz</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/206" hreflang="en">Faculty and Staff News</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/5206" hreflang="en">Mason men's basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/4316" hreflang="en">Olympics</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 01 Aug 2024 16:22:29 +0000 Lauren Reuscher 113176 at Where are They Now: Mason Basketball Edition /news/2023-11/where-are-they-now-mason-basketball-edition <span>Where are They Now: Mason Basketball Edition</span> <span><span>Lynn Tierney</span></span> <span>Wed, 11/15/2023 - 12:31</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span class="intro-text">The saying “Once a Patriot, Always a Patriot” is especially true when it comes to Mason student-athletes.</span></p> <p>Now that AV alum Tony Skinn, BA Communication ’06, is the men’s basketball team’s head coach, not only is there nostalgia for the Final Four squad, but we’ve also been seeing a lot of basketball alumni on campus.</p> <p>In fact, three members of that 2006 Cinderella team now work on campus. Folarin Campbell, BA Communication ’08, was the first player to return to his alma mater when he joined the Patriot Club as its assistant director in January 2022. This spring Lamar Butler, BA Communication ’06, came on board as the men’s basketball program’s director of player development.</p> <p>In late June, Coach Skinn and the men’s basketball program invited Mason basketball alumni back for a special practice at EagleBank Arena. Many familiar faces showed up, including George Evans, a three-time Colonial Athletic Association Player of the Year who played for Mason from 1997 to 2001, and Jay Marsh, BA ’73, retired senior associate athletic director.</p> <p>Photos from that day show the camaraderie and team spirit of these Patriots are still alive and well.</p> <p><em>Numbers in parenthesis indicate years on the team.</em></p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-11/athletics_where_are_they_now_slider.jpg?itok=F49uYdQi" width="1480" height="833" alt="Basketball team and staff pose for a photo on a basketball court." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>The 2023–24 Mason men’s basketball team with the program’s alumni at the June 30 event. Photo by Art Pittman/Athletics.</figcaption></figure><p> </p> <hr /><p> </p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-11/georgeevansalumni053_7x5.jpg?itok=DFTkEoXU" width="1000" height="714" alt="Three people in Mason Athletics attire stand chatting." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Three-time CAA Player of the Year George Evans (1997-2001) shares a moment with Assistant Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Marvin Lewis and Assistant Director of the Patriot Club Folarin Campbell (2004–08). Photo by Art Pittman/Athletics.</figcaption></figure><p> </p> <hr /><p> </p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-11/ap3_0434-nef_dxo_deepprimexd_7x5.jpg?itok=2LTeW1t_" width="1000" height="714" alt="Three men in basketball jerseys pose for the camera while others play basketball behind them." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>From left, Shevon Thompson (2014–16), Myles Tate (2013–17), and AJ Wilson (2016–21). Photo by Art Pittman/Athletics.</figcaption></figure><p> </p> <hr /><p> </p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-11/ap3_1011-nef_dxo_deepprimexd_7x5.jpg?itok=epuSk-qY" width="1000" height="714" alt="Five men are having a conversation in the middle of a basketball court." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>From left, Jai Lewis (2002–06), Head Coach Tony Skinn (2002–06), Gabe Norwood (2003–07), Ahmad Dorsett (1996–2000), and Patriot Club Assistant Director Folarin Campbell (2004–08). Photo by Art Pittman/Athletics.</figcaption></figure><p> </p> <hr /><p> </p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-11/ap3_0600-nef_dxo_deepprimexd_7x5.jpg?itok=3kxkET4j" width="1000" height="714" alt="Three men pose for a photo." loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>From left, Tremaine Price (1997–2001), Terrance Nixon (1998–2002), and George Evans (1997–2001). Photo by Art Pittman/Athletics.</figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="747a5095-8d81-4fdc-b732-f9b1d259babd"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Catch the Patriots in action! <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="456ce5d7-2fb1-4316-8158-c6422af8d69c"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Get to know this season's team leadership <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="f2ed1875-3a17-4c94-b116-177fd7b5477c" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="bfe99c89-4e6b-4f02-a8b5-186accf057d6" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Related News</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-a18163bab9bde14dc3127058bd9c9f0aa9ceeabfd94fa02cb2b95576a3272fe8"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/mason-scientist-orchestrates-moon-based-message-bottle-future-generations" hreflang="en">Mason scientist orchestrates Moon-based ‘message in a bottle’ for future generations </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/george-mason-womens-indoor-track-and-field-crowned-2025-10-champions" hreflang="en">George Mason Women's Indoor Track and Field crowned as 2025 A-10 champions </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/new-coaching-course-college-public-health-motivates-students-all-majors" hreflang="en">New coaching course in the College of Public Health motivates students of all majors </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/storytelling-through-sound-juan-megna" hreflang="en">Storytelling Through Sound with Juan Megna </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-alumnus-launches-ai-software-startup-law-enforcement-training" hreflang="en">George Mason alumnus launches AI software startup for law enforcement training</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/15216" hreflang="en">Mason Spirit</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18656" hreflang="en">Spirit Fall 2023</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Wed, 15 Nov 2023 17:31:58 +0000 Lynn Tierney 109826 at Q&A with Vanessa Blair-Lewis /news/2023-11/qa-vanessa-blair-lewis <span>Q&A with Vanessa Blair-Lewis</span> <span><span>Corey Schaut</span></span> <span>Tue, 11/07/2023 - 12:40</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><strong>How have you been able to make such dramatic progress in a short time?</strong></p> <p>Usually when you get hired, you have to wait for four classes to leave before you start bringing in all “your people.” We didn’t start with that mindset. [The existing team was] my people when I got the job. What the girls felt and what I leaned into is that you’re welcome here. And that was just our motto: With who you are right now, you’re welcome. So whatever we all have here, it’s enough for us to bring it together and try to do something great. We were believing big for moments that we knew were going to happen.</p> <figure role="group" class="align-right"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/2023-11/23072501.jpg" width="259" height="400" alt="Vanessa Blair-Lewis" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Ron Aira</figcaption></figure><p><strong>One of your primary strengths as a coach is relationship building. How do you create and maintain a consistent culture when players come and go every year, including transfers from other college programs?</strong></p> <p>The summer is our time. It’s our “intimate moment,” as we call it. That’s when we get a chance to find out who these student-athletes are as people and then that trajectory takes us into the season. We have Fun Fridays [where] we pick out something that’s not basketball or weightlifting, like rope climbing or hot yoga. We talk about controversial issues, political issues so we can get things on the table and know more about who our sisters are, what they struggle with. It may not be what you struggle with. But how can we lean into each other? We want to build their bodies, minds, and spirits.</p> <p><strong>You have international players and players from across the country, as well as players who grew up locally. How much of a recruiting advantage is Mason’s location?</strong></p> <p>We live in a corridor right now where our students graduate and get six-figure salaries. And the whole time you’re being prepared. We want to make sure they’re not just women who play basketball, but women who can do anything they want to do in the world. There are internships. There are alumni who want to hire athletes because they know what comes with that—a hard-working, stay-up-late, and get-there-early kind of mentality.</p> <p><strong>You recently signed a contract extension through the 2027–28 season. What does that say about your commitment to Mason and Mason’s commitment to you?</strong></p> <p>I really think [university leadership] saw the vision and what we were producing, not just on the court but [with] our young women holistically. It made me feel really great because I didn’t want to be anywhere else. This is home for me. When you’re in a relationship and the other person feels the same way about you that you feel about them, it’s definitely a happy place to be.</p> <p><strong>Six different schools have won the past six Atlantic 10 women’s basketball tournament titles. Mason could make it seven….</strong></p> <p>It’s wide open. We told our girls, “The journey is 20-plus wins, and the tourney.” That’s our nifty little slogan. That’s what we want to go get this year. The hunger is there.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="200664db-5f1e-4916-bc95-2aee3bedfef8"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href="/news/2023-11/winning-combination"> <h4 class="cta__title">Learn more about Vanessa Blair-Lewis's start at Mason <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="8261cfb7-0026-4e29-82c4-8599888f9367"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">See the Women's Basketball Team in Action <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="e9473218-9279-432b-b896-5a91fc974a62" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="57d949af-a9c1-4913-90d8-875d5d6ffc21" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Related News</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-535a9d7887fd227a59361bff234b11bc68562788eb1f7e8e09b721785547d6e3"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/george-mason-womens-indoor-track-and-field-crowned-2025-10-champions" hreflang="en">George Mason Women's Indoor Track and Field crowned as 2025 A-10 champions </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-recognizes-78-scholar-athletes-academic-achievements" hreflang="en">George Mason recognizes 78 scholar-athletes for academic achievements</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 26, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-basketball-game-students-ran-show" hreflang="en">At George Mason basketball game, students ran the show</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 21, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-mens-head-soccer-coach-rich-costanzo-agree-contract-extension" hreflang="en">George Mason, men's head soccer coach Rich Costanzo agree to contract extension </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 5, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-01/south-sudan-virginia-eliuda-delivers-george-mason" hreflang="en">From South Sudan to Virginia, Eliuda delivers for George Mason</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">January 7, 2025</div></div></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/15216" hreflang="en">Mason Spirit</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18656" hreflang="en">Spirit Fall 2023</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:40:17 +0000 Corey Schaut 109716 at Q&A with Tony Skinn /news/2023-11/qa-tony-skinn <span>Q&A with Tony Skinn</span> <span><span>Corey Schaut</span></span> <span>Tue, 11/07/2023 - 12:38</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><strong>How does it feel to be back on the campus where it all began for you and where you became a key part of school lore with that improbable 2006 Final Four run?</strong></p> <p>It’s still surreal. I don’t think a moment is going to come when I settle down from my thoughts and my initial happiness from just being here. It’s definitely become a little bit easier just with managing a team and putting a team together. When I got the job, I had nine scholarships [to fill]. I only had four returners, so there was a lot—a lot of work to do. So as excited as I was, right after that press conference [in April], there was a lot of anxiety. It’s a little nerve-racking just trying to get your staff together, then find your players, and [I was] trying to do a little bit of both. Now it’s about getting after it and getting acclimated to our guys.</p> <figure role="group" class="align-right"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/2023-11/23072532.jpg" width="251" height="400" alt="Tony Skinn" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Tony Skinn. Photo by Ron Aira/Office of University Branding</figcaption></figure><p><strong>What are the biggest obstacles in cherishing the past while looking to move forward, and how do you overcome them?</strong></p> <p>I told myself when I left Mason that—as a good of a feeling as that run was—I wanted to make sure that I was always evolving. As a pro, I had that same mindset.</p> <p>Even when I finished playing and got into coaching, I didn’t allow the Final Four to define me—I always wanted to reinvent myself. So, when I hear the Final Four—as happy as I am to have been a part of it—the one thing I haven’t done through my career is use that as a crutch. And I think that’s helped put me in this position because I wouldn’t be here as a basketball coach just because of the Final Four. I put myself in the position where I learned from a lot of great coaches along the way. [The Final Four] is definitely a part of who I am, but at the same time, the sky’s the limit to where I want to take this program.</p> <p><strong>With the promise of immediate gratification so readily available in the form of the transfer portal and name, image, and likeness (NIL) deals, how do you convince student-athletes to be patient and that their time will come if they’re willing to put in the work?</strong></p> <p>I think that’s all part of the recruitment process. You have to navigate who you think fits the culture. At the end of the day, you have a roster to fill and a team to manage. Some guys’ expectations are different than others, and it’s a battle of how to keep everybody happy. It’s not easy, and it’s definitely become more difficult with [the advent of the transfer portal and NIL deals]. But I think having a really good coaching staff that understands that it’s not just about bringing in any kid, but bringing in the right kid. [That] makes a difference.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="d3edc5db-0650-40bc-9886-1441f9e5c409"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href="/news/2023-11/winning-combination"> <h4 class="cta__title">Read more about Tony Skinn's return to Mason <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="066e0365-2ed9-457e-b459-f93b90fc0dd8"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">See the Men's Basketball Team in Action <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="6d8286a8-0afe-4469-b971-2e9f0fe5593e" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="4ce6946b-20a4-4f34-9a84-0ba42540efb9" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Related News</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-49ea41a9d74b72aeda380e0aa827a6ecaed6eb1a528644b19709a331f3d42f97"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/george-mason-womens-indoor-track-and-field-crowned-2025-10-champions" hreflang="en">George Mason Women's Indoor Track and Field crowned as 2025 A-10 champions </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-recognizes-78-scholar-athletes-academic-achievements" hreflang="en">George Mason recognizes 78 scholar-athletes for academic achievements</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 26, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-basketball-game-students-ran-show" hreflang="en">At George Mason basketball game, students ran the show</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 21, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-mens-head-soccer-coach-rich-costanzo-agree-contract-extension" hreflang="en">George Mason, men's head soccer coach Rich Costanzo agree to contract extension </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 5, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-01/south-sudan-virginia-eliuda-delivers-george-mason" hreflang="en">From South Sudan to Virginia, Eliuda delivers for George Mason</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">January 7, 2025</div></div></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/15216" hreflang="en">Mason Spirit</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/536" hreflang="en">Alumni</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18656" hreflang="en">Spirit Fall 2023</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:38:18 +0000 Corey Schaut 109686 at Q&A with Marvin Lewis /news/2023-11/qa-marvin-lewis <span>Q&A with Marvin Lewis</span> <span><span>Corey Schaut</span></span> <span>Tue, 11/07/2023 - 12:34</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><strong>President Gregory Washington has said he believes you are the right person to take Mason Athletics to the next level. What does that look like to you?</strong></p> <p>It’s three things. One, it’s transformational experiences for all of our student-athletes. It’s developing a championship culture throughout our department, and it’s telling our story and getting our message out there. We’re a young university, a little over 50 years old. There are a lot of great things happening here, and we’ve got to get the word out, not just locally but nationally and internationally.</p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/2023-11/23072552.jpg" width="250" height="400" alt="Marvin Lewis" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Ron Aira</figcaption></figure><p><strong>Mason Athletics had a lot of success in the spring 2023 semester, with Atlantic 10 championships in women’s track and field, softball, and baseball. How does an athletic director help continue and expand that success?</strong></p> <p>My job is to make sure our student-athletes have the resources to not only compete at a high level but to make sure they graduate. It takes fundraising and being creative with resource generation, as well as optimizing how we use our resources. My goal is to make sure the resources we provide allow us to sustain success, so all programs feel really confident with the direction they are headed.</p> <p><strong>What mentor in your career taught you the most?</strong></p> <p>I start with my father, a high school history teacher and a basketball coach. He’s my first true mentor. But I’ve been truly blessed to have had a number of athletic directors that have really impacted my leadership, specifically [former University of Maryland athletic director (AD)] Kevin Anderson, [former Georgia State University AD] Cheryl Levick, and [North Carolina State University deputy AD] Todd Stansbury.</p> <p><strong>Is there a common thread that runs through all of their advice that has become a core value for you?</strong></p> <p>I would say teamwork. I’ve told multiple individuals that I don’t have all the answers. It’s going to take a team effort. All of those leaders relied on their senior leadership teams, campus university leadership, donors, and, more importantly, students to understand how to better [the student] experience.</p> <p><strong>What is the most important thing you take from being a player that you can apply to your job now?</strong></p> <p>I remember what it’s like to play in an Atlantic Coast Conference championship while having a final and needing to study in the hotel. Because of that, I truly respect what [student-athletes] do and appreciate how challenging it is. Having that experience gives me compassion, empathy, but also an intensity to make sure they have the resources to be successful.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="4ff880df-f3f6-4bb8-a626-f9729e180eb1"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Read more about Lewis's start at Mason <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="d53d2d70-3dcf-4749-9db2-8e6cfa25d75d"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Catch the Patriots in action! <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="969bf2ca-2e9f-4463-a7a4-c17f46d354cd" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="7d9bdb0c-ac7d-49b1-af17-5b8e86e68403" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Related News</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-9b38814254a6cb76ad55b59a18f18287c5487e3ec977e2dfdcf4aaddf52ee43e"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/mason-scientist-orchestrates-moon-based-message-bottle-future-generations" hreflang="en">Mason scientist orchestrates Moon-based ‘message in a bottle’ for future generations </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/new-coaching-course-college-public-health-motivates-students-all-majors" hreflang="en">New coaching course in the College of Public Health motivates students of all majors </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/storytelling-through-sound-juan-megna" hreflang="en">Storytelling Through Sound with Juan Megna </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-alumnus-launches-ai-software-startup-law-enforcement-training" hreflang="en">George Mason alumnus launches AI software startup for law enforcement training</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/cvpa-announces-recipients-2025-young-alumni-commissioning-project-awards" hreflang="en">CVPA Announces Recipients of the 2025 Young Alumni Commissioning Project Awards</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 19, 2025</div></div></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/15216" hreflang="en">Mason Spirit</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18656" hreflang="en">Spirit Fall 2023</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:34:20 +0000 Corey Schaut 109721 at A Winning Combination /news/2023-11/winning-combination <span>A Winning Combination</span> <span><span>Corey Schaut</span></span> <span>Tue, 11/07/2023 - 12:22</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><figure role="group"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/2023-11/23072526.jpg" width="750" height="500" alt="Tony Skinn, Marvin Lewis holding a basketball, and Vanessa Blair-Lewis on the EagleBank Arena basketball court" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Photo by Ron Aira</figcaption></figure><p><span class="intro-text">With dynamic new leadership and some Final Four nostalgia, Mason Nation looks forward to another basketball season.</span></p> <p>Something caught Marvin Lewis's eye during a visit to AV’s Fairfax Campus.</p> <p>With plenty to learn and do, Mason’s new assistant vice president and director of intercollegiate athletics was on campus well before his official start date of July 1. One of his errands included a stop by Human Resources.</p> <p>One of the items Lewis saw while in Merten Hall was a photo from the Mason men’s basketball 2006 NCAA Final Four appearance. Another was a poster with a simple message: “Wear your Mason gear—We're all in.”</p> <p>It was just one of many reminders Lewis has encountered on campus that reassures him he’s found the right place.</p> <p>"It’s those types of things, starting with the president to the overall support from the university, that gets me excited," Lewis says.</p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/marvin_lewis_headshot.jpg?itok=pWMzCZM9" width="220" height="220" alt="Marvin Lewis" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption><a href="">Read our full Q&A with Marvin Lewis. </a></figcaption></figure><p>There is a lot for the Patriots to be excited about as Lewis begins his tenure as the school's sixth athletic director. He grew up across the Potomac River in Germantown, Maryland, and knows the area well. He possesses a high-profile athletic background, which includes starting for four years with Georgia Tech’s men’s basketball team and capping his career with a Final Four appearance with the university’s Yellow Jackets.</p> <p>Lewis knows both the advantages and challenges of working at schools in a major metropolitan area, since he has made stops at Georgia State University, University of Maryland, and Georgia Tech over the past 15 years.</p> <p>He had major responsibilities for the last two years at Brown University, where he served as the school's assistant vice president and chief operating officer for athletics and recreation. He’s also earned a reputation as an exceptional communicator who has firm command of the demands of college sports during a tumultuous era.</p> <p>As Lewis was preparing to join Mason, three of Mason’s 22 NCAA Division I sports teams brought home Atlantic 10 Conference trophies: baseball, softball, and women’s track and field.</p> <p>"Of course, you want to win championships, retain really good coaches and staff, and continue to build on our momentum," Lewis says.</p> <p>And there is a lot of momentum around basketball.</p> <figure role="group" class="align-right"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/vanessa_blair-lewis_headshot.jpg?itok=0ZJ5gAf-" width="220" height="220" alt="Vanessa Blair-Lewis" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption><a href="">Read our full Q&A with Vanessa Blair-Lewis.</a></figcaption></figure><p>Women’s basketball head coach Vanessa Blair-Lewis’s contract has been extended through the 2027–28 season. The extension comes after the Patriots’ rapid improvement under Blair-Lewis’s leadership during her first two seasons at Mason.</p> <p>Two years ago, Blair-Lewis inherited a team that had finished 3-19 overall and 0-14 in the Atlantic 10 Conference. But today, the Patriots are on the rise. They finished 16-15 last season, with eight conference victories, and they won a conference tournament game in both years of Blair-Lewis’s tenure.</p> <p>“In a short period of time, we have built an amazing family environment and a strong culture in which everyone is loved, valued, and respected,” says Blair-Lewis. “I am proud to serve this great university and will continue to make Mason Nation proud. In all we do, excellence is our standard.”</p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/tony_skinn_headshot.jpg?itok=58qcuyLS" width="220" height="220" alt="Tony Skinn" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption><a href="">Read our full Q&A with Tony Skinn.</a></figcaption></figure><p>The selection of Mason alum<strong> </strong>Tony Skinn, BA Communication ’06, as the 12th head coach in the Mason men’s basketball program has generated excitement with alumni. A key starter on Mason’s 2006 Final Four team and one of the best all-around guards in program history, Skinn returns to Mason after nearly a decade of collegiate coaching.</p> <p>During that decorated coaching career, Skinn has guided three different programs, including University of Maryland, to the NCAA Tournament; been a part of six 20+ win campaigns; and established himself as a stout recruiter both within the talent-rich Washington, D.C., metropolitan area and across the country. </p> <p>“It is with great excitement that I return home to Mason,” Skinn says. “I’ve had some of my greatest memories here and I’m looking forward to making new ones with our fans and our community. Our best days are ahead!”</p> <p><em>Patrick Stevens contributed to this article. </em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="c7dbc4f1-ea34-47a1-83ea-7b8483330d6e" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> <h2>Facts about Mason Athletics</h2> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p><strong>NCAA Division I Teams:</strong> 22</p> <p><strong>Athletic Conference:</strong> Atlantic 10 Conference</p> <p><strong>Men's Sports:</strong> Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Indoor Track and Field, Outdoor Track and Field, Volleyball, Wrestling</p> <p><strong>Women's Sports:</strong> Basketball, Cross Country, Lacrosse, Rowing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Indoor Track and Field, Outdoor Track and Field, Volleyball</p> <p><strong>1 of 4 Nationally</strong>: In spring 2021, Mason was named one of only 10 Division I athletic departments to post a perfect score of 100 on Athlete Ally's Athletic Equality Index (AEI). Mason also holds a perfect score of five on the Campus Pride Index (CPI). That makes Mason one of just four Division I schools in the nation to boast a perfect 100 on the AEI and a five on the CPI.</p> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="c32cc189-2285-4dcf-a316-b7cee6355a89"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Catch the Patriots in action! <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="1ce58d8a-b312-4319-96be-145e36a55b6e" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="e29ccc7c-56ca-4413-969b-95f6f9683602" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Related News</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-340e65d205af362263ef152442189962cd2770dfec0acb1a3ca7d3ff2ec3fb97"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-03/george-mason-womens-indoor-track-and-field-crowned-2025-10-champions" hreflang="en">George Mason Women's Indoor Track and Field crowned as 2025 A-10 champions </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">March 3, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-recognizes-78-scholar-athletes-academic-achievements" hreflang="en">George Mason recognizes 78 scholar-athletes for academic achievements</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 26, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-basketball-game-students-ran-show" hreflang="en">At George Mason basketball game, students ran the show</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 21, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-02/george-mason-mens-head-soccer-coach-rich-costanzo-agree-contract-extension" hreflang="en">George Mason, men's head soccer coach Rich Costanzo agree to contract extension </a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">February 5, 2025</div></div></li> <li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a href="/news/2025-01/south-sudan-virginia-eliuda-delivers-george-mason" hreflang="en">From South Sudan to Virginia, Eliuda delivers for George Mason</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-field-publish-date"><div class="field-content">January 7, 2025</div></div></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/15216" hreflang="en">Mason Spirit</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/536" hreflang="en">Alumni</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/18656" hreflang="en">Spirit Fall 2023</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:22:24 +0000 Corey Schaut 109876 at AV Selects Tony Skinn to Lead Men’s Basketball Program /news/2023-03/george-mason-university-selects-tony-skinn-lead-mens-basketball-program <span>AV Selects Tony Skinn to Lead Men’s Basketball Program</span> <span><span>Jeannine Harvey</span></span> <span>Thu, 03/30/2023 - 10:15</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="dbe9d5a1-8b66-4dfa-bc24-9e5decf363f7" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p><strong>Media Contact:</strong></p> <p>Mark LaFrance</p> <p><a href="tel:508-577-7282">508-577-7282</a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><strong>FAIRFAX, Va. – </strong>AV President Gregory Washington and Interim Director of Athletics Nena Rogers have named Tony Skinn as the 12<sup>th</sup> head coach in the men’s basketball program’s history.</p> <p>A key starter on the 2006 George Mason Final Four team and one of the best all-around guards in program history, Skinn returns to his alma mater after nearly a decade of collegiate coaching.</p> <p>During that decorated coaching career, he’s guided three different programs to the NCAA Tournament, been a part of six 20+ win campaigns, and established himself as a stout recruiter both within the talent-rich DMV and across the country. </p> <p>“Tony Skinn is the right man for this moment in Mason’s basketball program,” Washington said. “His coaching style will galvanize our student-athletes and his connection to our finest hour on the court is sure to electrify our alumni and fans. Let the Tony Skinn era begin!” </p> <p>A two-time All-CAA selection with the Patriots from 2003-06, Skinn scored 1,079 career points while starting 68 games in his George Mason career. During the 2006 NCAA Tournament, he averaged 11.3 points and shot 35 percent from 3-point range while leading the Patriots to the national semifinals.</p> <p>“We are thrilled to welcome Tony and his family back to George Mason,” Rogers said. “I had the pleasure of working with Tony during his time as a student-athlete and I’m so proud of his growth personally and professionally. We all look back with reverence at 2006, and I am confident Tony will bring the same competitive drive and fire in leading our program as he did as our starting point guard. An elite recruiter, he is well-connected and well-respected, and he will play an integral role in identifying and securing talented student-athletes to represent our university. I share in the excitement of Mason Nation as we begin a new era of George Mason Basketball.” </p> <p>Most recently, Skinn served on Kevin Willard’s staff at the University of Maryland, where in 2022-23, he helped lead the Terps to a 22-13 record and an NCAA Tournament victory over West Virginia.</p> <p>“It is with great excitement that I return home to George Mason,” Skinn said. “I’d like to thank Dr. Washington and Nena Rogers for this tremendous opportunity and for believing in my vision. I am committed to greatness! We will set our standards high, hustle every step of the way and compete amongst the best. It’s an unbelievable feeling to step back on campus. I’ve had some of my greatest memories here and I’m looking forward to making new ones with our fans and our community. Our best days are ahead! Mason Nation, I missed you and I am honored to represent you.”</p> <p>Prior to Maryland, Skinn served with Chris Holtmann at Ohio State in 2021-22. During his time with the Buckeyes, he worked closely with Big Ten Freshman of the Year Malaki Branham, who averaged 13.7 points and 3.6 rebounds per game while shooting over 49 percent from the floor. He was one of just five freshmen nationally and one of only two from a Power 5 school to have multiple 30-point games this season, and both of his came on the road. Skinn was also in charge of scouting personnel in Columbus. </p> <p>Skinn and the Buckeyes won 20 games and advanced to the Second Round of the NCAA Tournament. </p> <p>In his three seasons at Seton Hall, Skinn coached the guards and helped Quincy McKnight become one of the best point guards in the Big East. He also played an influential role in the development of 2020 BIG EAST Player of the Year Myles Powell. Skinn was part of the Pirates' program-record fourth-consecutive NCAA Tournament appearance in 2019. The Pirates also won a BIG EAST regular-season title in 2020 and were on track for another NCAA Tournament bid prior to the COVID-19 cancellation. </p> <p>Prior to joining Seton Hall, Skinn had a successful three-year run as an assistant coach at Louisiana Tech, as the Bulldogs won 63 games during his tenure, including back-to-back 23-win seasons and a pair of top-four finishes in Conference USA. In three seasons with Skinn's aid, Louisiana Tech student-athletes garnered five All-Conference USA selections and three Conference USA All-Freshmen picks. Skinn was instrumental in the development of point guard DaQuan Bracey, who set a Louisiana Tech and Conference USA record for most assists by a rookie (193) in 2016-17 en route to Conference USA Freshman of the Year honors. Bracey also finished the season with the sixth-best assist/turnover ratio in the country at 3.51.</p> <p>Skinn worked in the Washington, D.C. metro area for four years prior to his collegiate coaching start. He served as the director of athletics at the Paul International High School in Washington, D.C., and was an assistant coach for NIKE Team Takeover, one of the premier AAU programs in the country. While working for NIKE Team Takeover, he helped recruit and develop student-athletes who went on to earn Division I college scholarships.</p> <p>A native of Takoma Park, Maryland, Skinn stayed close to home to star for the Patriots from 2003-06. He averaged 14.4 points as a junior before putting together an outstanding senior campaign in 2005-06. During that magical season, he ranked fifth in the CAA in steals/game (1.6) while notching 12.6 points, 3.5 rebounds, and 2.8 assists/contest. His nine steals against Northeastern on Jan. 19, 2006, set a George Mason and CAA conference record that still stands today.</p> <p>During the historic run to the Final Four, Skinn notched 10+ points in three of the four contests he played, including a 14-point, 4-assist performance against Wichita State in the Sweet 16 and a 13-point effort against Florida in the national semifinal. The first modern Cinderella in NCAA Tournament lore, Skinn and his teammates advanced to Indianapolis as a No. 11 seed while generating an estimated $677 million in free advertising for the university during the three-week run.</p> <p>After making history with the Patriots, Skinn went on to play professionally in Europe for many years, including three in France. In 2012, he was a member of the Nigerian national team that qualified for the Olympics in London by finishing third at the FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Caracas, Venezuela. He averaged 10 points a game during the tournament as Nigeria upset Greece in the quarterfinals, lost to Russia in the semifinals but then topped the Dominican Republic to earn the final Olympic qualifying berth. In London, Skinn and Nigeria won their first Olympic preliminary round game, defeating Tunisia, 60-56, before finishing 10th in the tournament.</p> <p>Tony and his wife, Weyni, have three children, Isaiah, Liam, and Noelle. </p> <p>Details of a press conference will be announced soon.</p> <h2>What They’re Saying About Tony Skinn:</h2> <p>“I love Tony Skinn. He was a great college player who led our George Mason team to the Final Four. He then became a terrific assistant coach helping Louisiana Tech, Seton Hall, Ohio State and Maryland recruit some outstanding student-athletes. He is now the perfect choice to become the next head coach at George Mason and lead his alma mater to the top of the Atlantic 10 and beyond. I wish him all the success in the world. Onward and upward for Tony and Mason.” <em>– Jim Larrañaga – Head Coach, University of Miami</em></p> <p>“Tony is ready to run and lead Mason’s men’s basketball program. He has great energy, is a ferocious competitor and will demand excellence from his players. I have enjoyed having Tony on my staff at both Maryland and Seton Hall and I am confident he will work tirelessly to build a great program at George Mason.” <em>– Kevin Willard – Head Coach, University of Maryland</em></p> <p>“Tony is a very bright basketball mind who connects well with players. He has tremendous recruiting connections along the East Coast and I believe he is ready for this next step in his coaching career. The George Mason community knows Tony Skinn well as a player and I’m excited that he and his family now get to return in this role. Congratulations on an excellent hire.” – Chris Holtmann <em>– Head Coach, The Ohio State University</em></p> <p>“Tony Skinn is one of the most driven and determined people I have ever been around. His ability to compete, improve, and make others better is at the highest level. He is passionate about AV and will be relentless in his pursuit of excellence as a recruiter, skill developer, and leader. His players are going to love playing for him.” <em>– Eric Konkol – Head Coach, University of Tulsa</em></p> <h2>About AV</h2> <p>AV is Virginia’s largest public research university. Located near Washington, D.C., Mason enrolls nearly 40,000 students from 130 countries and all 50 states. Mason has grown rapidly over the last half-century and is recognized for its innovation and entrepreneurship, remarkable diversity, and commitment to accessibility. Learn more at <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2466" hreflang="en">Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2391" hreflang="en">Press Release</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/5206" hreflang="en">Mason men's basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/221" hreflang="en">Office of the President</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 30 Mar 2023 14:15:41 +0000 Jeannine Harvey 104766 at National Search Underway for George Mason Men’s Basketball Coach /news/2023-03/national-search-underway-george-mason-mens-basketball-coach <span>National Search Underway for George Mason Men’s Basketball Coach</span> <span><span>Kristin Heydt</span></span> <span>Thu, 03/23/2023 - 12:37</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p>FAIRFAX, VA – A national search is underway to name AV’s next men’s basketball head coach, Mason President Gregory Washington said Thursday.</p> <p>Coach Kim English is departing George Mason to become the head men’s basketball coach at Providence College.</p> <p>“We are moving quickly and looking nationwide to identify our next men’s head basketball coach, and we expect to have an announcement soon,” Washington said. “While I am disappointed that Coach English did not accept our offer to retain him, I wish him continued success at Providence.”</p> <p>“Coach English and his team brought the excitement back to George Mason basketball. They reminded Mason Nation and the college sports world of our basketball program’s heritage and massive potential,” Washington said.</p> <p>Washington said Mason’s current search for a permanent athletics director also will be accelerated and will be completed in the coming weeks.</p> <p>“We have made significant commitments to enhance our basketball and academic facilities, and along with a new athletics director, our next coach will step into an exciting new era at Mason athletics,” Washington said.</p> <p>Nena Rogers, Mason’s interim athletics director, said, “I want to thank Coach English for the relentless energy and passion he infused into the George Mason basketball program over the past two years. We are grateful for the work Kim and his staff have done to position us for sustained success within the Atlantic 10 and on a national level. We wish him the very best as he embarks on his next step at Providence.” </p> <p>“We have a proud basketball tradition here at George Mason. I am confident Mason will find a dynamic leader who will continue to build on that tradition,” Rogers said.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>About AV</strong></p> <p>AV is Virginia’s largest public research university. Among public universities, Mason is ranked No. 1 in Virginia and No. 7 in the nation for innovation, No. 1 in Virginia and No. 9 in the nation for diversity, and among America’s top 50 public universities for overall quality. Located near Washington, D.C., Mason enrolls nearly 40,000 students from 130 countries and all 50 states. Mason has grown rapidly over the last half-century and is recognized for its innovation, entrepreneurship and commitment to accessibility. Learn more at <a data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="0" data-safelink="true" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/extra_large_content_image/public/2023-03/EBA_Basketball_Men_22-23_HEADER_16x9x3K_Resampled_RS4_0023-NEF_DxO_DeepPRIME.jpg?itok=xQhyfRUv" width="1480" height="832" alt="Eagle Bank arena during a 2022-23 Season men's basketball game" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>EagleBank Arena on the Fairfax Campus of AV is home court to the Patriots' basketball programs.<br /> Photo credit: Mason Athletics</figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_associated_people" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-associated-people"> <h2>In This Story</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-associated-people field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">People Mentioned in This Story</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/profiles/president" hreflang="und">Gregory Washington</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/761" hreflang="en">Mason Athletics</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/5206" hreflang="en">Mason men's basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2391" hreflang="en">Press Release</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:37:30 +0000 Kristin Heydt 104661 at Podcast - EP42: His sound is renowned /news/2022-09/podcast-ep42-his-sound-renowned <span>Podcast - EP42: His sound is renowned</span> <span><span>Damian Cristodero</span></span> <span>Tue, 09/06/2022 - 15:18</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_associated_people" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-associated-people"> <h2>In This Story</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-associated-people field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">People Mentioned in This Story</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/profiles/president" hreflang="und">Gregory Washington</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/profiles/mnickens" hreflang="und">Dr. Michael Nickens</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman",serif"><span style="font-size:14.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif"><span style="color:#333333">Dr. Michael Nickens, an associate professor of music in AV’s Reva and Sid Dewberry Family School of Music, tells Mason President Gregory Washington how he transforms from his mild-mannered persona into Doc Nix, the flamboyant leader of the Green Machine, the nation’s No. 1 pep band. The band doesn't play mechanically, Nix says. There are times its members are collectively “exploring the universe in that moment. And those are the moments that feel like we have really accomplished something.” Actor Bill Murray is a fan of the band, and Nix is pretty good on the tuba.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p> </p> <p><iframe allowtransparency="true" data-name="pb-iframe-player" height="150" scrolling="no" src="" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);" title="His sound is renowned" width="100%"></iframe></p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/7311" hreflang="en">Access to Excellence podcast</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/326" hreflang="en">Podcast Episode</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/226" hreflang="en">podcast</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/881" hreflang="en">Reva and Sid Dewberry Family School of Music</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/146" hreflang="en">College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1801" hreflang="en">Green Machine</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/16786" hreflang="en">Mason basketball</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/5006" hreflang="en">Washington Nationals</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/5011" hreflang="en">World Series</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tue, 06 Sep 2022 19:18:52 +0000 Damian Cristodero 91401 at