
Jim Olds

Photo of Jim Olds
Titles and Organizations

University Professor of Neuroscience, Policy and Government

Contact Information

Mason Square, Van Metre Hall, Room 629
3351 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22201
MSN: 3B1


Jim Olds is University Professor of neuroscience and public policy at 亚洲AV. His research is at the intersection of AI and macrosystems biology and is supported by the USAF.

He served from 2014-18 as head of the Biological Sciences Directorate at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), responsible for an annual budget of $750M. Olds鈥 former directorate funds the majority of nonbiomedical research at America鈥檚 research institutions. While there, he was also NSF lead for President Obama鈥檚 White House BRAIN project, deputy lead for NSF on Vice President Biden鈥檚 Cancer Moonshot and co-chaired the White House Life Sciences Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council.

Prior to his time at NSF, Olds was the director of 亚洲AV鈥檚 Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study,聽 chair of the Molecular Neuroscience Department and the Shelley Krasnow University Professor of Molecular Neuroscience.

Olds received his PhD in neuroscience from the University of Michigan and his BA in chemistry from Amherst College.

Curriculum Vitae

View Jim Olds' CV


Schar School
629 Founders Hall
3351 Fairfax Dr. MS 3B1 亚洲AV Arlington VA. 22201
Email: jolds@gmu.edu

3810 N. Upland St.
Arlington VA. 22207 USA
Voice: +1 703 835-1658
Email: olds.james@gmail.com


Ph.D. in Neurosciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1987, Dissertation Advisor: Bernard W. Agranoff

B.A. in Chemistry, Amherst College, Amherst MA. 1978


University Professor of Neuroscience and Science Policy, Schar School, 亚洲AV, 2018-Present

Joint appointments at the Schar School for Public Policy and Government, the Krasnow Institute and the Neuroscience Program. Research focused on AI, science policy, innovation, and the effects of environmental nitrogen on microbial diversity.

Courtesy faculty appointment: Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2000- present

Assistant Director for Biological Sciences, National Science Foundation 2014-2017

This was a line-manager leadership position at NSF. Served as head of the Directorate for Biological Sciences. The FY 2017 annual budget was approximately $750 million and supported approximately 68% of all research into the non-biomedical life sciences at universities and colleges throughout the United States. This position reports directly to the Director of the National Science Foundation and to Congress. While in this position I led the NSF component of the White House BRAIN project, was co-lead on Vice President Biden鈥檚 Cancer Moonshot for the Foundation and co-chaired the White House National Science and Technology Subcommittee on Life Sciences. Also served ex-officio on the Board of Regents for the National Library of Medicine and the Board of the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research.

Director and Chief Academic Unit Officer, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, 亚洲AV 1998-2014

This was a decanal position at George Mason. Its intellectual founders included the likes of Murray Gell-Mann, Herbert Simon and Patricia Goldman-Rakic. Institutionally Krasnow is the offspring of the well-known Santa Fe Institute. Additional tenured appointment as University Professor of Molecular Neuroscience.

Chair, Molecular Neuroscience Department, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, 亚洲AV 2007-2014

The Department of Molecular Neuroscience is one of the two academic departments housed within the Krasnow Institute and has seven tenure-line faculty members. In role as Institute Director, also serve concurrently as the founding departmental chair. Responsibilities include faculty evaluations and raises, representing the faculty to the central administration and concurrently serving as the central administration鈥檚 representative to the faculty.

Editor-in-Chief, The Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 2005-2016

One of the oldest peer-reviewed scientific journals in the field of biology, published from 1897 until 2016 by the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. Now published by University of Chicago Press. Indexed by Pub-Med and on-line at J-Stor and HighWire Press.

Executive Director, American Association of Anatomists, 1995-1998

Chief Executive Officer and public spokesperson for the American Association of Anatomists. This professional scientific society, with a budget of approximately $1million/year was founded in 1888 and had a membership of approximately 2,500 biomedical researchers during my tenure. Among its membership have been seven Nobel Laureates and over 80 members of the National Academy of Sciences. The Association is one of the 12 constituent societies that make up FASEB, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. This position involved not only leading a moderately-sized nonprofit organization, but also the organization and management of a multimillion dollar large-scale scientific meeting (Experimental Biology or EB), drafting of congressional testimony and interactions with the White House.

Senior Staff Fellow, Laboratory of Adaptive Systems, NINDS, National Institutes of Health, 1991-1995

Research was directed toward understanding the mechanisms that permit neurons and neuronal assemblies to store and recall memories. To this end computerized imaging techniques were developed that, with ever increasing spatial and temporal resolution, revealed images of neuronal ensembles as they interact to store and recall memories. The critical role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the molecular chain of events that lead to associative learning was exploited by using radioactive phorbol ester as a probe for membrane-associated PKC in animals that had undergone various behavioral paradigms designed to assess learning. Subsequently, fluorescent probes directed against PKC and phospholipase A 2 (PLA) were employed to study the analogous molecular events in brain slice and dissociated hippocampal pyramidal cells. The importance of second messenger transients in these subcellular events was visualized in real-time in sea urchin eggs using confocal microscopy. These experiments demonstrated a dynamically changing distribution of protein kinase C after fertilization that coincides with known calcium transients. An integral part of this research effort was the management and direction a research program within the Laboratory of Adaptive Systems geared towards developing an understanding of eukariotic second messenger signaling, with emphasis on learning and memory in neural systems. This program supported two postdoctoral fellows and eight graduate students over seven years.

Staff Fellow, Neural Systems Section, Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, NINDS, National Institutes of Health, 1987-1991

Research directed towards elucidating the role of protein kinase C in mammalian learning and memory. Developed quantitative autoradiographic methods which were deployed in the learning context. These methods revealed for the first time, learning- specific changes in the distribution of a second messenger system within the mam- malian hippocampus.


National Science Foundation (NSF 鈥 EAGER: ISN: / 1838306)聽聽聽聽2018 - 2020
Title: Organ Trafficking: Network Analysis and Optimal Interventions for Disruption Amount: $ $291,510
Role: Senior personnel

US Air Force Office of the Secretary, $248,000, (FA9550-18-1-0301) Title: AI and Augmented Cognition in the year 2030; 2018-2019 Role: PI



2018 Public Policy: Managing Crises in US Government

2018 Public Policy, The Making of Obama鈥檚 BRAIN project

2018 Public Policy, How the US Achieved Global Dominance in S&T following WW2

2018 Public Policy, Organizing for Excellence in Science Administration Under Obama and Trump

2012, 2013, 2014 Cellular, Neurophysiological and Pharmacological Neuroscience Undergraduate Core Course

2010 Function of the Hippocampus, Cross-listed Graduate Undergraduate聽

2009 Neuroscience Survival Skills, Graduate

2007 Introduction to Neuroscience undergraduate (one lecture; Fall semester)

2007, Neuroscience Methods, Graduate

2006, Neuroscience Seminar in Signal Transduction, Graduate

2003, Exploring Consciousness, honors undergraduate

2001, Molecular Biology of Learning and Memory, Graduate

1998, Principles of Brain Design, Graduate

1997, Neurophilosophy, Graduate, as an adjunct at 亚洲AV

1992, Review of Neuroscience for Neurosurgeons, MBL Woods Hole

1990, Society for Neuroscience, Short Course, Imaging, Mexico City


Giorgio Ascoli, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study (currently Full Professor at 亚洲AV)
Bryan Devan, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study and NIMH (currently, Towson State University)


Donna L. McPhie, Georgetown University and NIH (currently Harvard University)
Jeffery L. Krichmar, 亚洲AV (currently University of California, Irvine)
Bruce Rasmussen, 亚洲AV
John L. Baker, 亚洲AV (Chair)
John Pierce, 亚洲AV
David Cooper, 亚洲AV (Chair) (deceased)
Michael Cloud, 亚洲AV (Chair)
Kerry Brown, 亚洲AV
Michele Ferante, 亚洲AV
Brian Corgiat, 亚洲AV
Salar Khan, 亚洲AV


Leslie Keith, Amherst College
John Connor, Swarthmore College
Lisa Cameron, Amherst College (currently Harvard University)


2016 White House Cancer Moon Shot Deputies Task Force, deputy lead for NSF.聽

2015-2017 National Library of Medicine Board of Regents

2014-2017 White House NSTC Life Sciences Subcommittee, Co-Chair

2014-2017 National Academy of Sciences Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous Systems Disorders, Lead for National Science Foundation

2014-2017 Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research Board of Trustees

2013 Chair, Search Committee, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, 亚洲AV

2013-2014 NSF SBE Directorate Advisory Committee 2012 NSF STC Full Proposal Panel Review

2012 Co-organizer Krasnow-Santa Fe Institute Short Course: Complexity Science and the Global Economic Crisis

2012-2014, Cosmos Club Library Committee

2012-2014, External Advisory Board, Computer Sciences, Sandia National Laboratory

2012-2013, Advisory Board, Flow Genome Project

2011-2012 Chair, 亚洲AV Foundation Intellectual Property Committee 2011 NSF STC Pre-Proposal Panel Review

2010 NSF IGERT Pre-Proposal Panel ENG/BIO-2

2010 Elected to the Philosophical Society of Washington

2009-2011 Board of Trustees, 亚洲AV Foundation 2009 NSF Science and Technology Center Pre-Proposal Panel Review

2008-2009 Lead George Mason Contact on Tripp Umbach Consulting Study to consider the feasibility of a George Mason medical school.

2008-2012 Marketing Committee, 亚洲AV

2008-2014 Chair, Cognitive Sciences External Advisory Board, Sandia National Laboratory

2007 NSF Interdisciplinary Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT) Review Panel

2007-2014 Chair, 亚洲AV Professors Nominations Committee

2006 Advisory Board, School of Public Policy Office of International Medical Policy, 亚洲AV

2006-2014 Science Advisory Board, The Center for Neurotechnology Studies 2006-2010 Science Advisory Board, The Great Apes Trust of Iowa

2006-2007 Treasurer, Americans for Medical Progress

2004-2006 Advisory Board, Biosciences Management Program, 亚洲AV School of Management

2004-2007 Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Americans for Medical Progress

2003-2004 Commonwealth of Virginia, Advisory Committee on Hard Sciences, Joint Commission on Technology and Science

2003 Cosmos Club, Washington D.C.

2002-2005 Society for Neuroscience, Public Information Committee

2002-Present (ex-officio) Presidents Council, 亚洲AV

2001-2002 Commonwealth of Virginia, Advisory Committee on Emerging Technologies Joint Commission on Technology and Science

2001-2004 Arlington County Commission on Aging

2000-present Reader, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.

2000-2001 Commonwealth of Virginia Advisory Committee One Joint Commission on Technology and Science

2000-2002 Chair, 亚洲AV Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

2000 Program Committee, American Association of Anatomists EB2001 9

1999 Ad Hoc Reviewer for NIH Study Section MDCN-4

1999 亚洲AV Animal Subjects Review Board

1998-2004 Commonwealth of Virginia Alzheimer鈥檚 and Related Disorders Commission gubernatorial appointment under Governor Gilmore, reappointed 02 under Governor Warner

1998-1999 NSF KDI-LIS Grant Review Panel

1998 Neurobiology Theme Representative, American Association of Anatomists 1998 Public Affairs Committee, American Association of Anatomists

1997 Representative of the American Association of Anatomists to the FASEB Ethics in Science Subcommittee

1995 NINDS award for employees receiving patents

1994 - 1996 President, Potomac Chapter, Society for Neuroscience

1995 - 1996 Chair, Steering Committee NIH Integrated Neuroscience Special Interest Group

1994 - 1995 Advisory Committee, NIH Research Festival

1993 NIH Award of Merit 鈥滷or demonstration that protein kinase C undergoes changes in the mammalian hippocampus during memory formation.鈥

1992 Special Editorial Board The Biological Bulletin

1991-2002 Member, Computer Advisory Committee For Networks and Computing at the MBL

1991 Founded the Usenet news group: bionet.neurosciences

1991 Elected Member of the Corporation, Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA


Charge Coupled Device based Quantitative Imaging Devices US Patent 5,301,671 (4- 12-94).

Method and Apparatus for Producing an Image of a Substance Using a Radioactively Tagged Material (5-28-96) US patent 5,520,182.


1. Alkon, D.L., Acosta-Urquidi, J., Olds, J., and Neary, J.T. Protein Kinase Injection Reduces Voltage- Dependent Potassium Currents, Science, 219:303- 305 (1983).

2. Gorenstein, C., Bundman, M.C., Lew, P.J., Olds, J.L. and Ribak, C.E. Dendritic Transport I: Colchicine Stimulates The Transport of Lysosomal Enzymes from Cell Bodies to Dendrite. J. Neurosci., 5:2009-2017 (1985).

3. Olds, J.L., Frey, K.A., Ehrenkaufer, R.L. and Agranoff, B.W. A Sequential Double-Label Autoradiographic Method That Quantifies Altered Rates of Regional Glucose Metabolism. Brain Res., 361:217-224 (1985).

4. Olds, J.L., Anderson, M.L., McPhie, D.L., Staten, L.D. and Alkon, D.L. Imaging of Memory-Specific Changes in the Distribution of Protein Kinase C in the Hippocampus. Science. 245:866-869 (1989).

5. Alkon, D.L., Olds, J.L., and Nelson, T. The Physical Reality of Memory. Proceedings of the Takeda Symposium (1989) pp. 229-240.

6. Alkon, D.L., Ikeno, H., Dworkin, J., McPhie, D.L., Olds, J.L., Lederhendler, I., Matzel, L. Shreurs, B., Kuzerian, A. and Collin, C. Contraction of Neuronal Branching Volume: An Anatomic Correlate of Pavlovian Conditioning. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1990) 87:1611-1614.

7. Olds, J.L., Golski, S., McPhie,D.L., Olton, D., Mishkin, M. and Alkon, D.L. Discrimination Learning Alters the Distribution of Protein Kinase C in the Hippocampus of Rats. J. Neurosci. (1990) 10:3707-3713.

8. Olds, J.L. and Alkon, D.L. A Role for Protein Kinase C in Associative Learning. The New Biologist (1991) 3:27-35.

9. Scharenberg, A., Olds, J.L., Shreurs, B., Craig, A.M. and Alkon, D.L. Protein Kinase C Redistribution Within CA3 Stratum Oriens During Acquisition of Nictitating Membrane Conditioning in the Rabbit. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. (1991) 88:6637-6641.

10. Olds, J.L. and Alkon, D.L. (1990) Imaging Memory鈥揗olecular Approaches to tracking the engram. Bio. Chem. HS. 371: 905.

11. Olton, D.S., Golski, S., Gorman, L.K., Olds, J.L., Alkon, D.L. and Mishkin, M. Behaviorally-Induced Changes in the Neural Activity of the Hippocampus. (1991), 16:193-220. Brain Research Reviews.

12. Lo Turco, J.J., Olds, J.L., Bank, B., and Alkon, D.L. (1992) Biophysical and Biochemical Records of Associative Memory in Rabbit CA1 Pyramidal Neurons and Hermissenda B Cells, Chapter 11, pp 231-251 in Correlates of Classical Conditioning, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Pubs, Hillsdale N.J. Gormezano and Wasserman Eds.

13. Olds, J.L. and Sanchez-Andres, J.V. The Hippocampus Reconsidered: Gated Informational Transfer Allows Formation of Cognitive Maps. (1992) Proceedings International Neural Networks Society 鈥92. Vol III:385-389.

14. McPhie, D.L., Matzel, L., Olds, J.L. and Alkon D.L. (1993) Learning-specific changes in the distribution of Protein Kinase C within the Type B Photoreceptor of Hermissenda crassicornis. J. Neurochem. 60:646-651.

15. Sanchez-Andres, J.V., Olds, J.L. and Alkon, D.L. (1993) Gated Informational Transfer within the Mammalian Hippocampus: A New Hypothesis Behavioral Brain Research. 54: 111-116.

16. Mangi, H., Etcheberrigarray, R. and Olds, J. L. Lithium Decreases Membrane- Associated Protein Kinase C in Hipppocampus: Selectivity for the Alpha Isozyme (1993) J. Neurochem. 61:2303-2310.

17. Connor, J.H., Olds, J.L., Lester, D.S., McPhie, D.L., Senft, S.L., Johnston, J.A. and Alkon, D.L. Heterogenous Distribution of Fluorescent Phorbol Ester Signal in Living Sea Urchin Embryos. (1992) Biological Bulletin. 183: 365-366.

18. Olds, J.L. and Alkon, D.L. (1993) Protein Kinase C: A Nexus in the Biochemical Events that Underlie Associative Learning. Acta Neurobiologia Experimentalis. 53: 197-207.

19. Craig, A.M., Olds, J.L., Schreurs, B.G., Scharenberg, A.M. and Alkon, D.L. (1993) Quantitative Distribution of Protein Kinase C a , b, g, and e mRNAs in the Hippocampus of Control and Nictitating Membrane Conditioned Rabbits. Molecular Brain Research. 19:269-276.

20. Olds, J.L. (1994) Invited Book Review: The Computational Brain, Churchland,
P.S. and Sejnowski, T J. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992; Contemp. Psychol. 39: 127-130.

21. Olds, J.L. and Alkon, D.L. (1994) The Role of PKC in Associative Learning. Chapter. Proceedings of Protein Kinase C in the CNS: Focus on Neuronal Plasticity. Milan, Italy. Ed:Canonico, P. Masson, Milan. pp 57-67.

22. Olds, J.L., Bhalla, U.S., McPhie, D.L., Bower, J. and Alkon, D.L. (1994) Lateralization of Membrane-Associated PKC Distribution in Rat Olfactory Cortex: Specific to Learning in the Olfactory Modality. Behavioral Brain Res. 61: 37-46.

23. Lester, D.S., Olds, J.L., Youstra., S. and Schreurs, B. (1994) Incorporation of Fluorescent Lipid Substrates into Living Brain Slices. Neuroprotocols. 5:5-12.

24. Olds, J.L., Frey, K.A. and Agranoff, B.W. (1994) Sequential Double-Label Deoxyglucose Autoradiography for Determining Cerebral Metabolic Change: Origins of Variability within a Single Brain. Neuroprotocols. 5:12-24.

25. Lester, D.S., Olds, J.L., Scheurs, B.G., McPhie, D L., Bramham, C. R. and Alkon,
D.L. (1994) Incorporation of Fluorescent Lipids into Rabbit Hippocam- pal and Cerebellar slices. Neuroimaging. 1: 264-275.

26. Lester, D.S. and Olds, J.L. (1994) Invited Editorial Neuroprotocols. 5: 1. 13

27. Golski, S., Olds, J.L., Mishkin, M., Olton, D. and Alkon, D.L. (1995) Protein Kinase C in the Hippocampus is Altered by Spatial but not by Cued Discrim- inations: A Component Task Analysis. Brain Research. 676: 53-62.

28. Kim, C.S., Han, Y., Etcheberrigaray, R., Nelson, T.J., Olds, J.L. and Alkon, D.L. Alzheimer and beta-amyloid-treated fibroblasts demonstrate a decrease in a memory-associated GTP-binding protein, Cp20. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 92: 3060-3064.

29. Olds, J.L. (1995) Zip-coding the Dendritic Spine: A Biolgically Plausible Solution to biological addressing within mammalian nerve cells. Proceedings International Neural Networks Society 鈥95.

30. Olds, J. L., Favit, A., Nelson, T.J., Ascoli, G., Gerstein, A., Cameron, M., Cameron, L., Lester, D.S., Rakow, T. and Alkon, D.L. (1995) Imaging Protein Kinase C Activation in Living Sea Urchin Eggs After Fertilization. Dev. Biol. 172: 675-682.

31. Olds, J.L. Molecular Probes for Protein Kinase C and Related Molecules as Tools for Imaging Memory. J. Physiol. Biochem (rev. esp. fisiol.) 53:51, 1997.

32. Nelson, T.J., Cavallaro, S., Yi, C., McPhie, D., Schreurs, B.G., Gusev, P.A., Favit, A., Zohar, O., Kim, J., Beuhausen, S., Ascoli, G., Olds, J.L., Neve, R. and Alkon, D.L. (1996) Calexcitin: A Signaling Protein that Binds Calcium and GTP, Inhibits Potassium Channels, and Enhances Membrane Excitability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93: 13808-13813.

33. Ascoli, A., Luu, K.X., J L. Olds, Nelson, T.J., Gusev, P.A., Bertucci, C., Bramanti, E., Raffaelli, A., Salvadori, P. and Alkon, D.L. (1997) Secondary structure and Ca2+-induced conformational change of calexcitin, a learning- associated protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272:24771-24779.

34. Krichmar, J.L., Ascoli, G.A., Hunter L., and Olds, J.L..(1997), A Model of Cerebellar Saccadic Motor Learning using Qualitative Reasoning Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, G. Goos, J. Hartmants, J. van Leeuwen eds. Springer-Verlag NY. 1240: 133-145.

35. De Barry, J., Kawahara, S., Takamura, K., Janoshazi, A., Kirino, Y., Olds, J.L., Lester, D.S., Alkon, D.L. and Yoshioka, T. (1997) Time-resolved imaging of protein kinase C activation during sea urchin egg fertilization. Exp Cell Res 234(1):115-124.

36. Hunter, L., Krichmar, J.L. and Olds, J.L. (1997), 鈥漄ualitative Reasoning as a Modeling Tool for Computational Neuroscience,鈥 Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning. Publication 1036, Instituto di Analisi Numerica C.N.R, Pavia, Italy. pp. 265-276.

37. Krichmar, J.L., Ascoli, G.A., Hunter, L. and Olds, J.L. (1998), Qualitative Reasoning as a Modeling Tool for Computational Neuroscience. In: Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 1998, J.M. Bower Ed. Plenum Press NY.

38. Freeman, J.H., Scharenberg, A.M., Olds, J.L. and Schreurs, B.G., (1998) Classical Conditioning Increases Membrane-Bound Protein Kinase C in Rabbit Cerebellum, Neuroreport, Aug 3;9(11):2669-73.

39. Lester, D.S. and Olds, J.L. (2001)Biomedical imaging: 2001 and beyond. Anat Rec. Apr15;265(2):35-6.

40. Olds, J.L. (2001) Inalienable Thoughts, Complexity 6(5):23-27.

41. Devan, B. D., Petri, H. L., Mishkin, M., Stouffer, E. M., Bowker, J. M., Yin, P. B., Buffalari, D. M., & Olds, J. L. (2002). A room with a view and a polarizing cue: Individual differences in the stimulus control of place navigation and passive latent learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Jul 78(1):79-99.

42. Devan, B.D., Stouffer, E.M., Petri H.L., Mcdonald, R.J. and Olds J.L. (2003) Partial Reinforcement Across Trials Impairs Escape Performance but Spares Place Learning in the Water Maze. Behavioral Brain Research 141:91-104.

43. Olds, J.L. (2005) The Biological Bulletin-A Message from the Editor 208:1-2

44. Baker J.L. and Olds J.L. (2007) Theta Phase Precession Emerges from a Hybrid Computational Model of a CA3 Pyramidal Cell. J. Cognitive Neurodynamics 1: 237-248

45. Olds, J.L. (2008) Science rebooted: what the trend toward on-line collaboration might mean for a journal like The Biological Bulletin. Biol. Bull. 215:1-2

46. Cooper, D.L., Gentle, J.E. and Olds, J.L. (2008) Statistical Outliers in Neuron Population and Myelinated Fiber Development in Human Neocortex. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics ICNN 2007 pp. 203-206

47. Cooper D.L., Gentle, J.E., Barreto, E, and Olds, J.L. (2010) Evidence for cortical layer- and Brodmann Area-dependent postnatal neurodevelopmental interaction in human neocortical neuron populations, J. Cognitive Neurodynamics 4(2): 151- 63

48. Smith J. and Olds J. L. (2011) Models and Mechanisms of Regenerative Biology Across Phylogeny: Introduction to a Virtual Symposium in The Biological Bulletin. Biol. Bull. 221: 3-5

49. Olds, J.L. (2013) On the Occasion of an Important Anniversary, The Biological Bulletin 224:119

50. Olds, J.L. (2016) The Rise of Team Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscience Reviews DOI:10.1038/nrd.2016.116

51. Olds, J.L. (2016) The Way Forward, The Biological Bulletin 231:173


1. Olds, J.L. (1997) Affection for the MBL. Science. Nov 14; 278(5341): 1209.

2. Olds, J.L., (1998) Reorganization of NIH鈥檚 neuroscience study sections: part of a larger integration plan. Anat Rec. Apr; 253(2): 36.

3. Olds, J.L., (1998) R29 to RO1 transition at NIH. Anat Rec. Feb; 253(1): 5

4. Olds, J.L (1998) Capitol Hill update. Anat Rec. 1998 Feb; 253(1): 3-4

5. Olds, J.L. (1998) Administering a National Landmark for Medicine: A Conversation With Dr. Adrianne Noe, Director of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Washington D.C. Anat. Rec. October; 253(5):135-139.

6. Besharse, J.C., Carlson, B.M., Jenkins, D.P., Lester, D.S., Olds, J.L., Satir P. (1999) Redefining rats, mice, and birds. Science. Apr 2;284(5411):49-50.

7. Olds, J.L. (1999) Why Anatomical Scientists Need to Practice Science Advocacy. Anat. Rec. 257:183-184.

8. Olds, J.L. (1999) A True Champion of Basic Biomedical Research: A Conversation with Rep. John E. Porter, United States House of Representatives. Anat. Rec. 257: 191-194.

9. Olds, J.L. (2000) Leaving the First Amendment to the Courts: A Pro-evolution Strategy for Scientists. Anat. Rec. 261: 163-164.

10. Olds, J, L. (2000) Capitol Hill Update Fall 2000. Anat. Rec. 261: 168-169. 16

11. Olds, J.L. (2001) Are There Really Too Many Biomedical Trainees Anat. Rec. 265:157-158

12. Olds, J.L. (2004) The Intellectual Property Conundrum for Biosciences. Anat. Rec. 277B:5-9

13. Olds, J.L. (2005) Election 2004: The Implications for Biomedical Research. Anat. Rec.

14. Olds, J.L. (2008) Science Rebooted: What the trend towards online collaboration might mean for a journal like The Biological Bulletin, The Biological Bulletin 215, 1-2

15. Olds, J.L. (2009) A Plea for Basic Science, The Biological Bulletin 217:1

16. Giordano, J., Forsythe C.J. and Olds, J.L. (2010) Neuroscience, Neurotechnology and National Security: The Need for Preparedness and an Ethics of Responsible Action, AJOB-Neuroscience.1: 35-36

17. Giordano, J and Olds J.L. (2010) The Interfluence of Neuroscience, Neuroethics, and Legal and Social Issues: The Need for (N)ELSI. AJOB- Neuroscience9(4):1:3.

18. Olds, J.L. (2011) For An International Decade of the Mind, Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 18(2) April-June

19. Olds, J.L. et al (2013) Book Chapter:Human Cognition and Communication and the Emergence of a Cognitive Society (Springer, New York). Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society. Roco et al. Eds.

20. Olds J.L. (2015) Neurotechnology, Book Chapter: Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence鈥 (eds WS Bainbridge and MC Roco), Springer, 2015

21. Krichmar J.L., Severa W., Kahn M.S. and Olds J.L. (2018) Making Bread: Biomimetic strategies for Artificial Intelligence Now and in the Future. ArXiv Preprint.


House Commerce Science and Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; February 26, 2015 National Science Investments in Understanding the Brain.

House Committee on Science and Technology; September 18, 2015 The National Ecological Observatory Network.


1994 Guest Editor (with D. S. Lester): Neuroprotocols Volume 5. Imaging Biological Changes in Living Cells, Academic Press

1998-2006 Editorial Advisory Board, The New Anatomist, Wiley-Liss

2006-2010 Editorial Board, Journal of Cognitive Neurodynamics, Springer Publishing 2004-2016 Editor-in-Chief, Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory


June 2018, Deep Time Data Driven Discovery and the Evolution of Earth, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington D.C.

March 2018, VABIO, University of Virginia, Charlottesville June 2017, Team Science Symposium, Tampa Florida

February 2017, Department of Neuroscience, Ohio State University December 2016, Department of Data Sciences, University of Michigan October 2016 Science, Technology and Society Conference, Kyoto Japan

September 2016 Kavli/Rockefeller University International Brain Conference New York City (in association with the UN General Assembly meeting)

September 2015 Brain Trust V, Geneva Switzerland September 2015 LTER All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park CO

May 2015, Medical College of Georgia Commencement Address August 2014 Scifoo Camp, Google, Mountain View CA

July 2014 Prince Edward Island BioAlliance, PEI Canada, Plenary February 2014 Arlington County, Cafe Scientifique, NSF

December 2013 Foundation Bankinter, Madrid Spain

August 2013 President鈥檚 Council on Bioethics, Executive Office of the President June 2013 AAAS Neuroscience and Public Policy Group

February 2013 Sandia Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing, Plenary October 2012 NSF NBIC2 Workshop, Beijing, China

October 2012 NSF NBIC2 Workshop, Seoul, South Korea September 2012 NSF NBIC2 Workshop, Leuven Belgium

August 2012 Renaissance Weekend, Aspen Colorado

May 2012 TEDx talk 亚洲AV; TMI: When Cognitive Over- load Kills

December 2011 Polish Presidency, European Union, Collaboration in Science between the US and Europe, Washington D.C.

September 2011 University of Helsinki, Department of Neuroscience December 2010 Plenary, The Neurobiology of Political Violence, NIH October 2010 Decade of the Mind VI Plenary, Singapore
September 2010 Mount Holyoke College, Biology Department

March 2010 Washington Philosophical Society Lecture, Washington D.C. September 2009 Decade of the Mind V Keynote, Berlin Germany January 2009 Decade of the Mind IV, Tamaya Resort, New Mexico

October 2008 Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC October 2008 Grand Rounds, Dept. of Neuroscience, Fairfax Hospital

August 2008 Scifoo Camp, Google, Mountain View CA

May 2008 Decade of the Mind III, Great Ape Trust, Des Moines Iowa April 2008 Krasnow Monday Seminar Series, Fairfax VA
October 2007 Smithsonian Associates, 2 Invited Lectures

July 2007 Quantum Brain, Salzburg Austria (invited session chair and plenary speaker) May 2007 Sandia Labs Cognition Forum with St. Petersburg State University, Russia

November 2006 Moderator: Thorium Nuclear Power Forum, National Press Club June 2006 Sandia Labs Neuroscience Short Course, Santa Fe NM

June 2006 Preparing Future Faculty Institute, Howard University August 2004 Workshop on Neuroscience and Architecture, Woods Hole

December 2003 Workshop on Neuroscience and Architecture, Washington D.C. Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture


亚洲AV 1999: Management and Leadership for Nonprofits

The Brookings Institution 2001: Inside Washington 2001, Understanding the new Administration, The new Congress and the FY2002 Budget.

Gordon Conference on Science Policy 2002: Connecticut College

NAFTA at 10 Conference 2002, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Areas of Research

  • Artificial Intelligence/Edge Computing
  • Macrosystems Biology
  • Metagenomics of Continental-Scale Ecosystems
  • Crisis Management in Science Agency Administration