Veterans Day / en From the classroom to the courtroom: George Mason Scalia Law School student assists veteran at hearing /news/2024-10/classroom-courtroom-george-mason-scalia-law-school-student-assists-veteran-hearing <span>From the classroom to the courtroom: George Mason Scalia Law School student assists veteran at hearing</span> <span><span>Colleen Rich</span></span> <span>Thu, 10/31/2024 - 17:29</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--70-30"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><p><span class="intro-text">M-VETS gave ŃÇÖŢAV third-year law student <a href="">Danny Jenkins</a> the kind of courtroom experience that no classroom could.</span></p> <figure role="group" class="align-right"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/medium/public/2024-10/m-vets_bva.jpg?itok=Syz6iIaQ" width="500" height="369" alt="M-VETS team " loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>From left, M-VETS Director Timothy MacArthur, Student Advisor Danny Jenkins, and Assistant Director Raphael Johnson. Photo provided</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Jenkins, a student advisor in </span></span></span><span><span><span><span>the </span></span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Scalia Law School</span></span></span></a><span class="MsoHyperlink"><span><span><span><span>,</span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span> played a crucial role in helping a former servicemember take a substantial step toward securing the benefit he was owed.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>The </span></span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Mason Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic (M-VETS)</span></span></span></a><span><span><span><span> provides free legal services to veterans and servicemembers, making it a unique program in legal education. Since its founding in 2004, it has become a model for similar clinics at law schools across the nation. </span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>“That’s exactly why I wanted to be part of it,” said Jenkins, a 28-year-old Provo, Utah, native. “I’ve always felt indebted to our servicemembers for their sacrifice, and being able to really make a difference in a veteran’s daily life is extremely satisfying and rewarding.”</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>M-VETS Director </span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Timothy M. MacArthur</span></span></span></a><span><span><span> emphasized the clinic’s collaboration with George Mason’s </span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Office of Military Services</span></span></span></a><span><span><span>, the </span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Military, Veterans, and Family Initiative</span></span></span></a><span class="MsoHyperlink"><span><span><span><span>,</span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span> and the </span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Center for Community Mental Health</span></span></span></a><span><span><span> to better support veterans.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>M-VETS</span></span></span></span> <span><span><span><span>enables George Mason law students to assist veterans, servicemembers, and their families with a wide range of litigation and non-litigation matters. Over the past two decades, the clinic has helped hundreds of clients from all five branches of the armed services, offering services like appeals for the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Board of Veterans Appeals for disability and educational benefit claims, and the filing of requests for increases in disability ratings. M-VETS services are available regardless of the veteran’s state of residence.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span class="intro-text">“Supporting our veterans is incredibly important, not only because of their sacrifices, but also because of the unique challenges they face after service,” MacArthur said. “They’ve served our country, and providing legal support is a way for me to show my gratitude.”</span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Jenkins, who plans to join the </span></span></span></span><a href=""><span><span><span>Army JAG Corps</span></span></span></a><span><span><span><span> after graduating and passing the bar, volunteered to take on a case involving a client M-VETS had represented since 2018. </span></span></span></span><span><span><span>The case stemmed from a claim for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for a DVA home loan, and finally went before a judge on Aug. 23 after nearly six years of litigation.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Jenkins conducted the hearing, arguing for the COE under MacArthur’s supervision, before the DVA’s Board of Veteran Appeals. The client, a Virginia Army National Guard veteran, had been denied the COE because he hadn’t met the required six years of service. During his initial training, the client had injured his right ankle while on active duty, which led to his discharge. Exceptions are allowed for those discharged from service due to a service-connected disability, but the veteran’s discharge papers didn’t indicate an injury-related separation.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Jenkins argued the motion and presented evidence proving that the discharge papers were inaccurate. While M-VETS awaits the ruling from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals, it is helping the veteran to correct his records with the Board for Correction of Military Records to reflect a medical retirement.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>“The most challenging part of this case was preparing for the hearing,” Jenkins said. “I needed to make sure I had information and research for any potential questions or issues that would arise, which required a tremendous amount of time and effort.”</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>While Jenkins doesn’t have a personal military background, his grandfather and father-in-law are veterans. Reflecting on the case, he described the experience as “incredibly satisfying,” offering the </span></span></span><span><span><span><span>kind of real-world experience and personal satisfaction that no classroom could ever provide.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>“I came to law school to help people, and most of your time in law school is spent in classrooms,” Jenkins said. “This unique opportunity allowed me to step outside the classroom and make a real difference in someone’s life.”</span></span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span> </span></span></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="8b9afc72-cecf-4786-a7a2-d9477bec03e3"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Learn more about the Antonin Scalia Law School <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:text" data-inline-block-uuid="38d6e9a4-e18e-495d-b92b-7d7927295b1f" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocktext"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:news_list" data-inline-block-uuid="f9cd2711-11c0-4bee-acc5-0e0e0b5c9c75" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blocknews-list"> <h2>Related Stories</h2> <div class="views-element-container"><div class="view view-news view-id-news view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-d5eb07ed857e5b211bff4e46568572e6772d5c17f30b8e67611849877497574b"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="news-list-wrapper"> <ul class="news-list"><li class="news-item"><div class="views-field views-field-title"><span class="field-content"><a 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G. Costello College of Business at ŃÇÖŢAV</a> is committed to the active-duty military service members and veterans who come to Mason to enhance their education.</span></p> <p>We caught up with some military veterans who recently graduated from the <a href="" title="MBA Program | ŃÇÖŢAV Costello College of Business">Mason MBA</a> program who shared the impact the MBA program has had on their career already, and how the Mason MBA could be beneficial for others.</p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/matthew-scott.jpg?itok=CxEYIJ6V" width="220" height="220" alt="Matthew Scott" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Matthew Scott</figcaption></figure><h4>Matthew Scott, MBA ’21 </h4> <p><strong>Military Branch: </strong>United States Army  <br /><strong>Current Role:</strong> Acquisition Modernization Program Manager, Defense Logistics Agency</p> <p>Earning an MBA from ŃÇÖŢAV assisted with my transition from military to civilian life. The comprehensive management and technical skills acquired during my MBA journey significantly contributed to my hiring as the new Acquisition Modernization Program Manager for the Defense Logistics Agency.   </p> <p>I believe one of the most valuable factors in gaining an MBA from Mason is expanding your real-time knowledge basis in critical areas to further develop and achieve current strategic goals while concurrently orchestrating future value in an ever-changing world.  </p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/matt-munsch.jpg?itok=VU8gqZOP" width="220" height="220" alt="Matt Munsch" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Matt Munsch</figcaption></figure><h4>Matt Munsch, MBA ’22</h4> <p><strong>Military Branch:</strong> United States Air Force  <br /><strong>Current Role: </strong>Director, Dark Wolf Solutions  </p> <p>After graduating from Mason's MBA program, I was able to enter the next phase of my career.   </p> <p>Shortly after graduating, I joined Google as a Technical Program Manager. After learning and growing with Google, I was able to continue propelling my career forward, joining Dark Wolf Solutions as a Director.  </p> <p>The Mason MBA program gave me the skills, qualifications, and confidence to continue up leveling my career. Going back to school after more than a decade in the workforce was daunting but I do not regret my decision! </p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/bradley-son.jpg?itok=I9V6sA4c" width="220" height="220" alt="Bradley Son" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Bradley B. Son</figcaption></figure><h4>Bradley B. Son, MBA ’21 </h4> <p><strong>Military Branch: </strong>United States Army  <br /><strong>Current Role: </strong>Product Manager, Cyber Platforms & Systems, Defensive Cyber Operations, United States Army  </p> <p>For myself, the MBA was more than career progression and networking. The aspect of my job in the Army Acquisition Corps requires me to fundamentally understand the aspects of business management to make decisions not only on behalf of my organization, but for the Army and the Department of Defense. My experience at ŃÇÖŢAV greatly assisted me in many facets of my profession, which includes leadership, ethics, economics, marketing, information systems and operations management, project management, and many more! I can't thank the incredible organization, my outstanding cohort, and more importantly, the incredible instructors that helped guide me throughout my journey! </p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/john-goetchius.jpg?itok=r6w6XJRl" width="220" height="220" alt="John Goetchius" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>John Goetchius</figcaption></figure><h4>John Goetchius, MBA ’21  </h4> <p><strong>Military Branch: </strong>United States Army, Retired  <br /><strong>Current Role: </strong>Company Manager  </p> <p>The Mason MBA program imparted new, useful technical and analytical skills—and the confidence to solve current, real-world business and management problems. I benefited from contact with an engaged, dedicated, highly competent faculty and a smart, diverse group of fellow students. Inside a well-planned curriculum, I found the program challenging—and deeply rewarding. </p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/connor-mallon.jpg?itok=S4BlqeXx" width="220" height="220" alt="Connor Mallon" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Connor Mallon</figcaption></figure><h4>Connor Mallon, MBA ’23  </h4> <p><strong>Military Branch: </strong>United States Army  <br /><strong>Current Role: </strong>Strategy Consultant, NOVACES  </p> <p>An MBA and the skillset that accompanied the degree helped me stand out in a saturated and competitive market. The program gave me the edge I needed to hit the ground running in a new career and the confidence to navigate complex challenges and demanding stakeholders.  </p> <h4> </h4> <p> </p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/ramon-walker.jpg?itok=6U_OT5lt" width="220" height="220" alt="Ramon Walker" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Ramon Walker</figcaption></figure><h4>Ramon Walker, Jr., MBA ’23  </h4> <p><strong>Military Branch:</strong> United States Air Force   <br /><strong>Current Role: </strong>Intelligence Research Specialist, United States Custom and Border Protection  </p> <p>The Mason MBA program gave me an opportunity to network and I gained experience and skills that could be applied to reaching the upper echelons of my career field. </p> <h4> </h4> <p> </p> <hr /><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/styles/media_library/public/2023-11/douglas-chapman.jpg?itok=8GxE4inw" width="220" height="220" alt="Doug Chapman" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>Douglas Chapman</figcaption></figure><h4> Douglas Chapman, MBA ’22  </h4> <p><strong>Military Branch: </strong>United States Army  <br /><strong>Current Role: </strong>Vice President of Operations, CoreSys Consulting Services, LLC  </p> <p>The MBA program at Mason enabled me to improve my business skills and expanded my aperture as related to strategic thinking.    </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <hr /><p><em>Did you know ŃÇÖŢAV is a Yellow Ribbon Participant? Mason provides additional funds to eligible service members to pay education costs without charging your GI Bill® entitlement. <a href="" title="Office of Military Services | ŃÇÖŢAV">Visit Mason's Office of Military Services</a> to learn more about education benefits for veterans. </em></p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/12501" hreflang="en">Costello College of Business News</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/8536" hreflang="en">Costello College of Business Alumni</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/7911" hreflang="en">MBA Program</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/4961" hreflang="en">Veterans Day</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/4971" hreflang="en">Veterans</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/536" hreflang="en">Alumni</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="b9a2dbf1-fe09-4818-aff9-520a3a9096cd"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Learn more about Mason's MBA program <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:call_to_action" data-inline-block-uuid="ab4fc8db-1687-4edd-b7d7-6e28712deac0"> <div class="cta"> <a class="cta__link" href=""> <h4 class="cta__title">Learn more about VA Benefits at Mason <i class="fas fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> </h4> <span class="cta__icon"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> Thu, 09 Nov 2023 20:01:54 +0000 Marianne Klinker 109691 at A Special Veterans Day Message /news/2021-11/special-veterans-day-message <span>A Special Veterans Day Message</span> <span><span>Anonymous (not verified)</span></span> <span>Mon, 11/01/2021 - 14:32</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><figure role="group" class="align-left"><div> <div class="field field--name-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/2021-11/4CE53415-1970-43CA-8F26-D31C564C2B08.jpg" width="400" height="300" loading="lazy" /></div> </div> <figcaption>LR: Emily Fasick (Program Assistant), Dr. Niyati Dhokai (Program Director)</figcaption></figure><p><span><span><span><span><span>Happy Veterans Day! As we honor and celebrate the service of our Veterans and their families, we also look back at the past year and the amazing community we have sustained virtually through the Hylton Center's<strong> </strong></span></span><span><a href=""><strong><span><span>Veterans and the Arts Initiative</span></span></strong></a></span><span><span>. Through countless music and art workshops, we have played guitar and ukulele, taken smartphone photos and videos, and created mixed media. We have not only reflected on our own community's service through the arts, but also inspired others by sharing our work at the Virginia Women Veterans Summit and through the release of an innovative </span></span><span><span>Tele-Arts Engagement Guide. The implementation guide shares how the Initiative created a virtual Ukulele Workshop Series that is inclusive and accessible to our diverse, intergenerational, military-connected community, and provides a template for others to create similar programming in their communities.</span></span> </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span>As we return to the Hylton Center for hybrid workshops this fall and into 2022, we draw upon our resilience as individuals and especially as a community. As Program Director of the Veterans and the Arts Initiative, I look forward to reflecting on this resilience joyfully through the music of husband-and-wife duo, Michael Trotter and Tanya Trotter of </span></span><a href=""><strong><span><span>The War and Treaty</span></span></strong></a><span><span> on Sunday, November 14. The couple first met in 2010 at the aptly titled Spirit of Love festival in Maryland, where </span></span><span><span><span>their artistic-romantic partnership began. </span></span></span><span><span>Today, the couple continues to bring their very relatable struggles to their music including Trotter’s battle with PTSD as an Army Veteran. </span></span><span><span>Their music speaks truthfully about their journey, including challenges encountered and the hope that they have sustained. </span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span>If you haven't heard about The War and Treaty yet, please </span></span><a href=""><strong><span><span>read more</span></span></strong></a><span><span> about them and grab your tickets now! <strong>Tickets are </strong></span></span><strong><span><span>free for Veterans and Servicemembers with ID <span>(up to 2 tickets each, must be claimed in-person at the Hylton Center Ticket Office)</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span>.</span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span><span><span>I look forward to seeing you at the Hylton Center! </span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>Dr. Niyati Dhokai<br /> Program Director, Veterans and the Arts Initiative, Hylton Performing Arts Center, and Research Associate Professor, College of Visual and Performing Arts</span></span></span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1481" hreflang="en">Hylton Center</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2476" hreflang="en">veterans and the arts</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/4961" hreflang="en">Veterans Day</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 01 Nov 2021 18:32:20 +0000 Anonymous 109936 at Mason alumnus Michael A. Bills reflects on his 42-year career in the U.S. Army /news/2020-11/mason-alumnus-michael-bills-reflects-his-42-year-career-us-army <span>Mason alumnus Michael A. Bills reflects on his 42-year career in the U.S. Army </span> <span><span>John Hollis</span></span> <span>Tue, 11/10/2020 - 05:30</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div class="layout__region region-first"> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:body" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasebody"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Body</div> <div class="field__item"><div alt="George Mason President Gregory Washington sits in studio to record podcast" data-embed-button="media_browser" data-entity-embed-display="media_image" data-entity-embed-display-settings="{"image_style":"","image_link":"","svg_render_as_image":1,"svg_attributes":{"width":"750","height":""}}" data-entity-type="media" data-entity-uuid="f76a60e9-963a-42e2-ba3d-9a4b2cabba00" title="Mason President Gregory Washington" data-langcode="und" class="embedded-entity"> <img src="/sites/g/files/yyqcgq291/files/content-image/chanticleer_400.jpg" alt="George Mason President Gregory Washington sits in studio to record podcast" title="Mason President Gregory Washington" /></div> <p><span><span>Think about what ŃÇÖŢAV students are dealing with right now, Mason President Gregory Washington said.</span></span></p> <p><span><span>There is the ongoing pandemic and the daunting task of searching for a first job.</span></span></p> <p><span><span>“But they also have to start thinking about what they want to do with their lives,” Washington said. “I want to be able to give them some feedback. Here are some of the big issues out there that you can solve, that you can attack with your Mason education.”</span></span></p> <p><span><span>That feedback will come through interviews and discussions Washington will undertake with Mason faculty each month as a guest host on the university’s “Access to Excellence” podcast, available on platforms such as <a href="">Apple</a>, <a href="">Spotify</a> and <a href="">Stitcher</a>.</span></span></p> <p><span><span>Washington’s first podcast, just released, is with <a href="">Schar School</a> Dean <a href="">Mark J. Rozell</a>, who talks about the presidential election, how Donald Trump has molded the Republican party in his own image, how to reform the electoral college, and where things go from here politically in this country.</span></span></p> <p><span><span>“I’m hoping that a) students will listen, and b) they will use the feedback associated with this podcast to help chart their directions in terms of their majors, in terms of the directions they want to go in their own careers,” Washington said. “That’s the real motivator for me. I’m hoping to give them some clarity.”</span></span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="field_block:node:news_release:field_content_topics" class="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenews-releasefield-content-topics"> <h2>Topics</h2> <div class="field field--name-field-content-topics field--type-entity-reference field--label-visually_hidden"> <div class="field__label visually-hidden">Topics</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/4961" hreflang="en">Veterans Day</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/4971" hreflang="en">Veterans</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2076" hreflang="en">Military</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/86" hreflang="en">Military Veterans and Families Initiative (MVFI)</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/116" hreflang="en">Campus News</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tue, 10 Nov 2020 10:30:00 +0000 John Hollis 43581 at Scholarship helps Mason veteran realize his dream to serve America /news/2020-11/scholarship-helps-mason-veteran-realize-his-dream-serve-america <span>Scholarship helps Mason veteran realize his dream to serve America </span> <span><span>John Hollis</span></span> <span>Tue, 11/10/2020 - 05:30</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> </div> </div> Tue, 10 Nov 2020 10:30:00 +0000 John Hollis 43561 at Mason grad student applies lessons learned from the Marine Corps to his studies /news/2019-11/mason-grad-student-applies-lessons-learned-marine-corps-his-studies <span>Mason grad student applies lessons learned from the Marine Corps to his studies </span> <span><span>John Hollis</span></span> <span>Fri, 11/08/2019 - 05:00</span> <div class="layout layout--gmu layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--30-70"> <div> </div> <div class="layout__region region-second"> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:basic" data-inline-block-uuid="2abe6cd7-cbb1-4207-a8bf-450997e73fa7" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blockbasic"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><div class="block-feature-image caption-below"> <div class="feature-image"> <div class="narrow-overlaid-image"><img src="" alt="" /></div> </div> <div class="feature-image-caption"> <div class="field field--name-field-feature-image-caption field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"> <p> Rediet Woldeselassie served 12 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and did two combat tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. (photo provided)</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:basic" data-inline-block-uuid="07705913-0a4a-464a-9ffa-97c0fe344f82" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blockbasic"> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><div> <p>School can be stressful, but ŃÇÖŢAV alumnus Rediet Woldeselassie has the benefit of perspective after 12 years in the U.S. Marine Corps that included three combat tours and a stint in New Orleans in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.</p> </div> <div> <p>Now a second-year master’s student studying <a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">health informatics</a> with a concentration in health data analytics, Woldeselassie, 35, takes the unexpected ups and downs in stride.</p> </div> <div> <p>“I learned not to stress,” he said. “School is stressful, a whole different kind of stress. But I also learned that it isn’t a permanent stress because there’s always ways around it. Learning that helps you to grow.”</p> </div> <div> <p>It’s the kind of maturity you might expect from a seasoned Marine who completed two tours in Iraq and another in Afghanistan before leaving the Marine Corps as a gunnery sergeant in 2014. Known affectionately to his friends as “Red,” Woldeselassie enlisted in the Marine Corps in the months following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He was serving in New Orleans as a logistics and supply administrator in the months following Katrina’s landfall, lending a helping hand to locals rebuilding their lives.</p> </div> <div> <p>“It was pretty satisfying,” said Woldeselassie, who is a recipient this year of the ERPi Patriot Scholarship available to veterans and their dependents. “We got to build schools and help people. We were able to make a real difference.”</p> </div> <div> <p>Following his departure from the military in 2014, Woldeselassie enrolled at Mason on the GI Bill the following year. But the transition to civilian life wasn’t easy. He was much older than his new classmates and had seen more real adversity than anything most of them might ever imagine. And he knew nothing about college life.</p> </div> <div> <p>But Woldeselassie wasn’t about to let any of that deter him.</p> </div> <div> <p>“There was definitely an adjustment period because I didn’t know anything about this lifestyle,” he said. “I knew about the military, but I didn’t know anything about college. So I challenged myself to learn as much as I could do about it. It took a little bit of humbling, but, at the same time, that was important because this was the life I wanted to be successful at right now.”</p> </div> <div> <p>He proved to be as up to that challenge as he was to those he faced while serving in the Marine Corps. As an undergraduate, Woldeselassie worked as a research assistant in Mason’s <a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">College of Education and Human Development</a>, analyzing the impact of education on minority and underrepresented university students. He earned a bachelor of science in <a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">health administration</a> in May 2018 before immediately starting grad school two weeks later.</p> </div> <div> <p>Since 2016, Woldeselassie has been actively involved with the National Academy of Medicine, volunteering as a research case author and lead co-author for the D.C. Public Health Case Challenge. He’s had several of his works published on public health topics such as gentrification, cancer, child brain development and maternal mortality. Woldeselassie said he hopes to become a data scientist or get involved in analytics.</p> </div> <div> <p>In the meantime, he’s serving as the assistant transition coordinator for Mason’s <a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Office of Military Services</a>, said Director Jennifer Connors.</p> </div> <div> <p>“Red’s contributions to student veteran success extends far beyond the campus community,” Connors said. “He is an active voice on the national stage, both in his academic research and advocacy for student veterans. We are lucky to have him!”</p> </div> <div> <p>This wasn’t exactly the path Woldeselassie envisioned while in high school, but he says he’d have it no other way.</p> </div> <div> <p>“There are steps to everything,” he said. “You can’t skip steps. If you skip steps, then you may miss the lesson.” </p> </div> </div> </div> <div data-block-plugin-id="inline_block:basic" data-inline-block-uuid="234e2f15-8527-4008-996e-f89e0c811c8d" class="block block-layout-builder block-inline-blockbasic"> </div> </div> </div> Fri, 08 Nov 2019 10:00:00 +0000 John Hollis 24811 at