Faculty/Staff Announcements
Have something to share? and submit an announcement from your unit through the .
Deadline is close of business Wednesday for inclusion in the following Tuesday's edition.
Campus Updates
Welcome2Mason Funding Requests Now Accepted
The Welcome2Mason committee isÌýnowÌýaccepting funding requests for events heldÌýbetween August 22Ìýand September 27. Hosting an event during Welcome2Mason is a great opportunity to showcase your department and meet new students.
If your department is hosting an event during Welcome2Mason or would like to submit a funding request, .
Funding requests must be submitted by Wednesday, July 21, at 5 p.m. Units will be notified the week ofÌýAugustÌý2, and JVs will be processed inÌýthe beginning of October.
More information on requirements and guidelines is available on the .
Mason Shuttles and Independence Day
A reminder that there is no Mason Shuttle service on Monday, July 5, in observance of Independence Day. Contact shuttle@gmu.edu or 703-993-2828 with questions.
Training and Professional Development
University Records Management Workshops
Online workshops are available for staff and faculty to complete Records Coordinator training as well as verse themselves on the new Infolinx Database for records warehouse processing.
University Records Management (URM) is a compliance unit governing public records at Mason. Improper handling can affect audits, accreditation, litigation, and more.
Registration is required to attend. Workshops are conducted via Zoom. Dates, times, and workshop descriptions are available on the .
Questions or requests for personalized workshops may be directed to recmgt@gmu.edu.
Join the Staff Senate
Becoming a Staff Senator is a great way to get involved with the university community and have an impact on your workplace. The senate provides many opportunities to learn about how the university works and collaborate with administrators and staff members outside your unit.
The senate accepts nominations each June, and elections are held in July. Terms begin in August and last for two years.
2021 Staff Senate Election Important Dates:
Nomination Period: June 14–25
Election Period: July 12–23
Questions about the responsibilities of being a senator? ContactÌýLauren Reuscher, Staff Senate chair, at lclarkg@gmu.edu.
For questions about the nomination/election process, contact Amanda Corrigan, Staff Senate administrative assistant, atÌýacorrig2@gmu.edu.
Deadline to Apply for the Emerging Leaders Supervisor Series is Extended
The deadline to apply for the fourth cohort of theÌýÌýhas been extended! The application deadline isÌýJuly 2 at 5 p.m.
The series begins in September 2021 and runs until December 2022. In addition to the in-class curriculum, participants will:
- Work with assigned workplace coaches to set goals related to their growth as a leader
- Complete a developmental project
- Work with peers across the university to build a network of fellow supervisors
ApplyÌýon the .
Applicants must be Mason faculty or classified staffÌýand must supervise at least one employee who is faculty or classified staff.
For questions, contactÌýMargaret Vu atÌýmvu20@gmu.edu.
Resources for You
Updated Administrative/Professional Faculty Handbook
TheÌýAdministrative/Professional (A/P) Faculty HandbookÌýhas been updated. These revisions streamline the language and create more clarity.
. For questions, contact the Employee Relations Team atÌýemprel@gmu.edu.