Associate Professor, Marketing
Contact Information
Email: lmeamber@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-1847
Office Location: 9900 Main Street 209 and Enterprise Hall 175
Office Hours: By appointment
Laurie A. Meamber is an associate professor of marketing in the Costello College of Business at ÑÇÖÞAV. She served as the Marketing Area Chair from 2013-2020. Prior to joining ÑÇÖÞAV in 1998, Dr. Meamber was a visiting scholar at Odense University (now Southern Denmark University, Odense) and visiting faculty member at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Meamber’s research focuses primarily on art and aesthetics, including how the arts and aesthetic-related marketing activities (e.g., product design, advertising, fashion) operate as a means of cultural production for consumers, artists, and cultural intermediaries. Her secondary interests encompass topics related to the interrelated sociological, technological and cultural aspects of daily life that transform marketing and consumption practices; and qualitative/interpretive research. Dr. Meamber also contributes to knowledge on teaching and learning.
Her work has appeared in Journal of Business Research, Marketing Theory, and Consumption, Markets & Culture, among other publications. She is on the editorial advisory board of Consumption, Markets & Culture, and is Editor-in-Chief of Arts and the Market.
Meamber has taught a variety of marketing courses, including New Product Development (undergraduate), Consumer Behavior (undergraduate and MBA), Marketing Research (undergraduate), Advertising and Promotion/IMC (undergraduate), Principles of Marketing (undergraduate), Marketing Management (EMBA, MBA, Master in Management, Graduate Certificate in Business Fundamentals).
Research Interests
- Marketing aesthetics
- The marketing and consumption of the arts
- The sociological, technological, and cultural aspects of daily life that are driving marketing and consumption practices
- Qualitative/interpretative consumer research
- Teaching and learning in marketing
- PhD, Management, University of California, Irvine
- MBA, University of California, Riverside
- BA, Sociology/Organization Studies, University of California, Davis
Research and Awards
Selected Publications in Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals:Â
- Tretola, B., Coupey, E., & Meamber, L. A. (2019). Multidisciplinary Impact-- The Arts Join Informal STEM Programs. Arts & the Market, 9(1), 81-94.
- Sussan, F., Hall, R., & Meamber, L. (2012). Introspecting the Spiritual Nature of a Brand Divorce. Journal of Business Research, 65(4), 520-526.
- Houston, H. R., & Meamber, L. A. (2011). Consuming the world: reflexivity, aesthetics, and authenticity at Disney World's EPCOT Center. Consumption, Markets, & Culture, 14 (2), 177-191.
- Meamber, L. A. (2011). Disney and the Presentation of Colonial America. Consumption, Markets, & Culture, 14 (2), 125-144.
- Venkatesh, A., & Meamber, L. A. (2008). The Aesthetics of Consumption and the Consumer as an Aesthetic Subject. Consumption, Markets, & Culture, 11 (1), 45-70.
- Venkatesh, A., & Meamber, L. A. (2006). Arts and Aesthetics: Marketing and Cultural Production. Marketing Theory, 6 (1), 11-40.
- Manolis, C., Meamber, L. A., Winsor, R. D., & Brooks, C. M. (2001). Partial Employees and Consumers: A Postmodern, Meta-Theoretical Perspective for Services Marketing. Marketing Theory, 1 (2), 225-244.
Selected Book Chapters:
- Meamber, L. A., and Joy, A. (2022). Wearing the Writing on the Wall: Streetwear and Street Art. In Annamma Joy (Ed.), The Future of Luxury Brands: Artification and Sustainability (pp. 137-154). De Gruyter.
- Meamber, L. A., Joy, A., & Venkatesh, A. (2016). Fashion in Consumer Culture. In Margit Keller, Bente Halkier, Terhi-Anna Wilska (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Consumption (pp. 431-441). Routledge.
- Meamber, L. A. (2013). Postmodernism and Arts Marketing. In Daragh O'Reilly, Ruth Rentschler, Theresa A. Kirchner (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Arts Marketing (pp. 3-11). Routledge.
- Meamber, L. A. (2012). Cultural Production and Image Consumption in the Aesthetic Age. The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization (pp. 96- 115). Routledge.
- Meamber, L. A. (2006). On the Multimedia Performance Studio's Live Movies: A Sensorial Experience in An Age of Simulation. In Kirby Malone and Gail Scott White (Eds.), Live Movies: A Field Guide to New Media For the Performing Arts (pp. 87-96, 113-121). Fairfax, Virginia: Multimedia Performance Studio, Department of Art and Visual Technology, College of Visual and Performing Arts, ÑÇÖÞAV.
- Meamber, L. A., & Venkatesh, A. (2000). Ethnoconsumerist Methodology for Cultural and Cross-Cultural Research. In S.C. Beckmann and R.H. Elliott (Eds.), Interpretive Consumer Research: Paradigms, Methodologies & Applications (pp. 87-108). Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen University Press.
- Meamber, L. A. (1999). Art as Life - Life as Art: The Embeddedness of Art in Life and Life in Art in Postmodernity. In R.A. Goodman (Ed.), Modern Organizations and Emerging Conundrums: Exploring the Postindustrial Subculture of the Third Millennium (pp. 184-199). New York, NY: Lexington Books.
- Venkatesh, A., Meamber, L. A., & Firat, A. F. (1997). Cyberspace as the Next Marketing Frontier (?) - Questions and Issues. In S. Brown (Ed.), Consumer Research: Postcards From the Edge (pp. 300-321). New York, NY: Routledge.
Selected Learning and Teaching Conference Proceedings:
- Meamber, L. (2021). Engaging Experiential Exercises. ÑÇÖÞAV – Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Meamber, L. (2020). Teaching/Learning New Product Development From Active Learning to Online. ÑÇÖÞAV – Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Tretola, B., Hoppner, J. and Meamber, L (2019). Authentic "Learning by Doing" Projects in Business in Market Research Course. ÑÇÖÞAV – Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Meamber, L.A. (2019). Student Learning and Reflection: Journey Map. ÑÇÖÞAV – Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Meamber, L. A. (2018). Extending the Marshmallow Challenge: Team Building Exercise Based on Design Thinking. ÑÇÖÞAV - Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Meamber, L. A. (2013). Student Centered Learning Using Feature Films. ÑÇÖÞAV - Innovations in Teaching and learning Conference, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Meamber, L. A., & Sussan, F. (2011). Student Centered Learning about Consumer Behavior Using Feature Films. American Marketing Association (Proceedings), 22, 84-92.
- Meamber, L. A., & Sussan, F. (2010). Integrating Macromarketing Content in an Undergraduate Consumer Behavior Course Using Feature Films. Macromarketing Conference, 35, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Macromarketing Society, Inc., 723-731.
Selected Teaching Awards:
- Outstanding Contributions to Teaching, School of Business, ÑÇÖÞAV (2022).
- Outstanding Professor in Major/Concentration, School of Business, ÑÇÖÞAV (2014, 2021).
Selected Other Awards:
- Outstanding Service Award, School of Business (School of Management), ÑÇÖÞAV (2011, 2012, 2014, 2022).
Media Clippings
- November 12, 2024 - WalletHub
- September 25, 2024 - MoneyGeek
- September 23, 2024 - MoneyGeek
- May 31, 2024 - MoneyGeek
- May 29, 2024 - MoneyGeek
- May 27, 2024 - WalletHub
- January 18, 2024 - WalletHub
- October 12, 2023 - WalletHub
- September 2023 - WalletHub
- July 18, 2023 - WalletHub
- March 2, 2023 - WalletHub
- November 15, 2022 - WalletHub
- August 8, 2022 - WalletHub
- June 1, 2022 - WalletHub
Geico Insurance Review 2022 - February 15, 2022 - MoneyGeek
- November 8, 2021—WalletHub
- November 1, 2021—MoneyGeek
- September 8, 2021—MoneyGeek
- April 5, 2021—MoneyGeek
- August 12, 2021—WalletHub
- August 6, 2021—WalletHub
- March 29, 2021 - WalletHub
- January 21, 2021 - MoneyGeek
Cheap Liability-Only Car Insurance: Which Companies Have the Cheapest Liability Car Insurance in 2021 - November 20, 2020 - WalletHub
- October 8, 2020 - WalletHub
- May 12, 2020 - WalletHub
- November 13, 2019 - WalletHub
- October 24, 2018 - WalletHub