The new MIX space is open in the brand-new state-of-the-art Horizon Hall. MIX stands for “Mason Innovation Exchange” and is a place for creators, makers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. Located at the heart of the Fairfax Campus, the MIX serves as a hub for Mason students, faculty, and staff to come together, collaborate, and create.

What is the MIX?
The MIX has three areas—the Media Lab, the Makerspace, and the Incubator. The Makerspace is a collaborative and innovative location for anyone in the Mason community. It offers open access to tools and technology, including 3D printing, virtual reality (VR) headsets, sewing machines, electronics and microcontroller kits, and much more. It’s a place where Mason students, staff, faculty, and alumni can come together to develop ideas, research problems, craft solutions, and start companies.
The first floor has large group tables with tools and equipment to support prototyping and making. Whether you are looking to use the laser cutter to cut a chassis for a robot, 3D print a case for an electronic sensor, or upcycle material in a sustainable fashion project, the Makerspace can support you and provide resources and training.

The Media Lab next door is the home to VR, video, and audio recording setups.
On the upper floor is the Innovation and Incubator Space, with desks dedicated to selected entrepreneurial projects. The MIX provides entrepreneurial training, mentoring, and workshops to help members of the Mason community take their ideas to the next level.
Want to get involved, but don’t know how to use any of the technology? No problem! The MIX holds on how to handle any of the available tech, or just ask a staff member. They are very eager and willing to help Patriots create.
The MIX is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For updates on projects Patriots are working on, or any new technology that comes in, follow The MIX on social media, check out their semester newsletter, or visit their website.
Tim Nielsen, MIX Makerspace and Events Manager
Gisele Stolz, Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs