Cheryl Druehl

AV Costello College of Business Faculty Cheryl Druehl
Titles and Organizations

Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research
Additional Roles: Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management

Contact Information

Email: cdruehl@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-9760
Office Location: 243B
Office Hours:

Personal Websites


Cheryl Druehl is the senior associate dean for faculty affairs and research and a professor within the information systems and operations management area in the Costello College of Business at AV. Druehl’s previous appointments include the R.H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park and Stonehill College. She has a PhD in Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Druehl’s research interests are in the areas of product development, supply chain management and sustainable operations. Her recent work studies innovation contests and environmentally-focused product and process development efforts. Other work models the encroachment of a disruptive innovation on an existing product, diffusion of technology from an operations perspective, and outsourcing process and product innovation in the supply chain. She has published research inProductions and Operations Management Journal,Journal of Operations Management,Decision Sciences, Journal of Product Innovation Management, andEuropean Journal of Operational Research.

Druehl serves on the editorial review board ofProductions and Operations Management JournalandJournal of Operations Management. She co-edited the special issue ofDecisionScienceson Innovation Within and Across Borders. She is a member of theINFORMS and the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). She previously served on the board of the POMS College of Product Innovation and Technology Management as the Treasurer and the Vice President - Honors and Awardsand served for five years on the board of INFORMS Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Section (TIMES).

Druehl worked extensively before obtaining her doctorate. As a management consultant at Price Waterhouse LLP, she focused on the design and implementation of warehouse management systems. Prior to that, she worked at MediaServ, a startup computer consulting firm. There, she programmed end-user applications and implemented computer networks and technologies. Druehl began her career as a manufacturing engineer at the Watkins Johnson Company.

Druehl teaches operations management, supply chain management, and management of technology and innovation processes at the MBA, EMBA, and undergraduate levels. She has also taught Executive Education classes on supply chain, service operations, and management of technology both in the U.S. and internationally.

Research Interests

  • Innovation Contests
  • Management of Technology and Innovation
  • New Product Development
  • Supply Chain Coordination, Contracts and Competition
  • Sustainability


  • PhD - Business Administration, Stanford University
  • MBA, University of Pittsburgh
  • B.S. - Electrical Engineering, UCLA

Research and Awards

  • Published an article titled, “Problem-Solving Effort and Success in Innovation Contests: The Role of National Wealth and National Culture” (coauthored with Anant Mishra and Jesse Bockstedt) inthe Journal of Operations Managementin 2015.
  • Published an article titled, “Introduction to Innovation within and Across Borders: A Review and Future Directions” (coauthored with Janice Carrillo and Juliana Hsuan) inDecision Sciencesin 2015.
  • Published an article titled, “Heterogeneous Submission Behavior and its Implications for Success in Innovation Contests with Public Submissions” (coauthored with Anant Mishra and Jesse Bockstedt) in Production & Operations Management in 2015.
  • Published an article titled, “Overcoming Barriers to Adoption of Environmentally-Friendly Innovations through Design and Strategy: Learning from the Failure of an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Firm” (coauthored with Michael Naor, Ednilson Bernardes, Yoram Shiftan) in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management in 2015.
  • Published an article titled, “Global Supply Chain Management” (coauthored with Goker Aydin and Kyle Cattani) inBusiness Horizonsin 2014.
  • Published an article titled, “Design for the Environment: Life Cycle Approach Using a Newsvendor Model” (with G. Raz and V. Blass) inProduction & Operations Management in 2013.
  • Published an article titled, “Strategic Product/Service Innovations of an Online Firm” (coauthored with E. Porteus) inDecision Sciences in 2010.
  • Published an article titled, “Managing Product Rollovers” (coauthored with E. Koca and G. Souza) inDecision Sciencesin May 2010.
  • Published an article titled, “The Optimal Pace of Product Updates” (coauthored with G. Schmidt and G. Souza) in European Journal of Operational Research in 2009.
  • Published an article titled, “When is a Disruptive Innovation Disruptive?” (coauthored with G. Schmidt) in Journal of Product Innovation Management in 2008.
  • Published an article titled, “A Strategy for Opening a New Market and Encroaching on the Lower End of the Existing Market” (coauthored with G. Schmidt), in Production and Operations Management in 2008.
  • Published an article titled, “Changes in Product Attributes and Costs as Drivers of New Product Diffusion and Substitution” (coauthored with G. Schmidt) in Production and Operations Management in 2005.
  • Awarded Dean’s Scholar Award in 2017 for outstanding contributions in research, teaching, and service.
  • Received a Service Award from George Mason School of Business in 2016.
  • Received a Service Award from George Mason School of Business in 2015.
  • Presented the paper titled, “Teaching in Circles: Making the Most of the Active Learning Classroom” at the Center for Teaching Excellence Faculty Showcase in Fairfax, Virginia in 2014 with fellow colleaguesPaige Wolf, Management, and Anne Magro, Accounting.
  • Received a Service Award from George Mason’s School of Business MBA Program in 2014.

Media Clippings

  • February 1, 2025 - FreightWaves
  • January 28, 2025 - Institute for Supply Management
  • November 16, 2021 — CNBC
  • July 27, 2021- The Business Journals
  • February 24, 2021 - SupplyChainBrain