Contact Financial Aid

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Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid

1. Tell Us About YourselfÌý

2. Student Contact Information

If you are submitting this on behalf of your student, please put in their information here.Ìý

Please enter your Mason email, if you have one, the email you used on your application or the email you've been using to contact us.

3. How may we help you?Ìý

Did you know you can view your requirements online?
  1. VisitÌý
  2. Login with your Mason Net ID(username) and password
  3. Select the Financial Aid TabÌý
  4. Click on Financial Aid Dashboard.Ìý
  5. On the Home page, select the appropriate Award Year to check the status of your financial aid requirements.Ìý

Please note, not all students will have additional requirements to meet. If you have none, no further action is needed in terms of submitting documents.

However, it is a good practice to review this occasionally as new document requests may be added to your record throughout the year.

Student Accounts and Billing
Your question regarding your billing would likely be better served by our Office of Student Accounts. To submit your question to their office, please visit .

Financial Aid Verification
With the exception of in-person citizenship verification, all verification documents must be uploaded to your Patriot Forms account. Please visitÌýfor more information, including how to create your Patriot Forms account.Ìý




Notice About Sending Personal or Sensitive Data

No personal or highly sensitive data should be sent to the Office of Student Financial Aid via email. Any highly sensitive data or regulated personal data sent to us via email will not be acted on and will be deleted. Sending highly sensitive data via email is not supported by this department.

Personal or highly sensitive data can be submitted using the Mason Student Services Check-In form. Learn how to upload these documents on the MSSC website: .Ìý

Other Ways to Get in Touch:


Phone: (703) 993-2000
Fax: (703) 993-2350

Office Location and Hours

The OSFA is located in Student Union Building 1 on the first floor (suite 1100).

Mailing Address

Office of Student Financial Aid
4400 University Drive
MS 3B5
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

FSA Student Loan Ombudsman Group Contact Information

Phone: 877-557-2575
Fax: 606-396-4821
Mail: FSA Ombudsman Group
P.O. Box 1843
Monticello, KY 42633
