Associate Professor, Nursing
Doctoral Program Director, Nursing
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Dr. Oh is a tenured associate professor and the doctoral program director in the School of Nursing. She specializes in teaching nursing research methods and statistics courses. Dr. Oh was Inducted into the American Association of College of Nursing (AACN) Diversity Leadership Institute as a Fellow in 2022. She teaches primarily in the PhD program in the School of Nursing where she mentors students conducting doctoral dissertations. She has a strong research background and extensive experience in quantitative and mixed-methods research.
Her research has advanced from understanding health disparities and associated factors among vulnerable populations, such as Asian immigrants with limited English proficiency, to developing culturally sensitive strategies for enhanced access to health information and education programs. Her overarching research goal is to improve health outcomes by elevating health literacy and addressing linguistic and cultural needs.
Based on her previous research with the immigrant population, Dr. Oh advanced her program of research toward developing culturally sensitive health programs for Asian American immigrants, promoting health literacy, and enhancing health outcomes, particularly in cancer screening and smoking cessation. In collaborative interdisciplinary research, she co-designed a graphic, native-language text messaging intervention for smoking cessation in Chinese/Korean male immigrants, addressing low health literacy. Dr. Oh's ongoing research focuses on developing linguistically and culturally specific interventions, integrating advanced technology to provide targeted support for older immigrant families dealing with challenges with Alzheimer's and related dementia.
Research Interests
- Racial and ethnic disparities in cancer screening practices
- Health information seeking behaviors
- Disease prevention
- Gerontology
Select Publications
Oh, K. M.,Byung, B., Alqahtani+, & Peppard, L. (In Press). Exploring levels and correlates of depression literacy among Older Korean Immigrants.Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology.
Shin, C.,Oh, K., Lee, M., & An, K. (In Press). Promoting Physical Activity through a Technology-enhanced Intervention.Clinical Nursing Research.
Al Mahrouqi+, A. S., Mallinson, R. K.,Oh, K.M., & Weinstein, A. A. (In Press). Patient‐centred care, diabetes self‐management and glycaemic control among Omani patients with type‐2 diabetes.International Journal of Nursing Practice.
Alqahtani+, N.,Oh, K.M.,Kitsantas, P., Rodan, M. Innab, A. et al. (In Press). Organizational Factors Associated with Nurses’ Evidence-based Practice Knowledge, Attitudes, and Implementation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Al Mahrouqi+, A. S., Mallinson, R. K.,Oh, K.M., & Weinstein, A. A. (In Press). Patients’ and Nurses’ Perceptions of Diabetes Self-Management in Oman: A Qualitative Study.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Mohammadifirouzeh+, M.,Oh, K. M., & Tanner+, S. (2022). HIV stigma reduction interventions among health care providers and students in different countries: A systematic review.Current HIV Research. 20(1), 20-31.
Oh, K. M., Park, B., & Jacobsen, K. (2021). A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening among Korean Americans.Journal of Cancer Education, 36,261-271.
Oh, K. M., Alqahtani+, N., Chang, S., & Cox, C. (2021). Knowledge, beliefs, and practice regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among American college students: Application of the health belief model.Journal of American College Health, 1–10.
Brewer+, K.Oh, K. M., Kisantas, Y. & Zhao, X. (2020).Workplace bullying among nursesand organizational response: An online cross-sectional study.Journal of NursingManagement,28(1), 148-156.
Alqahtani+, N.,Oh, K. M., Panagiota, K., & Rodan, M. (2019).Nurses’ Evidence-basedPractice Knowledge, Attitudes, and Implementation: A Cross-sectional Study.Journal ofClinical Nursing,29(1-2), 274-283.
Book chapter
Oh, K. M., An, K., Lee, M., Kreps, G. L. (2022) Cultural Factors Influencing Health Literacy, Health Care Access, and Health Behaviors Among Korean-Americans. In D. Kim & G. Kreps (Eds.), Global Health Communication for Immigrants and Refugees: Cases, Theories, and Strategies. Routledge.
Cai, X., Zhao, X.Oh, K. M. & Peterson, E. B. (2022) Health Campaigns and Message Design for Immigrant Populations. Global Health Communication for Immigrants and Refugees: Cases, Theories, and Strategies. Routledge.
Peterson, E.B., Zhao, X., Cai, X., & Oh, K.M. (2018). Developing a Graphic Text Messaging Intervention for Smoking Cessation Targeting First-Generation Chinese Immigrant Men: Insights from Focus Group Interviews, inTimothy M. Hale,Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou,Shelia R. Cotten,Aneka Khilnani(ed.)eHealth: Current Evidence, Promises, Perils and Future Directions (Studies in Media and Communications, Volume (15)Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.241 – 264.
Ko, C. F., Oh, K. M. & Ogawa, T. (2007) Ageing population in East Asia: Impacts on social protection and social policy reforms in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The Crisis of Welfare in East Asia, Rowan & Littlefield.
Warnes, A. M. Lowles, R. & Oh, K.M. (2002) Older People in Yorkshire and the Humber. Sheffield, Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing (SISA) at the University of Sheffield, UK. Conference Proceeding Paper
- Fellow, American Association of College of Nursing (AACN) Diversity Leadership Institute Fellow, 2022
- PhD, Gerontology, Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing, University of Sheffield, UK
- MSN, Gerontological Nursing, University of Sydney, Australia
- BA, Nursing, University of Newcastle, Australia