
Naoru Koizumi

Photo of Naoru Koizumi
Titles and Organizations

Associate Dean of Research and Grants, Omer L. and Nancy Hirst Endowed Chair听

Contact Information

Phone: 703-993-8380
Fax: 703-993-8215
Mason Square, Van Metre Hall, Room 520
3351 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22201
MSN: 3B1


Naoru Koizumi is Omer L. and Nancy Hirst Endowed Chair and Associate Dean of Research & Grants听in the Schar School of Policy and Government at 亚洲AV. She specializes in medical policies, particularly in the fields of organ transplantation and the end-stage kidney and liver diseases.

Her research focuses on the applications of various quantitative methods such as biostatistics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), simulation and mathematical optimization to analyze various clinical and policy questions related to organ transplantation and other chronic disease treatments. Her projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) include simulations and optimizations of organ allocation (NIH-R21) and bed allocation in a mental health system (NIH-R21 & R01), simulation of slum expansion in India (NSF), mathematical/simulation analyses of living donor 鈥 recipient matching with desensitization (NSF), and network analysis of illicit kidney trade networks (NSF). Her grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation investigated effectiveness of ICT-based interventions designed to enhance medication adherence among tuberculosis patients in India.

Before joining the Schar School, Koizumi was a postdoctoral researcher at the Electrical and Systems Engineering Department of the University of Pennsylvania where she worked on various health sector projects in collaboration with the School of Medicine. Outside academia, she worked for several international development agencies (IDB and EBRD) and in private consulting, participating primarily in social and environmental sector projects in Latin America and East Europe.

Koizumi completed her first doctoral program in regional science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. The extension of her doctoral research was funded by NIH. Her second PhD (2005) is in environmental and preventive medicine from Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan.

Curriculum Vitae

View Naoru Koizumi's CV

Van Metre Hall #520 (亚洲AV Arlington Campus)
3351 N. Fairfax Dr. MS#3B1 Arlington, VA 22201
Email: nkoizumi@gmu.edu
Phone: 703-993-8380
Fax: 703-993-8215


Academic Appointments

George Mason University
Arlington, VA
Schar School of Policy and Government

Regular Positions

2020 - Present

Associate Dean for Research & Grants
2021 - Present

Director for Research
2015 - 2021

Associate Professor (tenured)
2011 - 2020

Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
2005 - 2011

Visiting Assistant Professor
2004 - 2005

Research Center Directorships

Director, The Center of Biomedical Science and Policy
2022 - Present

Faculty Affiliations

The Institute for Digital InnovAtion (IDIA)
2020 - Present

The Institute of a Sustainable Earth
2019 - Present

The Institute for Biohealth Innovation (IBI)
2018 - Present

The Center of Social Complexity
2017 - Present

George Washington University
Washington, DC

School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Surgery

Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery (Clinical Affiliate)
2013 - 2023

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry

Clinical Research Associate of Psychiatry
2010 - 2014

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, School of Engineering
Post-doctoral Researcher (Joint appointments, Supported by NIH)
2004 鈥 2005

The Leonard Davis Institutes (LDI), Wharton School of Business/School of Medicine

Economic Analyst

London School of Economics (LSE)
London, U.K.

Research Assistant
Summer 1996

Other Pre-Doctoral Professional Appointments

Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Inc.
Washington, DC

Consulting Group, Regulation and Privatization Practice

2001 - 2002

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
London, U.K.

Project Evaluation Department

Evaluation Analyst
1998 - 1999

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Washington, DC

Social Operations Division / Region II

Social Development Consultant, Summer Intern (Summer 1996)
1996 - 1997


Hyogo College of Medicine
Hyogo, Japan

Ph.D. in Environmental and Preventive Medicine
March 2005听
(Concentrations: Biostatistics, Environmental pollution and kidney/liver diseases)

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

Ph.D. in Regional Science
December 2002
(Concentrations: GIS, Spatial statistics, Health care system modeling)

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

M.A. in Regional Science
May 1994

Aoyama-Gakuin University
Tokyo, Japan

B.A. in Business Administration (Minor: Economics)
March 1992

Warwick University
Coventry, U.K.

Department of Economics (Exchange Program)
1989 - 1990


Applications of the quantitative techniques in health care and medical research:

  • Bio-Statistics for End-stage Kidney and Liver Diseases and the Therapies

  • Transplantation Policies and Organ Allocation System

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Spatial Statistics in Public Health


Peer-reviewed Publications

Nielsen, J., Li, M-H., Siddique, A.B., Gentili, M., El-Amine, H., Sean C., Correa-Cabrera, G., and Koizumi, N., 鈥沦辞肠颈补濒 Network Analysis of Illicit Organ Trading Networks: The Medicus 颁补蝉别鈥, Trends in Organised Crime (Under Revision)

Li, M-H., Yang, Y., Siddique, A.B., Lee, N., G., Ahmad, M., M. Reaz, Tariq, L., El-Amine, H., and Koizumi, N., 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 the Network Scale-Up Method to Characterize Kidney Trafficking in Kalai Upazila, Bangladesh鈥, BMJ Global Health (Accepted, Oct. 2023)

Oh, K.M., Inoue, M., Koizumi, N., Krista, B., and Lee, J-A., 鈥淐hronic Health Conditions and Patient Portal Use in Caregivers of People with Alzheimer鈥檚 Disease and Related Dementias鈥, Journal of Applied Gerontology, (Accepted, Sep. 2023) (IF: 3.58)

Samuel, S., Elsokary, K., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J., 鈥淟别迟迟别谤 to the Editor: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Liver Transplantation for Alcohol-associated Liver Diseases in the United 厂迟补迟别蝉鈥, Transplantation, (Accepted, Sep. 2023) (IF: 6.2)

Hongalgi, K., Koizumi, N., & Salman, L. (2023). . Kidney News, 15(10/11), 34-34. November 2023.

Listokin, S., Li, MH., Siddique, A.B. and Koizumi, N. Public Pension Fund Investments into Hedge Funds during the Great Recession: A Network Analysis鈥, SN Bus Econ 3, 129, June 2023.

Li, M-H., Kulkarni, R., Koizumi, N., Andalibi, A., on behalf of the N3C Consortium. The Association of the Levels of High-Density Lipoprotein and Apolipoprotein A1 with SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Severity: An Analysis of the N3C Database鈥, Biology, June 2023, 12, 852. (IF: 5.168)

Petrossian, G., Ortiz, J., Ortiz, A.C., Addonizio, K., Hsiao, A., James, R., Koizumi, N., Patel, S. and Plews, R., 2023. 鈥泪苍肠谤别补蝉别诲 CMV Disease and Severe BK Viremia with Belatacept vs. Sirolimus Three- Drug Maintenance Immunosuppression鈥, Transplant Immunology, May 2023, 16:101857 (IF: 2.032)

Kartiko, S., Koizumi, N., Yamane, D., et al. 鈥淭hromboelastography Parameters do not Discriminate for Thrombotic Events in Hospitalized Patients With 颁翱痴滨顿-19鈥 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, May 2023, doi:10.1177/08850666221142265 (IF: 3.51)

Ortiz, A.C., Petrossian, G., Koizumi, N., Yu, Y., Plews, R., Conti, C., Ortiz, J., 鈥淏elatacept-Based Immunosuppression in Practice: A Single-Center Experience鈥, Transplant Immunology, April 2023, pp.101834-101834 (IF: 2.032)

Serpico, S., Manikath, J.R., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. 鈥淯苍颈苍迟别苍迟颈辞苍补濒 Injury Death Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: Trends and Risk 贵补肠迟辞谤蝉鈥, Angiology, April 2023, 11:00033197231169918. (IF: 3.299)

Samuel, S., Choubey, A., Koizumi, N., Ekwenna, O., Baxter P.R., Li, M-H., Malik R., and Ortiz J. 鈥Demographic Inequities Exist and Influence Transplant Outcomes in Liver Transplantation for Acute Alcohol-Associated Hepatitis鈥, HPB, April 8, 2023 (IF: 3.842)

Inoue, M., Li, M-H., Hashemi, M., Yu, Y., Jonnalagadda, J., Kulkarni, R., Kestenbaum, M., Mohess, D., and Koizumi, N. 鈥淥pinion and Sentiment Analysis on Palliative Care in the Era of 颁翱痴滨顿-19鈥, Healthcare, March 2023, doi: 10.3390/healthcare11060855 (IF: 3.160)

Lombardi, C., Lang, J., Li, M-H., Siddique, A.B., Koizumi, N., and Ekwenna, O. 鈥淭丑别 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Kidney Transplant Candidate Waitlist Status across Demographic and Geographic groups: A National Analysis of UNOS STAR Data鈥, Healthcare, February 2023, doi: 10.3390/healthcare11040612 (IF: 3.160)

Ortiz, A.C., Petrossian, G., Addonizio, K., Hsiao, A., Koizumi N., Yu, Y., Plews, R., Conti, D. and Ortiz, J. 鈥淪hort-term decreased post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder risk after kidney transplantation using two novel 谤别驳颈尘别苍蝉鈥, Transplant Immunology, February 2023, 1;76:101774. (IF: 2.032)

Zwemer, C., Day, M., Zebley, J., Qaddumi, W., Li, M-H., Yu, Y., Koizumi, N., and Kartiko, S., The Effects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Other Psychiatric Comorbidities to Outcomes in Trauma Patients鈥, The American Surgeon, February 2023 (IF: 1.002)

Correa-Cabrera, G., G贸mez-Schempp, A.C., Koizumi, N., Kulkarni, R., and Yaworsky, W. 鈥Messengers of justice: social network analysis of public relations support for migrants鈥, Atlantic Journal of Communication, December 2022 (IF: 0.787)

Asghari, M., Nielsen, J., Gentili, M., Koizumi, N., and Elmaghraby A., 鈥Classifying Comments on Social Media Related to Living Kidney Donation: Machine Learning Training and Validation Study. JMIR Med Inform, November 2022;10(11):e37884 (IF: 3.23)

Petrossian G., Ortiz J., Ortiz A., Koizumi N., and Plews R., 鈥, Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology, Nephrology, October 2022 (IF: 2.358)

Choubey, A.P., Bullock, B., Hoste, B., Ortiz A., Khan, S.A., Mishra, A., Pearson, T., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J., 鈥凄颈惫别谤蝉颈迟测 in American Society of Transplant Surgeons Governance: Equitable but 鲍苍别辩耻补濒鈥, Exp Clin Transplant, September 2022, 11:973-979 (IF: 0.945)

Choubey, A.P., Ortiz, C.A., Parsikia, Choubey, A.S., Jetjomlong, T., Martinez, A., Abreu, C., Koizumi, N. and Ortiz, J., 鈥淓thnic and Racial Diversity Among Surgeon and Non-Surgeon Deans of Allopathic Medical Schools鈥, The American Surgeon, September 2022:00031348221117036 (IF: 1.002)

Li, M.H., Siddique, A.B., Wilson, B., Patel, A., El-Amine, H., and Koizumi, N. 鈥溾, BMJ Global Health, September 2022 (IF: 8.056)

Khan, M.S., Nayebpour, M., Li, M.-H., El-Amine, H., Koizumi, N., and Olds, J.L. Explainable AI: A Neurally-InspiredDecisionStackFramework,Biomimetics,September2022,7(3),127. (IF: 3.70)

Froehlich, M., Koizumi, N., James, R., Christian, A. G. W., Choubey, A, Patel, S., Ortiz, J. and Siskind, E., 鈥淭丑别 Use of Vasopressors During Deceased Donor Pancreas Procurement Decreases the Risk of Pancreas Transplant Graft Failure鈥, Pancreas, August 2022, Vol.51(7) p747-751, doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000002103 (IF: 3.327)

Serpico S., Parsikia, R., Goodarzi, A., James, R., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. 鈥Suicide Amongst Transplant Recipients: Trends and Unique Risk Factors鈥, Clin Transplant., April 2022; e14385. (IF: 2.86)

Chiodo, Ortiz C., Choubey, AP, Shrivastava, S., Koizumi, N., Nayebpour, M., Ortiz, J. 鈥Preemptive renal transplant: too early is not always better鈥攁 national cohort study鈥. International Urology and Nephrology, January 2022, 20:1-1 (IF: 2.37)

Weaver, L., Espinales, J., Koizumi, N., Giffen Z., Schneider, D., Ortiz, J. MD 鈥Multiple-Organ Deceased Donation is Associated with Superior Graft and Transplant Recipient Outcomes Compared to Kidney-Only Donation鈥, Exp Clin Transplant, January 2022, 1;20(1):12-8 (IF: 0.945)

Choubey A.P., Rady, E.W., Koizumi, N., Siddique, A.B., Wiederhold, P., Ortiz, J., 鈥淒isparate Formulations for Machine Perfusion, A Survey of Organ Procurement Organizations鈥 Medication Additives and Outcomes 础苍补濒测蝉颈蝉鈥, Exp Clin Transplant, November 2121, 1;19(11):1124-32. DOI: 10.6002/ect.2021.0037 (IF: 0.945)

Li, M.H., Siddique, A.B., Andalibi, A.* and Koizumi, N.* (* contributed equally to the article), 鈥Analysis of Symptomology, Infectiveness, and Reinfections between Male and Female COVID-19 Patients: Evidence from Japanese Registry Data鈥, Atmosphere, November 2021, 12(11), 1528, 19 (IF: 2.68)

=Choubey, A.P., Bullock, B., Choubey, A.S., Pai, K., Ortiz, A.C., Khan, S.A., Mishra, A., James, R., Koizumi, N., Pearson, T. and Ortiz, J., 鈥淭ransplant surgery departmental leaders do not represent workforce demographics especially among women and underrepresented minorities鈥擜 retrospective analysis鈥, The American Journal of Surgery, November 14, 2021 (IF: 2.57)

Correa-Cabrera, G. and Koizumi, N. Explicando las Caravanas Migrantes: 驴Hip贸tesis de Trabajo, Activismo Acad茅mico o Teor铆as ConspirativasFrontera Norte: International Journal of Borders, Territories and Regions, 33, November 2021

Correa-Cabrera G., Baxter P., Kulkarni R., and Koizumi N. 鈥淢essengers of a Drug War in the Cyberspace: The Case of Tamaulipas鈥, Small Wars Journal, August 2021

Sproull, M., Koizumi, N., Petricoin, E., Koblentz, G.D., Kennedy, W.G. 鈥淭丑别 Impact of Radiation Dread on Mass Casualty Medical Management During a Radiological or Nuclear Event鈥, American Journal of Disaster Medicine, August 2021, 26;16(2):147-62. (IF: 1.91)

Loss, L., Kelly, G., Koizumi, N., Siddique, A.B., Shreve, J., Markowiak, J., Nazzal, M., and Ortiz. J., 鈥Rankings from US News and World Report Have Minimal Correlation With Kidney and Liver Transplant Recipient Survival Results From Retrospective Data鈥, Exp Clin Transplant, July 2021 PMID: 34309500 (IF: 0.945)

Brooks, J.T., Pierce A, McCarville, P., Sullivan, N., Rahimi-Saber, A., Payette, C., Popova, M., Koizumi, N., Pourmand, A., Yamane, D., 鈥淰ideo Case Review for Quality Improvement During Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation in the Emergency 顿别辫补谤迟尘别苍迟鈥, International Journal of Clinical Practice, June 2021, p.e14525. (IF: 2.61)

Choubey, A.P., Pai, K., Khan, S., Mishra, A., Bullock, B., Sureddi, S., James, R., Siddique, A.B., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. 鈥Kidney Transplant Surgical Director Training: Urologists Represent a Functional Alternative to General Surgeons Running Head: Urologists in Transplant Surgery Workforce鈥, Clin Transplant., June 2021;e14385 (IF: 2.86)

Andalibi, A.*, Koizumi, N.*, Li, M.H., and Siddique A.B., (* contributed equally to the article) 鈥Symptom and Age Homophilies in SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Networks during the First and Second Waves of the Pandemic in Japan鈥, Biology, June 2021, 10(6), 499 (IF: 5.01)

Choubey, A.P., Reilly, M., Bullock, B., Ireland, M., Brown, M., Ortiz, A., Pai, K., Sureddi, S., Khan, S.A., Mishra, A., Pearson, T., Koizumi, N. and Ortiz, J. 鈥淭丑别 Academic Footprint of Women in Transplant Surgery: Leaky Pipeline Persists鈥, Transplantation, April 2021 (IF: 4.74)

Damodaran, S., Bullock, B., Ekwenna, O., Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., Sindhwani, P., & Ortiz, J., 鈥淩isk Factors for Delayed Graft Function and Their Impact on Graft Outcomes in Live Donor Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, International Urology and Nephrology, 53(3), 439-446, January 2021 (IF: 1.84)

Williams, N.J., K. Korneffel, K., Koizumi, N. and Ortiz, J. 鈥淎frican American Polycystic Kidney Patients Receive Higher Risk Kidneys, but do not face Increased Risk for Graft Failure or Post- Transplant Mortality鈥, American Journal of Surgery, September 2020 (IF: 2.40)

Siddique, A.B., Apte, V., Fry-Revere, S., Jin, Y., and Koizumi, N. 鈥, BMJ Global Health, August 2020, 5:e002596 (IF: 8.056)

Koizumi, N.*, Siddique, A.B. and Andalibi*, A. (* contributed equally to the article) 鈥淎ssessment of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Among Attendees of Live Concert Events in Japan Using Contact Tracing Data鈥, Journal of Travel Medicine, Vol.27(5), June 2020, taaa096, (IF: 7.09)

Das Gupta, D., Patel, A. Saxena, D., Koizumi, N., Trivedi, P., Patel, K. Patel, D. King, A. and Chandler, K. 鈥淐hoice-based Reminder Cues: Findings from an mHealth Study to Improve Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment Adherence among the Urban Poor in India", World Medical & Health Policy, June 2020, Vol. 12(2)

Giffen, Z.C., Siddique, A.V., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. 鈥淪mall Donor Size Does Not Negatively Impact Outcomes After Deceased-Donor Renal 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, Clinical Transplantation, April 2020, e13886 (IF1.67)

Choubey, A. P., Siskind, E. J., Ortiz, A., Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., Wiederhold P., and Ortiz, J., 鈥淒isparities in DCD Organ Procurement Policy from a National OPO Survey: A Call for Standardization鈥, Clinical Transplantation, April, 2020, 16:e13826.鈥 (IF: 1.67)

Pletcher, J., Koizumi, N., Nayebpour, M., Alam, Z. and Ortiz, J., 2020. 鈥淚mproved Outcomes after Live Donor Renal Transplantation for Septuagenarians鈥, Clinical Transplantation, 2020, p.e13808. (IF: 1.67)

Khan, M.S., Koizumi, N., and Olds, J.L., 鈥淏iofixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen in the Context of World Staple Crop Production: Policy Perspectives鈥, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 701, p.134945. (IF: 5.59)

Siddique AB, Krebs M, Alvarez S, Greenspan I, Patel A, Kinsolving J, and Koizumi N., 鈥淢辞产颈濒别 Apps for the Care Management of Chronic Kidney and End-Stage Renal Diseases: Systematic Search in App Stores and Evaluation鈥. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2019, 7(9):e12604. (IF: 4.54)

Karami, F., Gentili, M., Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., and Melancon, J.K. 鈥淥ptimal Integration of Desensitization Protocols into Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) 笔谤辞驳谤补尘蝉鈥, Operations Research for Health Care (ORHC), 2019, Vol. 22(100198) (IF: 2.41)

Wenig, A., Koizumi, N., Nayebpour, M., and Ortiz, J. 鈥淓惫补濒耻补迟颈辞苍 of Kidney Paired Donation: Does It Improve Overall Transplant Center Performance鈥 Exp Clin Transplant, 2019, doi: 10.6002/ect.2018.0266. (IF: 0.945)

Tolkacz, M., Friedman, J.M., Koizumi, N., Tang, L., Ortiz, J. 鈥淯nited Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) Rule Changes and their Effects on Kidney and Liver Transplantation 翱耻迟肠辞尘别蝉鈥, Exp Clin Transplant, 2019, doi: 10.6002/ect.2018.0311. (IF: 0.945)

Ganesan, R., Hung, W.C., Chen, CH, Peng, T.Y., and Koizumi, N. 鈥淎 Hybrid Liver鈥怌andidate Transportation System to Improve Accessibility and Extend Organ Life in Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, InINCOSE International Symposium, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1123-1137

Brooks, J.T., Koizumi, N., Neglia, E., Gdoura, B., Wong, T.W., Kwon, C., Smith, T.E. and Ortiz, J., 鈥淚mproved Re-transplant Outcomes: Early Evidence of the Share35 Impact鈥, HPB, 2018, Vol. 20(7), pp. 649-657 (IF: 3.00)

Nayebpour, M. and Koizumi, N., 鈥淭丑别 Social Stigma of Selling Kidney in Iran as a Barrier to Entry: A Social Determinant of Health鈥, World Medical & Health Policy, 2018, Vol. 10, pp. 55-64

Brooks, J.T., Wong, T., Koizumi, N., Neglia, E., DeLeonibus, A. and Ortiz, J., 鈥淚mprovements in Outcomes for Ethnic Minorities During the Share 35 Era Are Not Due to Decreased Rates of Early Graft Loss鈥, Exp Clin Transplant. 2018, Vol. 16(6):714-720, doi: 10.6002/ect.2017.0047. (IF: 0.945)

Islam, M.S., Chaussalet, T., and Koizumi, N. 鈥淭owards a Threshold Climate for Emergency Lower Respiratory Hospital Admissions鈥, Environmental Research, 2017, Vol. 153, pp. 41-47 (IF: 8.43)

Brooks J., Becker, K., Doura, B., Koizumi, N., Rees, M., and Ortiz J. 鈥淚dentifying Risk Factors for Graft Loss within 90 days of Kidney Transplantation in the Modern Era: A Review of Single Center and UNOS Databases鈥. Trends in Transplantation, 2017, doi: 10.15761/TiT.1000234 (IF: 1.69)

Mayer J.D., and Koizumi N. 鈥淚s There a Culture or Religion of Torture? International Support for Brutal Treatment of Suspected Terrorists鈥, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2017; 40(9):758鈥71 (IF: 1.07)

Callender, C.O., Koizumi, N., Miles, P., Kwan, C., and Melancon, J.K. 鈥淥谤驳补苍 Donation in the U.S.: The Tale of the African American Journey of Moving from the Bottom to the Top鈥, Transplantation Proceedings, 2016, Vol. 48(7), pp. 2392-2395 (IF: 0.99)

Mayer J. D. Cai, X., Patel, A., Kulkarni, R., Stanford, I., and Koizumi, N. 鈥凌别补诲颈苍驳 Tea Leaves: What 1331 Protest Placards Tell Us About the Tea Party 惭辞惫别尘别苍迟鈥, Visual Communication Quarterly, 2016, Vol. 22(4), pp. 237-250 (IF: 0.77)

Koizumi, N., DasGupta, D., Patel, A., Smith, T.E., Mayer, J.D., Callender, C., and Melancon J.K. 鈥淕eographic Variation in Cold Ischemia Time: Kidney vs. Liver Transplantation in the United States, 2003-2011鈥, Transplantation Direct, 2015, Vol. 1(7) e27 (IF: 1.59)

Patel, A., Koizumi, N., and Crooks, A. 鈥淢easuring slum severity in Mumbai and Kolkata: A household-based approach鈥, Habitat International, 2014, Vol. 41, pp. 300-306 (IF: 3.00)

Koizumi, N., Ganesan, R., Gentili, M., Chen, C.H., Waters, N., DasGupta, D., Nicholas, D., Patel, A, Srinivasan, D., and Melancon, J.K. 鈥淩edesigning Organ Allocation Boundaries for Liver Transplantation in the United States. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering, 2014, pp. 15-27

Patel, A., Crooks, A. T., and Koizumi, N. 鈥沦濒耻尘耻濒补迟颈辞苍: an Agent-based Modeling Approach to Slum Formations鈥, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2012, Vol. 15(4) 2 (IF: 0.99)

Hayashi, C., Koizumi, N., Nishino, H., Koizumi, N., and Ikeda, M. 鈥淐补诲尘颈耻尘 and Other Metal Levels in Autopsy Samples from a Cadmium-polluted Area and Non-polluted Control Areas in 闯补辫补苍鈥, Biological Trace Element Research, 2012, Vol. 145(1), pp. 10-22 (IF: 2.36)

Koizumi, N., Rothbard, A. Smith, T.E. and Mayer, J. 鈥淐辞尘尘耻苍颈迟颈别蝉 of Color? Client-to-Client Racial Concordance in the Selection of Mental Health Programs for Caucasians and African Americans鈥, Health Care Management Science, 2011, Vol. 14(4), pp. 314-323 (IF: 1.31)

Koizumi, N., Nicogossian, A., Patel, A., and Kloc, M. "A Preliminary Assessment of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Infections in the U.S.A. Communities Neighboring Military Installations鈥, World Medical & Health Policy, December 2010, Vol. 2(4), pp. 138-147

Thatchenkery, S. and Koizumi N. 鈥淟ab Coats versus Business Suits: A Study of Career Preferences among Indian Adolescents鈥, Career Development International, 2010, Vol. 15(6), pp. 524 鈥 543 (IF: 1.73)

Koizumi, N. 鈥淕eographical Disparity in Access to Organ Transplant in the United States and Other Western Countries: A Prolegomenon to A Solution鈥, World Medical & Health Policy, July 2010, Vol.2(2), pp. 111-131

Koizumi, N. and Ikeda, M. 鈥淟ack of Correlation between Cadmium Level in Local Brown Rice and Renal Failure Mortality among the Residents; A nation-wide Analysis in 闯补辫补苍鈥, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2010, Vol. 83(3), pp. 333-339 (IF: 2.20)

Kloc, M., Nicogossian, A., Koizumi, N., and Patel, A. 鈥淪pace-time spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in 2 states: A preliminary analysis鈥. In2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics 2009 Aug 12 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Koizumi, N., Kuno, E., Rothbard, A. 鈥淒istance Matters in Choice of Mental Health Program: Policy Implications for Reducing Racial Disparities in Public Mental Health 颁补谤别鈥, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 2009, Vol. 36(4), pp. 424-431 (IF: 2.45)

Koizumi, N, Murata, K, Hayashi, C, Nishio, H, and Goji, J. 鈥淗igh Cadmium Accumulation among Humans and Primates: Comparison across Various Mammalian Species - A Study from 闯补辫补苍鈥, Biological Trace Element Research, 2008, Vol. 121(3), pp. 205-214 (IF: 2.36)

Koizumi, N. and McCann, P. 鈥淟颈惫颈苍驳 on a Plot of Land as a Tenure Choice: The Case of 笔补苍补尘补鈥, Journal of Housing Economics, 2006, Vol. 15(4), pp. 349-371 (IF: 1.04)

Koizumi, N., Kuno, E., and Smith, T.E. 鈥淢odeling Patient Flows Using a Queueing Network with Blocking鈥, Health Care Management Science, 2005, Vol. 8(1), pp. 49-60 (IF: 1.31)

Koizumi, N., Iguchi, H and Smith, T.E. 鈥淐omparison and Verification of BSE Surveillance in USA and 闯补辫补苍鈥, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2005, Vol. 10(3), pp. 130-137 (IF: 1.21)

Kuno, E., Koizumi, N., Rothbard, A., and Greenwald, J. 鈥淎 Service System Planning Model for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness鈥, Mental Health Services Research, 2005, Vol. 7(3), pp. 135- 144

Book Chapters

Karami, F., Nayebpour, M, Gentili M., Koizumi, N., Rivard A., 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Geographic Disparity in the US Heart Allocation 厂测蝉迟别尘鈥 in Analytics, Operations, and Strategic Decision Making in the Public Sector Edited by Evans, G.W., Biles, W.E., and Bae, K.H., IGI Global, 2018

Patel, A., Crooks, A., Koizumi, N. 鈥泪苍迟别驳谤补迟颈苍驳 GIS and ABM to Explore Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India鈥 in Geocomputational Analysis and Modeling of Regional Systems. Edited by Thill J.C. and Drajicavic, S., Springer, 2018

Koizumi, N., Gentili, M., Ganesan, R. Chen., C.H., Melancon, K. Waters, N., et al., 鈥淐h. 15. Mathematical Optimization and Simulation Analyses for Optimal Liver Allocation Boundaries鈥 in Healthcare Data Analytics in the Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Edited by Yang Hui and Eva Kylee, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2016

Mayer J.D. and Koizumi, N. 鈥淒oes Terror Cause Torture? A Comparative Study of International Public Opinion about Governmental Use of Coercion鈥, in Examining Torture: Empirical Studies of State Repression. Edited by Tracy Lightcap and James P. Pfiffner. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

Serpico, S., Monique, J., Manikath, J., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. P6.07: Risk Factors for Trauma Death Among Transplant Recipients. Transplantation 106(9S):p S535, September 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/01.tp.0000888356.00951.73

Popova, M, Payette, C., Sullivan, N., McCarville, P., Koizumi, N., Sarkissian, A., and Yamane, D., 鈥淐PR Duration and Temporal Characteristics of the Resuscitation鈥, Critical Care Medicine, 2021

Li, M. H. and Koizumi, N. 鈥淣别迟飞辞谤办 Contagion vs. Spatial Contagion: The Diffusion of EHR Incentive Programs in Physician 狈别迟飞辞谤办蝉鈥, In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021), January 2021, pp. 3645-3653

Correa-Cabrera, G., Koizumi, N., Gomez-Schempp, C., Kulkarni, R. 鈥淏order Support Networks: Migrant Caravans, US Activism and Social Network 础苍补濒测蝉颈蝉鈥, 2020 APSA Annual Meeting: Democracy, Difference, and Destabilization, DOI: 10.33774/apsa-2020-p3h8n

Wilson, B., Koizumi, N, Patel, A., Fraser, C., Siddique, A.B. 306.2: Analyzing network of organ sales and trafficking using web scraping data. Transplantation, 2019 Nov 1;103(11S):S59-60

Siddique AB, Apte V, Fry-Revere S, Jin Y, Koizumi N. 306.5: Do reimbursement programs increase the number of living organ donations? Transplantation. 2019 Nov 1;103(11S):S61.

Kulkarni, R., Schintler, L., Koizumi, N., Olds, J., & Stough, R. R. 鈥淐ryptocurrency, Stablecoins and Blockchain: Exploring digital money solutions for remittances and inclusive economies鈥, In 66th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (13鈥16 Nov, 2019) in Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Rivard, A., Gentili, M., and Koizumi, N. 鈥淚nteractive Maps for UNOS Data Visualization鈥. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. April 2019;38(4):S398.

Mahendran, K., Koizumi, N., and Melancon, J., 2019, January. 鈥淏辞谤迟别锄辞尘颈产 Based Induction Therapy Decreases Delayed Graft Function after High Risk Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 19, pp. 45-45). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.

Ortiz, A., Wiederhold, P., Pranjal, A., Siskind, E., Nayebpour, M., Mitro, G., Koizumi, N. and Ortiz, J., 2019, January. 鈥淰补谤颈补迟颈辞苍蝉 in DCD Procurement Procedures across OPOs and Its Effects on Simultaneous Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Outcomes鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 19, pp. 91-91). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.

Melancon, J., Nayebpour, M., Mahendran, K., Spivak, H., & Koizumi, N., 2018, June. 鈥淎BO Incompatible Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation-Time to Remove the Barrier.鈥 In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 18, pp. 670-670). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY

Rees, M., Michelin, E., Koizumi, N., & Ortiz, J., 2018, June. 鈥淓惫补濒耻补迟颈辞苍 of KPD: Does It Improve Overall Transplant Center 笔别谤蹿辞谤尘补苍肠别?鈥, In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 18, pp. 529-529). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.

Rivard, A., Karami, F., Gentili, M., Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N. 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Geographic Disparities in the US Heart Allocation 厂测蝉迟别尘鈥. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2018; 37(4):S342.

Rivard A, Koizumi N. Human Leukocyte Compatibility and Heart Transplant Survival Using a Validated Matching Algorithm. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2018; 37(4):S183.

Koizumi N, Rivard A. 鈥淭ransplant Outcomes of Adult Donor Hearts with Prior Quality-based Offer Refusals鈥. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2018; 37(4):S197.

Brooks, J., Wiederhold, P., Jiles, K., Ortiz, A.C., Dewey, M., Bailey, M., Koizumi, N., Rady, E. and Ortiz, J., June, 2018. 鈥凄颈蹿蹿别谤别苍肠别蝉 in Preservation Solution Formulas and Its Effects on Early Graft Function鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 18, pp. 903-903). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.

Karami, F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., Koizumi, N. and Melancon, K., 2018, June. 鈥泪苍迟别驳谤补迟颈辞苍 of Blood Type Incompatibility Desensitization Protocols into Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) Programs鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 18, pp. 531-531). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.

Fraser, C. and Koizumi, N. 鈥淗耻尘补苍 Organ Trafficking: A study of change in the Egyptian kidney market 2008-2016. Transplantation. 2017;101:S13.

Koizumi, N., Rivard, A., and Gentili, M. 鈥淩egional Variability in and Factors Related to Offer Rejections of Adult Donor Hearts鈥. Transplantation. 2017;101:S33.

Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., Kwon, C., Zhang, Y. and Ortiz, C., 2016, June. 鈥淎ssessing the Impact of the Share35 Liver Allocation Policy: Survival Outcomes Among Liver Re-Transplant Recipients鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 16, pp. 245-245). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.

Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, C., Kwan, C. and Zhang, Y., 2016. When Kidney Transplants and Procurement Occur at One Location: A National Study of Graft Survivals: abstract# P-81. American Journal of Transplantation, 16, p.60.

Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., Kwon, C., Zhang, Y., Ortiz, C. 2016, 鈥淲丑别苍 Liver Transplants and Procurement Occur at One Location A National Study of Graft Survivals鈥. American Journal of Transplantation, 16 (suppl 3).

Baghmanli, Z., Ortiz, C., Koizumi, N. and Ortiz, J., 2015, May. 鈥淥utcomes in Liver Re-Transplant Recipients With MELD above 40: A Decade Long Experience鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol.15) 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY- BLACKWELL.

Melancon, J., Koizumi, N., Callender, C., DasGupta, D. and Smith, T., 2015, May. 鈥淜颈诲苍别测 and Liver CIT Variations Across OPOs and Their Implications: US Experience Between 2003 and 2011鈥. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Vol. 15). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.

Patel, A., Crooks, A., and Koizumi, N. 鈥沦颈尘耻濒补迟颈苍驳 Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India鈥, In Proceedings for the Sixth Urban Research and Knowledge Symposium, Vol. 2012, pp. 336387-1369969101352

Koizumi, N. and Kuno, E. 鈥淎 Queuing Network Model with Blocking: Analysis of Congested Patient Flows in Mental Health Systems鈥, In Proceedings of the Western Multi-conference of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2002

Other Publications (Editorials, Book Reviews, Working Papers, and Reports)

Lee, N., Siddique, A.B., Li, M.H., Ahmad, M., Haque, R., El-Amine, H., Koizumi, N., 鈥淭丑别 Network Labeling Optimization for Hidden Population Size Estimation: A Case Solution for the Bangladesh kidney Sellers Problem鈥, KDI School of Pub Policy & Management Paper, 2022

Li, Meng-Hao, Siddique, A.B., Wilson, A., El-Amine, H. and Koizumi, N. 鈥. Available听at SSRN. 2021.

Olds, J.L., Khan, M.S., Nayebpour, M. and Koizumi, N., 鈥淓xplainable AI: A Neurally-Inspired Decision Stack Framework鈥. arXiv preprint arXiv 2019, 1908.10300.

Nayebpour, M., and Koizumi, N., Book Review: 鈥淭丑别 Kidney Sellers: A Journey of Discovery in Iran鈥, World Medical & Health Policy 2017, Vol. 9(3): 389-391

Nicogossian, A., Stabile, B., Kloiber, O., Zimmerman, T., Septimus, E., Koizumi, N., et al., Editorial: 鈥淧opulation Health: Assessing Gains and Addressing Challenges Ahead鈥, World Medical & Health Policy, 2016;8(1):4鈥7.

Nicogossian, A., Stabile, B., Kloiber, O., Zimmerman, T., Septimus, E., Koizumi, N., et al. Editorial: 鈥淚ncreasing Emphasis on Humanitarian 础蝉蝉颈蝉迟补苍肠别鈥, World Medical & Health Policy, 2015, 7(4):307鈥 8.

Koizumi, N., Rothbard, A., Patel, A., Noll, L. and Smith, T.E 鈥溾, GMU School of Public Policy Research Paper No. 2010-27. Available at SSRN.

Nicogossian, A., Zimmerman, T., Kloiber, O., Grigoriev, A.I., Koizumi, N., Heineman鈥怭ieper, J., et al. Editorial: 鈥淒isaster medicine: The need for global action鈥, World Medical & Health Policy. 2011;3(1):1鈥4

Koizumi, N. and Mayer, J.D., Book Review: 鈥淩eview of Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine鈥檚 Greatest Lifesaver鈥, World Medical and Health Policy, 2010, Vol. 2(4): 113-116

Nicogossian, A., Kloiber, O., Zimmerman, T., Grigoriev, A.I., Koizumi, N., Mayer, J.D., Hallock, K., Jacobs, W., Doarn, C.R. and Beritashvili, T., Editorial: 鈥淥蹿 Peer Review, Research Ethics and Journal Publications鈥. World Medical & Health Policy, 2010: 2(3): 1-4

Nicogossian, A., Kloiber, O., Zimmerman, T., Grigoriev A.I., Koizumi, N., Mayer, J.D., et al. 鈥淢edicine, Ethics, and Information Technology: The Road Ahead鈥 World Medical & Health Policy, 2010;2(1):1鈥3.

Mayer, J.D., and Koizumi, N., Book Review: 鈥淎 Review of David Watts's Bedside Manners鈥, World Medical and Health Policy, 2009:1(1): 147-150

Koizumi, N., Sockett H., Mayer J. and Wilde J., The Washington DC Chapter in 鈥淩eport on International Basic Survey on Study of Fifth Grade 厂迟耻诲别苍迟蝉鈥 In Japanese, Benesse Corp. January 2008

Koizumi, N., Sockett H., Mayer J. and Wilde J., The Washington DC section in the report 鈥淏asic Research on Academic Performance: International Survey of Six Cities鈥 [In English], Benesse Corp. December 2007

Mayer, J.D., Koizumi N. and Laporte T., 鈥淧补谤迟颈蝉补苍 Patterns in the Aftermath of Terror: Civil Liberties, Spending and the Centrality of Fear鈥 GMU Working Paper, 2005

Metlay, J., Smith, T., Koizumi, N., Branas, C., Lautenbach, E., Fishman, N. O., & Edelstein, P. H., 鈥淪mall Area Clustering of Cases of Pneumococcal 叠补肠迟别谤别尘颈补鈥. In 43rd Annual Meeting. Idsa. October 2005


Extramural Research Grants

Virginia Center on Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Alzheimer's and Related Diseases Research Award Fund (ARDRAF)
2023 - 2024
Title: Group Digital Gaming: Experiences of Older Adults Living with Dementia in an Activity for Cognitive Impairments
Amount: $44,828
Role: Co-Investigator [PI: Dr. Megumi Inoue (GMU)]

National Science Foundation (NSF 鈥 CMMI/ENG: / 2247286)
2023 (Jan.-Dec.)
Title: Conference and Grantee's Meeting: Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks
Amount: $79,773
Role: Co-PI [PI: Dr. Hadi El-Amine (GMU)]

National Science Foundation (NSF CMMI/ENG: D-ISN: / 2146067)
2022 - 2026
Title: D-ISN: Evolution of Global Illicit Kidney Trade Networks: Identification, Reconstruction, and Disruption.
Amount: $999,655
Role: PI [with Co-PIs including Drs. Hadi El-Amine (GMU), Monica Gentili (UofL) and Michael Fu (UMD); Consultants including Drs. Jorge Ortiz (AMC) and Sean Columb (Univ. of Liverpool, UK)]

National Science Foundation (NSF IIS/ENG: SCH: / 2123683)
2021 -听2025
Title: Collaborative Research: SCH: Optimal Desensitization Protocol in Support of a Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) System
Amount: $996,766 (of which the award amount to GMU: $677,361)
Role: Lead PI [with Collaborative PIs including Drs. Monica Gentili (UofL) and Michael Fu (UMD), Co-PIs including Drs. Hadi El-Amine (GMU) and Chun Hung-Chen (GMU), and Co-Investigators: Drs. Keith Melancon (GW Transplant Institute) and Marlon Levy (VCU Health Hume-Lee Transplant Center)]

US Department of Defense (DOD - Grants.gov ID#: GRANT13327183)
2021 - 2024
Title: A Novel BRCA1 Binding Domain on the Estrogen Receptor-Alpha Overcomes Tamoxifen 搁别蝉颈蝉迟补苍肠别鈥
Amount: $1,570,977
Role: Co-I [PI: Dr. Milton Brown (GMU)]

The Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy
2020 - 2021

Title: Network Labeling Optimization for Hidden Population Size Estimation Amount: $20,000

Role: PI [with Dr. Hadi El-Amine (Co-PI), Mr. Abu Bakkar Siddique (PhD Student), and Ms. Narae Lee (PhD Student)]

National Science Foundation (NSF - EAGER: ISN: / 1838306)
2018 - 2023

Title: Network Analysis and Opportunities for Disruption of Organ Trafficking Amount: $372,613 (including subsequent supplemental awards)

Role: PI [with Co-PIs & Co-Investigators including: Dr. Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera (GMU); Dr. Hadi El-Amine (GMU); Dr. Monica Gentili (UofL); Dr. Monir Moniruzzaman (MSU); Dr. Jim Olds (GMU);

Dr. Jorge Ortiz (U.Toledo); Dr. Amit Patel (UMB); Dr. Sunil Shroff (Mohan Foundation, India); Mr. Juan Carlos Morales Quir贸s, the Government of Costa Rica; and Dr. Duminda Wijesekera (GMU)]

National Science Foundation (NSF CMMI/ENG: / 1906097)
2018 - 2019
Title: Conference and Grantee's Meeting: Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks; Arlington Virginia; March 25-26, 2019
Amount: $50,000 Role: PI

Hibernicor LLC.
2016 - 2017
Title: Analysis of Optimal Geographic Boundaries and Organ Allocation Mechanism in Heart Transplantation
Amount: $8,000 Role: PI

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Round 12 Grand Challenges Explorations
2014 - 2016
Title: Integrating ICT-based Tuberculosis Treatment Innovations
Amount: $100,000
Role: PI [with Drs. Debasree DasGupta and Amit Patel (Co-PIs) at GMU]

Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK), Turkey
A Workshop Grant: 鈥沦测蝉迟别尘补迟颈肠 reviews and the use of and GIS in health 肠补谤别鈥
Host Institution: The Institute of Public Health, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey ($5,000 approx.)

National Science Foundation (NSF BCS/GSS: / 1225851)
2012 -听听2014
Title: An Integrated Simulation Framework to Explore Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India
Amount: $100,000
Role: Co-PI [with Dr. Andrew Crooks (PI) and Dr. Amit Patel (Post-doc) at GMU]

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom
Travel Grant to the UK for A Secondary Data Analysis Proposal Development Host Institution: The University of Westminster, London, UK (拢2,000 approx.)

National Institutes of Health (NIH-R21 DK088368-01)
2010 - 2013
Title: Using GIS and Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Geographical Boundaries and Organ Allocation Mechanism for Liver Transplantation
Amount: $400,000
Role: PI [with Dr. Chung-Hung Chen (Co-PI) at GMU, Dr. Nigel Waters (Co-PI) at GMU and Dr. Zobair Younossi (Consultant) at INOVA Health System]

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) / US Department of Justice (DOJ)
Title: Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs Amount: $400,000
Role: Co-PI [with Dr. Faye Taxman (PI) at GMU]

National Institutes of Health (NIH-R01 MH074877-01)
2006 - 2011
Title: Simulation Model for Mental Health Systems Planning (R01 MH074877-01) Amount: $1,500,000; Amount Subcontracted to GMU: $301,171
Role: Co-PI [with Dr. Eri Kuno (PI) at UIPUI and Dr. Aileen Rothbard (Co-PI) at the University of Pennsylvania]

National Institutes of Health (NIH - R01 AI046645-04)
2004 -听2006
Title: 鈥淩isk Factors for Drug Resistant Pneumococcal Infections鈥 as a post-doc fellow (2004 - 2005) and then as a consultant (2005 - 2006)
Amount: $600,000
Role: Consultant/Post-doctoral Researcher [with Dr. Joshua Metlay (PI) and Dr. Tony Smith (Co-PI) at University of Pennsylvania]

National Institutes of Health (NIH-R21 MH65307-01)
2003 - 2005
Title: Mental Health Residential Capacity Planning
Amount: $300,000; The amount funded post-doc salary support: $66,013
Role: Main Analyst/Post-doctoral Researcher (as a member of Key Personnel) [with Dr. Eri Kuno (PI) at UIPUI and Dr. Aileen Rothbard (Co-PI) at the University of Pennsylvania]

Extramural Contracts

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Janelia Campus
2017 - 2020
Consultant/Instructor: Biostatistics

The World Bank
Consultant / Instructor: GIS and Spatial Statistics

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) / US Department of Defense (DOD)
2008 - 2012
Mentor - Prot茅g茅 Programs (MPP) / Mason Enterprise Center (MEC)
GIS-related advisory/training for several Mentor and Prot茅g茅 companies including: 1) Northrop Grumman - CSSS, Chenega Technology Services (CTSC) 鈥 DMG; 2) CTSC - Stargates Corp.; 3) CTSC - Global Consulting International Inc. (GCI).

Benesse Corp, Japan
2006 - 2007
Title: International Benchmarking Survey on Study Habit of 5th Graders
The US Primary Investigator for a 5-country survey project involving 1,000 students in each country.

Internal Grants

Institute for Digital InnovAtion (IDIA) Seed Grant
Title: Understanding the Impact of Misinformation on Palliative Care Demand Using Machine Learning and Qualitative Methods
Amount: $40,000
Role: Co-PI [With Drs. Megumi Inoue (PI), Mahdi Hashemi (Co-PI) and Rajendra Kulkarni (Co-PI)]

The Provost's Summer Team Impact Project
Title: Dying Alone: Social Isolation among Older People in the U.S. and Japan Amount: $49,000
Role: Co-PI [With Drs. Megumi Inoue (PI), Emily Ihara (PI), Cortney Hughes Rinker (Co-PI)]

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, George Mason University
The extension of the summer 2018 URSP grant.
Title: Organ Trafficking in South Asia - A case study for Bangladesh Amount: $5,000
Role: PI/Mentor [With Mr. Farhaj Murshed (GMU undergraduate student)]

University Program Development Grant, George Mason University
Amount: $2,000
Role: PI

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, 亚洲AV
Title: Organ Trafficking in South Asia - A case study for Bangladesh Amount: $5,000
Role: PI/Mentor [With Mr. Farhaj Murshed (GMU undergraduate student) and Dr. Monir Moniruzzaman (Co-PI), Michigan State University]

亚洲AV Multidisciplinary Seed Grant
2016 - 2017
Title: Clandestine Human Organ Trade: Analyses of Social Networks and their Evolution, and Payment Schemas used in the Trade
Amount: $50,000
Role: Co-PI [with Drs. Duminda Wijesekera (PI) and Emily Ihara (Co-PI) at GMU]

George Mason University Multidisciplinary Seed Grant
2015 - 2016
Title: Impacts of the 2011 MIPPA Bundled Payment System on ESRD Care Provision: A Patient Outcome Comparison between Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Modalities
Amount: $50,000
Role: PI [With Drs. Emily Ihara (Co-PI) and Liansheng Tang (Co-PI) at GMU]

George Mason University Multidisciplinary Seed Grant
2015 - 2016
Title: Assessing Mobile Health Technologies for Medication Compliance and Nutrition Tracking for Possible Use by Kidney Transplant Candidates
Amount: $25,000
Role: PI [With Drs. Duminda Wijesekera (Co-PI), Emily Ihara (Co-PI) and Liansheng Tang (Co-PI) at GMU]

George Mason University Center for Global Studies Faculty Workshop Grant
2015 -听2016
Title: Women's Global Health Amount: $7,500
Role: PI [With Dr. Bonnie Stabile (Co-PI) at GMU]

George Mason University Seed Grant (#102480)
2010 - 2011
Title: Using GIS and Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Geographic Boundaries and Organ Allocation
Amount: $5,167 Role: PI



Inoue, M., Oh, K., Beran, K, Booker, E., and Koizumi, N. (Nov. 2023) 鈥淥nline Medical Record (OMR) USE in Caregivers of People with Dementia in the United 厂迟补迟别蝉鈥, Gerontological Society of America's Annual Meeting 2023, Tampa, FL, USA

Ortiz, A.C., Mago, J., Yu, Y., Li, M-H., Fang, L., John, M., Firlie, M., Baxter, P., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, J. (Oct. 2023) 鈥淟颈迟颈驳补迟颈辞苍 in Cardiac Transplant 厂耻谤驳别谤测鈥, Poster presentation, American College of Surgeons (ACS) Clinical Congress 2023, Boston, MA, USA

Shrinivas, K., Ortiz, J.J., A. C. Ortiz, Yu, Y., Li, M-H., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, J. (Oct. 2023) 鈥凌补肠别, Sex, And Us Region: How Chair of General Surgery Demographics Are Associated with The Composition Of General Surgery Residency 笔谤辞驳谤补尘蝉鈥, Poster presentation, American College of Surgeons (ACS) Clinical Congress 2023, Boston, MA, USA

Baxter, P., Koizumi, N., Li, M., & Wei, J., (July, 2023), 鈥淐hatGPT鈥檚 Role in Healthcare: What Twitter Tells Us about Public Sentiment鈥, Conference presentation, the 2023 INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada

Baxter, P., Koizumi, N., Li, M., & Wei, J., (June, 2023), 鈥淐hatGPT鈥檚 Role in Healthcare: What Twitter Tells Us about Public Sentiment鈥, Conference presentation, the 2023 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA, USA

Shrinivas, K., Ortiz Roldan, J.J., Koizumi, N., Li, M-H., Ford, D., Ortiz, A.H., Yu, Y., and Ortiz, J., (June, 2023) 鈥凌补肠别, Sex, and US Region: How Program Director Demographics Are Associated with the Composition of General Surgery Residency 笔谤辞驳谤补尘蝉鈥, Poster presentation, the 2023 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA, USA

Perlmutter, J., Awad, M., Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., and Faddoul, G. (June, 2023) 鈥淚mmunosuppression and IgA Recurrence After Kidney Transplant - A UNOS Database 础苍补濒测蝉颈蝉鈥, Poster presentation, American Transplant Congress (ATC), San Diego, CA, USA

Nayebpour, M., Melancon, J.K., Koizumi, N., Ibrahim, H., and Ekwenna, O. (June, 2023) 鈥泪苍蝉耻谤补苍肠别 Type and Gut Microbiome Diversity of Kidney Transplant 搁别肠颈辫颈别苍迟蝉鈥, Poster presentation, American Transplant Congress (ATC), San Diego, CA, USA

Nayebpour, M., Melancon, J.K., Koizumi, N., Ibrahim, H., and Ekwenna, O. (June, 2023) 鈥淨uantifying the Relationship Between Tacrolimus Dose and Post-Transplant Relative Abundance of Clostridioides Difficile in Kidney Transplant Recipients with Similar CYP3A5 Variant鈥, Oral presentation, American Transplant Congress (ATC), San Diego, CA, USA

Potarazu, D., Herur-Raman, A., Yongyi Cho, E., Doan, T., Ganguli, S., Oltorik, C., Srivastava, A., Koizumi, N., Yu, Y., Li, M-H., Vaziri, K., Lee, J., Jackson, H.T., (April 2023) 鈥3D Printing in Surgical Education: A Visuospatial and Kinesthetic Learning Module of Inguinal Hernia Repair for Third-Year Medical 厂迟耻诲别苍迟蝉鈥, the Association for Surgical Education Conference, San Diego, CA, USA

Samuel, S., Choubey, A.P., Koizumi, N., Ekwenna, O., Malik, R. and Ortiz, J., (March 2023) 鈥淒emographic Inequities in Liver Transplantation for Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis鈥 Oral Presentation, the AHPBA 2023 meeting, Miami, FL, USA

Margo, J., Firlie, M., Ortiz, A.C., Koizumi, N., Lang, L., Yu, Y., Dinka, L., John, M., Li, M-H., Kulkarni, L., Inoue, M., Ekwenna, O., Fang, L., Tutwiler, A., Andalibi, A., Ortiz, J., (January 2023) 鈥淐haracteristics of Court Proceedings Involving Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, the ASTS 23rd Annual Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Ortiz, A.C., Koizumi, N., Lang, L., Yu, Y., Dinka, L., John, M., Li, M-H., Kulkarni, L., Inoue, M., Andalibi, A., Tutwiler, A., Fang, L., Margo, J., Ekwenna, O., Plews, R., and Ortiz, J. (January 2023) 鈥淜颈诲苍别测 Transplanted Lawsuit Case Reviews鈥, the ASTS 23rd Annual Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Lang, L., John, M., Schubauer, M., Yu, Y., Siskind, E., Plews, R., Ekwenna, O., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. (January 2023), Poster presentation, 鈥淐omparison of one-year outcomes in anti-thymocyte globulin and alemtuzumab induction agents in kidney transplantation recipients: a retrospective analysis of the UNOS database was accepted for poster presentation, the ASTS 23rd Annual Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Lang, L., Monique, J., Schubauer, K., Yu, Y., Siskind, E., Plews, R., Ekwenna, O., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J., (December 2022) 鈥淣ational Outcomes of Anti-Thymocyte Globulin and Alemtuzumab Induction in Transplant 搁别肠颈辫颈别苍迟蝉鈥, the Regional IX Medical Education Conference (RMEC) hosted by the Student National Medical Association, Virtual meeting

Inoue, M., Li, M-H., Hashemi, M., Kulkarni, R., & Koizumi, N. (2022, November), Oral presentation, 鈥淯nderstanding the Palliative Care Information circulating on Twitter during the Coronavirus Pandemic鈥, the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Nielsen, J., El-Amine, H., Gentili. M. and Koizumi, N., (October 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淭丑别 Optimal Testing Sequence for Living Kidney Donor 奥辞谤办耻辫鈥, the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Li, M-H., El-Amine, H., and Koizumi, N., (October 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淧ersonalized Immunosuppressive Therapies for Transplant 搁别肠颈辫颈别苍迟蝉鈥, the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Nayebpour, M., Ibrahim, H. Payano, J. Brown, M-L. Koizumi, N., Ekwenna, O., Melancon, J.K. (November 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淭丑别 Role of Gut Microbiome in Dose Selection of Envarsus among High Tacrolimus Metabolizers", American Society of Nephrology (ASN) The Kidney Week 2022 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA

Ortiz, A., Serpico, S., Monique, J., James, R.M., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, J. (September, 2022), Oral Presentation, 鈥淩isk Factors for Trauma Death among Transplant 搁别肠颈辫颈别苍迟蝉鈥, the 29th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS 2022), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Koizumi, N., Andalibi, A., Li, M.H., and Siddique, A.B. (June 2022), Oral Presentation, 鈥淪ymptom and Age Homophilies in Sars-Cov-2 Transmission Networks during the Early Phase of the Pandemic in 闯补辫补苍鈥, in the Session 鈥淩esilience in Health Care Delivery鈥, the 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Washington D.C., USA

Addonizio, K., Petrossian, G., Hsiao, A., Teixeira, L., Koizumi, N., James, R., Patel, S., Plews, R., Conti, D., and Ortiz, J. (June 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淚ncidence of Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder with Belatacept Therapy Versus Calcineurin Inhibitor Therapy Alone: Data from One Academic Medical Center鈥, the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., and Melancon, J.K. (June 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淭丑别 Role of Gut Microbiome in Optimum Dose Selection of Tacrolimus for Kidney Transplant 搁别肠颈辫颈别苍迟蝉鈥, the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., Melancon, J.K., and Hasan, M. (June 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淭丑别 Role of Gut Microbiota in Tacrolimus Blood Level Fluctuation, Time in Therapeutic Range And AlloSure Donor Derived Cell-free DNA, Controlling For CYP3A5鈥, the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Garcia, A., Plews, R., Moran, M., Trujillo, F., Martinez, A., Koizumi, N., Conti, D., and Ortiz, J. (June 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淎dherence, Outcomes and Adverse Effects in Pediatric Renal Transplant Patients After Early Steroid-withdrawal And Low-dose Calcineurin Inhibitor Maintenance Immunosuppression鈥, the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Petrossian, G., Addonizio, K., Hsiao, A., Teixeira, L., Patel, S., James, R. Koizumi, N., Conti, D., Plews, R., and Ortiz, J. (June 2022), Oral Presentation, 鈥淒e-Novo Belatacept Therapy is Associated with An Increased Risk of Invasive CMV Disease After Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Petrossian, G., Addonizio, K., Hsiao, A., Teixeira, L., Patel, S., James, R. Koizumi, N., Conti, D., Plews, R., and Ortiz, J. (June 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥凄别-苍辞惫辞 Belatacept Therapy is Associated with Higher Levels of BK Viremia and Lower Rates of BK Clearance in Kidney Transplantation Patients鈥, the 2022 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Ortiz, A.C., Choubey, A.P., Parsikia, A., Jetjomlong, T., Martinez, A., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, J. (May 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥凄颈惫别谤蝉颈迟测 Deficiencies Among Medical School Deans - Comparison Between Surgeons and 狈辞苍-厂耻谤驳别辞苍蝉鈥, the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Surgical Education (ASE), TX, USA

Petrossian, G., Addonizio, K., Hsiao, A., Ortiz, C.A., Patel, S., Koizumi, N., Conti, D., Plews, R., Ortiz, J., (April 2022), Oral Presentation, 鈥凄别-苍辞惫辞 Belatacept therapy is associated with higher levels of BK viremia, lower rates of BK clearance and increased risk of CMV disease after kidney transplant鈥, the 41st Surgical Infection Society (SIS) Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA

Goodarzi, A., Parsikia, A., James, J.M., Koizumi, N., Gorrasi, G., Choksi, S., Thiets, R., Ortiz, J., Serpico, S., (March/April 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淪uicide among Liver Transplant Patients鈥, the 15th International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association (IHPBA) World Congress, NY, USA

Petrossian, G., Addonizio, K., Hisao, A., James, R., Koizumi, N., Plews, R., Ortiz, J., and Conti, D. (February, 2022) 鈥淥肠肠耻谤谤别苍肠别 of BK Viremia in Belatacept-based Immunosuppressive Regimen for Kidney Transplantation, Quickshot Oral Presentation, the 17th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, FL, USA

Lee, N., Siddique, A.B., Li, M-H., Ahmad, M., Haque, R., El-Amine, H., Koizumi, N. (February, 2022), Oral Presentation, Western Regional Science Association 61st Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Goodarzi, A., Parsikia, A., James, R.M., Koizumi, N., Gorrasi, G., Choksi, S., Thiets, R., Willox, B., and Ortiz, J., (January, 2022), Poster Presentation, 鈥淪uicide in Transplant 搁别肠颈辫颈别苍迟蝉鈥, ASTS 22nd Annual Winter Symposium, FL, USA

Siskind, E., James, R., Koizumi, N., Christian, A., Plews, R., Patel, S., Ortiz, J. (November, 2021), Poster Presentation, 鈥淭丑别 Use of Vasopressors during Deceased Donor Pancreas Procurement Decreases the Risk of Pancreas Transplant Graft Failure鈥, Pancreas Club 2021 Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting

Ihara, E., Inoue, M., Rinker, C.H., and Koizumi, N. (November 2021), Oral Presentation, 鈥沦辞肠颈补濒 Isolation and COVID-19 Mitigation: Perspectives of Key Informants in the U.S. and 闯补辫补苍鈥, the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Popova, M, Payette, C., Sullivan, N., McCarville, P., Koizumi, N., Sarkissian, A., and Yamane, D., (February 2021), Oral Presentation, 鈥淐PR Duration and Temporal Characteristics of the Resuscitation鈥, the 50th Critical Care Congress, Virtual Meeting

Brooks J.T., McCarville, P., Sullivan S., Koizumi N., Sarkissian, A., Tronnier, A., and Yamane, D. (October, 2020), Oral Presentation, 鈥淎ge is the Only Factor that Affects Survival to Hospital Admission in Video-Reviewed Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitations鈥, the ACEP Research Forum. Virtual Meeting

Rahimi-Saber, A., Pierce, A., Sullivan, N., McCarville, P. Koizumi, N., Sarkissian, A., Yamane, D. (October, 2020), Poster Presentation, 鈥淒on鈥檛 let the monitor fool you: Pulse check variation between shockable and non-shockable rhythms鈥, the ACEP Research Forum. Virtual Meeting

Correa-Cabrera G., Schempp, C., Koizumi, N., and Kulkarni, R. (September 2020), 鈥淎 Social Network Analysis of New Activism in the Americas: Migrant Caravan and Water Protection鈥, the 116th American Political Science Association (APSA) meeting, Virtual Meeting

Mishra, A., Cohen, A., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, A., Pai, K., Bullock, B., Sureddi, S., and Ortiz, J. (June 2020), Poster Presentation, 鈥淐omparative Analysis of Patient Outcomes between Urology-led versus General Surgery-led Kidney Transplant 颁别苍迟别谤蝉鈥, the 2020 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Philadelphia, PA, USA

Choubey, A. P., Barragan, N. M., Siskind, E. J., Ortiz, A. C., Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., Wiederhold P., and Ortiz, J. (January 2020), Poster Presentation, (January 2020), Poster Presentation, 鈥淰补谤颈补迟颈辞苍蝉 in DCD Procurement Procedures across OPOs and Their Effects on Kidney Transplant 翱耻迟肠辞尘别蝉鈥, American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) 20th Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Giffen, Z., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, J. (January 2020), Poster Presentation, 鈥泪尘辫补肠迟 of Low Donor Body Mass Index on Outcomes after Deceased Donor Renal 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) 20th Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Siddique, A.B., and Koizumi, N. (November 2019), Oral Presentation, 鈥淒o Reimbursement Programs Increase the Number of Living Organ Donations?鈥, the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP) meeting, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Koizumi, N., Siddique, A.B., Wilson, B., Patel A. and Fraser, C. (November 2019), Oral Presentation, 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Network of Organ Sales and Trafficking using Web Scraping Data鈥, the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP) meeting, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Koizumi, N., Siddique, A.B., Wilson, B., Li, M., Patel, A. and El-Amine, H. (October 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淎nalysis of Illicit Kidney Trade 狈别迟飞辞谤办蝉鈥, the 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA

Karami, F., Gentili, M., Barnes, S., Koizumi, N. (July 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淎n Optimization Model to Reduce Geographic Disparity in Access to Heart Transplant in the United 厂迟补迟别蝉鈥, the 2019 INFORMS Healthcare, Boston, MA, USA

Koizumi, N., Siddique, A., Wilson, B., Li, M., Patel, A. and El-Amine, H. (July 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淎nalysis of Kidney Trade Networks via Web Scraping鈥, the 2019 INFORMS Healthcare, Boston, MA, USA

Melancon, J.K., Mahendran, K., Jagadeesan, M., Paul, R., Ranga, R. and Koizumi, N. (June 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淏辞谤迟别锄辞尘颈产 Based Induction Decreases Delayed Graft Function In High-risk Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Choubey, A.P., Siskind, E. J., Ortiz, A. Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., Wiederhold P., and Ortiz, J. (June 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淰补谤颈补迟颈辞苍蝉 in DCD Procurement Procedures across OPOs and Its Effects on Liver Transplant 翱耻迟肠辞尘别蝉鈥, American Transplant Congress (ATC), Boston, MA, USA

Rivard, A., Gentili, M., and Koizumi, N. (April 2019), Poster presentation, 鈥淲eb Application for Interactive Maps to Visualize UNOS Heart Allocation Data鈥, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT), Annual Meeting, FL, USA

Koizumi, N., Correa-Cabrera, G., El-Amine, H., Gentili M., Moniruzzaman M., Olds, J., Ortiz, J., Patel, A., Shroff, S., Morales-Quir贸s, J.C., and Wijesekera, D. (March 2019), Oral presentation, 鈥淣别迟飞辞谤办 Analysis for Disruption of Organ Sales and 罢谤补蹿蹿颈肠办颈苍驳鈥, NSF-GMU Conference on Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks, Arlington, VA, USA

Ortiz, A. Wiederhold P., Pranjal, A., Siskind, M., Nayebpour, M., Mitro, G., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. (February 2019), Poster presentation, 鈥淰补谤颈补迟颈辞苍蝉 in DCD Procurement Procedures across OPOs and Its Effects on Kidney Transplant 翱耻迟肠辞尘别蝉鈥, 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress (ASC), Houston, TX, USA

Karami, F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., Koizumi, N., Melancon, J.K. (November 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淥ptimal Integration of Desensitization Protocols into Kidney Paired Donation 笔谤辞驳谤补尘蝉鈥, the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Karami, F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., Koizumi, N., Rivard, A. (November 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淓ffective Adult Heart Allocation Policies: An Optimization Approach鈥, the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Koizumi, N., Nayebpour, M., El-Amine, H. (November 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淥辫迟颈尘颈锄补迟颈辞苍 of Human Leukocyte Antigen Based Donor Recipient Matching in Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Nayebpour, M., Melancon, J.K., Koizumi, N., Mahendran, K. (November 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥沦颈尘耻濒补迟颈苍驳 the Outcome of Blood Incompatible Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation - Time to Remove the 叠补谤谤颈别谤鈥, the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Shrivastava, S., Koizumi, N., Nayebpour, M., Malhotra D., and Ortiz, J. (October 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淓惫补濒耻补迟颈辞苍 of Outcomes and Characteristics of Preemptive Renal Transplants Occurring at Higher Residual Native Renal Function, GFR>19 ml/min鈥 American Society of Nephrology- National Kidney Week, San Diego, CA, USA

Ganesan, R., Chen, C.H., Koizumi, N. (July 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淎 Hybrid Liver-Candidate Transportation Approach to Improve Accessibility and Extend Organ Life in Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, the 28th Annual INCOSE International Symposium (IS), Washington, DC, USA

Koizumi, N., Karami, F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., Rivard, A. (June 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Disparity in the US Heart Allocation 厂测蝉迟别尘鈥, the 2018 INFORMS International Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan

Nayebpour, M., Koizumi, N., Mahendran K., Melancon, J. K. (June 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淏lood Incompatible Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation - Time to Remove the 叠补谤谤颈别谤鈥, the 2018 INFORMS International Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan

Melancon, J. K., Nayebpour M., Mahendran K., Spivak, H., Lee, E., Muralidaran J., and Koizumi, N. (June 2018), Poster presentation, 鈥淎BO Incompatible Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant - Time To Remove The Barrier鈥 American Transplant Congress (ATC), Seattle, WA, USA

Karami, F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., Koizumi, N., and Rivard, A. (June 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Geographic Disparity in the US Heart Allocation 厂测蝉迟别尘鈥, American Transplant Congress (ATC), Seattle, WA, USA

Karami, F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., and Koizumi, N. (June 2018), Poster presentation, 鈥泪苍迟别驳谤补迟颈辞苍 of Blood Type Incompatibility Desensitization Protocols into Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) 笔谤辞驳谤补尘蝉鈥, American Transplant Congress (ATC), Seattle, WA, USA

Brooks, J.T., Wiederhold, P., Jiles, K., Ortiz, A., Dewey, M, Bailey, M, Koizumi, N., Rady, E., and Ortiz,

J. (June 2018), Poster presentation, 鈥凄颈蹿蹿别谤别苍肠别蝉 in Preservation Solution Formulas and its Effects on Early Graft Function鈥, American Transplant Congress (ATC), Seattle, WA, USA

Rees, M., Michelin, E., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, J. (June 2018), Poster presentation, 鈥淓惫补濒耻补迟颈辞苍 of KPD: Does It Improve Overall Transplant Center 笔别谤蹿辞谤尘补苍肠别?鈥, American Transplant Congress (ATC), Seattle, WA, USA

Schafer, KE, Arishi, A., Nayebpour M., Koizumi, N. and Ortiz, J. (May 2018), 鈥泪尘辫濒颈肠补迟颈辞苍蝉 and Predictors of Delayed Graft Function after Living-Donor Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟补迟颈辞苍鈥, Oral presentation,

Urologic Society for Transplantation and Renal Surgery (USTRS) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA

Rivard, A. and Koizumi, N. (April, 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淗耻尘补苍 Leukocyte Compatibility and Heart Transplant Survival Using a Validated Matching Algorithm鈥, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) Annual Meeting, Nice, France

Koizumi, N. and Rivard, A. (April 2018), Oral presentation, Transplant Outcomes of Adult Donor Hearts with Prior Quality-based Offer Refusals鈥, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) Annual Meeting, Nice, France

Rivard, A. Karami, F., Gentili, M., Nayebpour, M., and Koizumi, N. (April 2018), Poster presentation, 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Geographic Disparities in the US Heart Allocation 厂测蝉迟别尘鈥, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) Annual Meeting, Nice, France

Brooks, J., Koizumi, N., Neglia, E., Gdoura, B., Wong, T., and Ortiz, J. (January 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淚mproved Outcomes for Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplant Recipients in the Share 35 贰谤补.鈥, AHPBA 2018. Miami, FL, USA

Melancon, J. K., Nayebpour M., Mahendran K., Spivak, H., Lee, E., Muralidaran, J., and Koizumi, N. (January 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淎BO Incompatible Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant - Time to Remove the Barrier鈥 at the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) Winter Symposium 2018, Miami. FL, USA

Brooks, J., N. Koizumi, N., Neglia, E., Gdoura, B., Wont T., and Ortiz, J. (January 2018), Oral presentation, 鈥淚mproved Outcomes for Simultaneous Liver-Kidney and Re-Transplant Recipients in the Share 35 Era鈥 at the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) Winter Symposium 2018, Miami. FL, USA

Karami F., Nayebpour, M., Gentili, M., and Koizumi, N. (October 2017), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 GIS and Optimization for Optimal Organ Allocation for Heart 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥 at the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, Houston TX, USA

Fraser, C. and Koizumi, N. (September 2017), Oral presentation, 鈥淗耻尘补苍 Organ Trafficking: A study of change in the Egyptian kidney market 2008-2016鈥 at the 14th Congress of the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP), Geneva, Switzerland

Koizumi, N. (June 2017), Oral presentation, 鈥淪ystems Science Approach for Developing Optimal Liver Allocation System for Transplantation鈥 at a Special (System Science) Session of the Annual Research Meeting (ARM) for AcademyHealth, New Orleans, LA, USA (as one of the 5 awardees of the 2017 RWJF- AcademyHealth System Science Fellowship)

Brooks, J., Becker, K., Gdoura, B., Koizumi, N., and Ortiz, J. (January 2017), Oral presentation, 鈥淚dentifying risk factors for graft loss within 90 days of kidney transplantation in the modern era: a retrospective review of the UNOS database鈥, American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) Winter Symposium, Miami, FL. USA

Koizumi, N., and Gentili, M. (November 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淥ptimal Integration of Kidney Exchange Programs with Antibody Reduction Therapy to Increase Successful Transplant in Difficult to Match Recipients鈥 at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. USA

Gentili, M., Koizumi, N., Ganesan, R. and Chen, C.H. (November 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淢athematical Optimization and Simulation Analyses For Optimal Liver Allocation Boundaries鈥 at the 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. USA (Organized session by Koizumi, N.)

Friedman, J.M., Tolkacz, M., Koizumi, N., Zhang, Y., Tang, L, Wellen, J.R., and Ortiz J. (November, 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淭丑别 Effects of Distance Between Procurement and Engraftment Sites on Kidney Transplantation 翱耻迟肠辞尘别蝉鈥, AMA Research Symposium. Orlando, FL. USA

Callender, C., Koizumi, N., Miles, P. and Melancon, J.K. (August 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淥谤驳补苍 donation in the U.S.: The tale of the African American journey of moving from the bottom to the 迟辞辫鈥, an oral presentation at the International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Hong Kong, China

Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., Kwon, C., Zhang, Y., and Ortiz, C. and Tang, L. (June 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淎ssessing the Impact of the Share35 Liver Allocation Policy: Survival Outcomes Among Liver Re- Transplant Recipients鈥 at the 2016 American Transplant Congress, Boston, MA. USA

Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., Kwan, C., Zhang, C., and Tang, L. (January 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淲丑别苍 Liver Transplants and Procurement Occur at One Location: A National Study of Graft Survivals.鈥 American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) Winter Symposium Miami, FL. USA

Fraser, C. and Koizumi, N. (March 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淎 Trend Analysis of International Human Organ Trade in Egypt between 2008 and 2015鈥 at the 8th IMA Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management Of Health and Social Care. London, UK

Koizumi, N., Gentili, and Melancon, J.K. (March 2016), Oral presentation, 鈥淥ptimal Integration of Anti- body Reduction Therapy in Kidney Exchange Programs for Disparity Reduction鈥, at the 8th IMA Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management Of Health and Social Care, London, UK

Koizumi, N., Ortiz, C., and Ortiz, J. (January, 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淟iver Re-Transplantation Outcomes in Patients with Meld>40鈥 at the ASTS Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Koizumi, N., Ortiz, C., and Ortiz, J. (January, 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淥utcomes of Combined Liver and Kidney Transplant in Patients with Meld >40:A Decade Long Experience.鈥 at the ASTS Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, USA

Ortiz, J., Koizumi, N., Ortiz, C., and Sodeman, T. (November, 2014), Oral presentation, 鈥淥utcomes of Combined Liver and Kidney Transplant in Patients with Meld >40: A Decade Long Experience鈥 at the AASLD, Boston, MA. USA

Koizumi, N., Gentili, and Melancon, J.K. (November 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淥ptimal Integration of Anti-body Reduction Therapy in Kidney Exchange Programs for Disparity Reduction鈥, at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. USA

Koizumi, N., Baghmanli, Z., Ortiz, C., and Ortiz, J. (May, 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淟iver Re- Transplantation Outcomes in Patients with Meld>40鈥 at the American Transplant Congress (ATC), Philadelphia, PA. USA

Callender, C., Koizumi, N., Miles, P. and Melancon, J.K. (October 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淥谤驳补苍 donation in the U.S.: The tale of the African American journey of moving from the bottom to the 迟辞辫鈥, an oral presentation at the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement (ISODP), Seoul, South Korea

Koizumi, N., Gentili, M., Rajesh, G., Waters, N., Chen, C.H., Melancon, J.K.., et al. (July 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淢athematical Optimization and Simulation Analyses for Optimal Liver Allocation Boundaries鈥 at the European Conference on Operational Research Meeting, Glasgow, UK

Callender, C., Koizumi, N., Miles, P. and Melancon, J.K. (May 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淥谤驳补苍 donation in the U.S.: The tale of the African American journey of moving from the bottom to the 迟辞辫鈥, an oral presentation at the American Transplant Congress, Philadelphia, PA. USA

Melancon, J.K., Koizumi, N., Callender, C. (May 2015), 鈥淜颈诲苍别测 and Liver CIT Variations across OPOs and Their Implications: US Experience Between 2003 and 2011鈥, an oral presentation at the American Transplant Congress (ATC), Philadelphia, PA. USA

Shaikh, M.F., Koizumi, N., Karipineni, F., Panchal, H., and Ortiz, J. (May 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淥utcomes in Liver Re-Transplant Recipients with MELD鈮40: A Decade Long Experience鈥, a poster presentation at the American Transplant Congress (ATC) 2015, Philadelphia, PA. USA

Melancon, J.K., Koizumi, N., Callender, C. (April, 2015), Oral presentation, 鈥淩acial and Geographic Variations in Cold Ischemia Time: Kidney vs. Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟蝉鈥, an oral presentation at the Society of Black Academic Surgeons Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC. USA

Shaikh, M.F., Koizumi, N., Karipineni, F., Panchal, H., and Ortiz, J. (Jan. 2015), Poster presentation, 鈥淥utcomes of Combined Liver and Kidney Transplant in Patients with Meld>40: A Decade Long Experience鈥, at ASTS 15th Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium, Miami, FL. USA

Koizumi, N., Gentili, M., Rajesh, G., Waters, N., Chen, C.H., Melancon, M., et al. (Nov. 2014), Oral presentation, 鈥淢athematical Optimization and Simulation Analyses for Optimal Liver Allocation Boundaries鈥 at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), Washington, DC. USA

Koizumi, N. (Oct. 2014), Oral presentation, 鈥淚nformation and Communication Technologies for Prevention, Surveillance, Management and Treatment Compliance of Infectious Diseases in Developing Countries鈥, for the plenary session 鈥淲ater Sanitation & Other Infectious Diseases鈥 at the International Conference on 鈥淩educing Burden of Preventable Infections: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century鈥, at the Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Mayer, J.D. and Koizumi, N. (March, 2014), Oral presentation, 鈥淒oes Terrorism Cause Global Citizens to Support Torment? Explaining International Attitudes towards Torture.鈥 with Naoru Koizumi. A paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting, Toronto, Canada

Koizumi, N., Chen, C.H., Ganesan, R. Gentili, M., et al. (Nov. 2013), Oral presentation, Applications of Spatial, Mathematical and Simulation Models to Construct Efficient and Equitable Allocation System for Liver Transplantation鈥 at the North Regional Science Association International (NRSAI), Atlanta, GA. USA

Chen, C.H., Koizumi, N., Ganesan, R. Gentili, M., et al. (May 2013), Oral presentation, 鈥淩edesigning Organ Allocation Boundaries for Liver Transplantation in the United 厂迟补迟别蝉鈥, at the International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering, Milan, Italy

Patel, A., Crooks, A. and Koizumi, N. (April, 2013), Oral presentation, "A Spatial ABM Approach to Explore Slum Formation Dynamics in Ahmedabad, India" as part of Agent-Based & Cellular Automata Models for Geographical Systems 2: Land-Use Models at the Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers held at Los Angeles, CA. USA

Koizumi, N. and DasGupta, D. (March, 2013), Oral presentation, 鈥淔orming optimal organ allocation boundaries for liver transplantation: Integer programming and simulation approaches鈥 at the 7th IMA Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health and Social Care, London, United Kingdom

DasGupta D. and Koizumi, N. (March, 2013), Oral presentation, 鈥淎苍补濒测锄颈苍驳 Geographic Disparity in Cold Ischemia Time (CIT) in Deceased-donor Adult Kidney Transplantation in the US鈥 at the 7th IMA Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health and Social Care, London, United Kingdom, The Winner of the 1st Prize at the Poster Competition.

Koizumi, N., Chen, C. and Ganesan R. (May 2012), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Organ Allocation for Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥 at the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Orlando, FL, USA

DasGupta, D. and Koizumi, N. (April, 2012), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 GIS and Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Organ Allocation for Liver and Kidney 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥 at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Chicago, IL. USA

Patel, A., Crooks, A. and Koizumi, N. (Nov., 2012), Oral presentation, "Integrating GIS and ABM to Explore Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India", the GeoComputation at the 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Ottawa, Canada

Patel, A., Koizumi, N., and Crooks, A. (Oct., 2012), Oral presentation, "Simulating Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Slum Formation in Ahmedabad, India" 6th Urban Research and Knowledge Symposium on "Cities of Tomorrow: Framing the Future" at Barcelona, Spain

Patel, A., Koizumi, N., and Crooks, A. (Nov., 2011), Oral presentation, 鈥凄别蹿颈苍颈苍驳 Slum Severity in Indian Mega-cities: a Comparison of Mumbai and Kolkata鈥. 58th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International held at Miami, Florida, USA

Hu, Y., Waters N., and Koizumi, N. (September 2011), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 GIS for Analyzing Optimal Organ Allocation for Liver Transplantation鈥 at ESRI GIS User Conference, Washington D.C. USA

Koizumi, N. and Patel, A. (June 2011), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 GIS and Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Organ Allocation for Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥 at INFORMS Health Care Conference, Montreal, Canada

Koizumi, N., Isaac, W. and Patel, A. (November 2010), Oral presentation, 鈥淐丑补苍驳别蝉 in the Spatial Pattern of Racial and Social Segregation in the Gateway Region of New Jersey鈥 at Annual North American Conference of Regional Science Association, Denver, CO, USA

Koizumi, N. (March 2010), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 GIS and Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Organ Allocation for Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥 at 6th the Institute of Mathematics and Its Application (IMA) Conference on Quantitative Modeling in the Management of Health Care, London, United Kingdom

Koizumi, N. (December 2009), Oral presentation, 鈥淯蝉别 of Geographical Information Systems in Health Policy鈥 at PSO DuPont Summit, Washington DC, USA

Koizumi, N., Rothbard, A., Patel A. and Noll, L. (November 2009), Oral presentation, 鈥淩acial Factors Associated with Spatial Clustering of Mental Health Service Utilization鈥 at American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Public Health Exposition in Philadelphia, PA, USA

Koizumi, N. (November 2009), Oral presentation, 鈥淎ssessing Geographical Clustering of Outpatient Psychiatric Service Utilization in Philadelphia鈥 at North American Conference of Regional Science Association (NRSA), San Francisco, CA, USA

Kloc, M., Patel, A., Koizumi, N., and Nicogossian, A. (August 2009), Oral presentation, 鈥淪pace - Time Spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) in Virginia鈥 at the 17th International Conference of Geoinformatics, Fairfax, VA, USA

Koizumi, N. and Checherita, C. (March 2008), Oral presentation, 鈥淢ulti-Method Investigation of Economic Convergence at Different Levels of Spatial Units鈥 at 4th Southern Regional Science Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, USA

Koizumi, N. (November 2007), Oral presentation, 鈥淥ptimal Policy Solutions for States with Limited Tobacco Control: Space - Time 础苍补濒测蝉颈蝉鈥 at North American Conference of Regional Science Association (NRSA), Savannah, GA, USA

Koizumi, N. (April 2007), Oral presentation, 鈥淢inimizing Welfare Loss Due to Congestion in a Mental Health System: Queueing and Simulation 础苍补濒测蝉别蝉鈥 at the Health Care Management Science section of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Application (IMA), London, United Kingdom

Koizumi, N. (November 2006), Oral presentation, 鈥淔actors Affecting the Choice of Mental Health Care Providers鈥 at North American Conference of Regional Science Association, Toronto, Canada

Rothbard A., Koizumi, N., Brown G., Sosjan D. and Beck A.T. (November 2006), Oral presentation, 鈥淐辞蝉迟 Effectiveness of a Suicide Prevention Program鈥 at American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Public Health Exposition in Boston, MA, USA

Koizumi, N. (November 2005), Oral presentation, 鈥淐辞蝉迟 Minimization Using Simulation: An Application of a Meta-model to Analyze an Optimal Housing Array for Mentally 滨濒濒鈥 at the North American Conference of Regional Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Koizumi, N. (November 2004), Oral presentation, 鈥淒ecision Factors in Mental Health Service Provider Selection and Client Utility Changes Caused by Changes in the Mix of Service Providers鈥 at the North American Conference of Regional Science Association, Seattle, WA, USA

Koizumi, N. (October 2003), Oral presentation, 鈥淎 Queueing Network Model with Blocking: Analysis of Congested Patient Flows in Mental Health Systems鈥 at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Atlanta, GA, USA

Koizumi, N. and McCann, P. (August 2003), Oral presentation, 鈥淗ousing Decisions in Panama: A Log- Linear 础苍补濒测蝉颈蝉鈥 at the European Conference of Regional Science Association, Jyv盲skyl盲, Finland

Invited Workshops and Talks

Koizumi, N. (July 2023), Lecture on 鈥淕lobal Kidney Trafficking Networks: How do they evolve? How can we model?鈥, at the 2023 MENSA Annual Gathering, Baltimore, MD, USA

Koizumi, N. (June 2022), Lecture on Difference-in-Difference (DID) Model, Invited Speaker for the session "Using Causal Inference Models in Observational Study鈥 at the 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Washington, D.C., USA

Koizumi, N. (December 2021), 鈥凄颈蝉辫补谤颈迟测 in Access to HCV+ to HCV- 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟蝉鈥, Invited Speaker for the Kidney Disease Prevention Webinar Series organized by Pennsylvania Ave Baptist Church and GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center

Koizumi, N., Andalibi, A., Li, M.H., and Siddique, A.B. (March 2021), 鈥淎nalysis of COVID-19 Viral Transmission Networks: Evidence from the Japanese Contract Tracing Data鈥, Invited Speaker for the seminar series organized by the Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT), the NSF-funded Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) at the Pennsylvania State University (PSU).

Koizumi, N. (September 2017), 鈥淪ystems Science Approach to Health Care System 础苍补濒测蝉颈蝉鈥 on Sep 25, 2017, Invited Guest Speaker at Office of Analysis and Epidemiology (OAE), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Koizumi, N. (June 2017), 鈥淪ystems Science Approach for Developing Optimal Liver Allocation System for Transplantation鈥 at a Special (System Science) Session of the Annual Research Meeting (ARM) for AcademyHealth, New Orleans, LA, USA (as one of the 5 awardees of the 2017 RWJF-AcademyHealth Systems Science Fellowship)

Koizumi, N. (January 2017), 鈥淎辫辫濒颈肠补迟颈辞苍蝉 of OR Techniques to Analyze Disparity in Health Care Access鈥 at the University of Westminster as an invited seminar speaker, London, United Kingdom

Koizumi, N. (November 2015), 鈥淩edesigning Organ Allocation Boundaries for Liver Transplantation in the United States鈥 at the GIS Day - GIS and Health, 亚洲AV, Fairfax VA, USA

Koizumi, N. (October 2014), 鈥淕eographic Information Systems and Simulation Methods for Healthcare Planning鈥, at the Infrastructure Engineering & Management (MIEM) Program, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Koizumi, N. (September 2011), 鈥淲here you live matters! Disparities in Organ 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥 (as part of 鈥淟ightening Talks鈥 of Technical Plenary Session) at ESRI GIS Health Conference, Rosslyn, VA, USA

Koizumi, N. (November 2010), 鈥淯蝉颈苍驳 GIS and Simulation for Analyzing Optimal Organ Allocation for Liver 罢谤补苍蝉辫濒补苍迟鈥, GIS Day, Fairfax, VA, USA

Koizumi, N. (September 2010), 鈥淎 Short Course on GIS - Introduction: What is GIS? What can we do with GIS?鈥 (as the organizer of a short course on GIS, together with other 7 presenters in academia and industry) at 2010 Annual Political Science Association Meeting, Washington DC, USA

Koizumi, N. (March 2010), 鈥淯蝉别 of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Health Care鈥 at the University of Westminster as an invited seminar speaker, London, United Kingdom

Koizumi, N. and Patel, A. (June 2009), 鈥淯蝉别 of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Health Care鈥 at Center for Global Development (CGD) as an invited seminar speaker, Washington, DC, USA

Koizumi, N. (January 2008), 1- week statistics advisory and GIS workshop Master and PhD programs at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, The Netherlands

Koizumi, N. (November 2006), 鈥淪chool of Public Policy GIS Course: Spatial Data Analysis with GIS鈥 representing the school on GIS Day, Fairfax, VA, USA


Regular University Teaching

PUBP754: Spatial Data Analysis with GIS (Elective quantitative method course for Master and PhD students) (2006-Present)

PUBP704/POGO511: Statistical Methods for Policy Analysis (Required introductory statistics course for Master students) (2004-Present)

PUBP705/POGO705: Advanced Statistical Methods for Policy Analysis (Elective time series course for Master and PhD students) (2007-Present)

PUBP804: Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Public Policy (Required statistics course for PhD students) (2007-Present)

Other University Teaching

POGO750: Bio and Environmental Data Science for Policy (Spring 2021)

POGO55/GOVT490: GMU-Veterans Administration (VA) Capstone Program for Health Equity Research (Spring 2020)

PUBP714 Transportation and Health (Spring 2011)

PUBP720: Managerial Economics and Policy Analysis (Required economics course for Master students) (2004-2007)

Contracted External Teaching/Training

A Biostatistics Training for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI): Two rounds of seminar series on statistical testing, bootstrapping, basic data-mining, and R, Janelia Campus (Fall 2018, Summer 2017)

A GIS/Spatial Modeling Training for The World Bank (Summer 2017)

Periodical 1- to 3-day GIS/Spatial Modeling Trainings under National Geospatial Agency (NGA) funded Mentor-Prot茅g茅 Programs (2008 - 2012)


Research Fellowships and Scholarships

AcademyHealth/RWJF: Systems Science Scholarship

Cochrane Research Fellowship
2011 - 2014

Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
2003 - 2005

University Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
1994 - 1996

Teaching Awards

Nominations to GMU Teaching Excellence Award
2010, 2015, 2016

School of Public Policy (SPP) Teaching Award

Finalists of University-wide of GMU Teaching Excellence Award

Other Awards

Nomination to GMU Presidential Award

Nomination to GMU Career Connection Faculty Award

Excellence in Reviewing, Operations Research for Health Care

Finalist of GMU Emerging Scholar Award

Phi Sigma Omega Award from Policy Studies Organization (PSO)


Professional Service


A member of the Editorial Board of the Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development (2020 鈥 Present)

Senior Associate Editor for the Journal, World Medical and Health Policy (2009 - Present)

Conference Organization

Session Organizer, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA (October 2023)

Session Organizer, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA (October 2019)

NSF-GMU Conference on Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks; Arlington, VA, USA (February 2019): 150+ Invitees including policy makers in DC, NGO and Industry experts worldwide, and academic researchers nationwide (funded by NSF - 1906097)

Cluster Chair: the 2018 INFORMS international meeting, Taipei, Taiwan (June 2018)

Co-organizer, Workshop on 鈥淥谤驳补苍 Donation among Minorities鈥 (June 2018). Funded by MOHAN Foundation. As part of the American Transplant Congress (ATC), Seattle, WA, USA

Symposium Organizer: Seminar on 鈥淥谤驳补苍s for Transplant Expanding Sources and Ethical Considerations鈥, Arlington Campus, 亚洲AV (March 2017)

Conference Co-organizer, the 8th IMA Conference on Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Health and Social Care. London, UK (March 2016)

Session Organizer, the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA (November 2016)

Session Organizer: A Short Course on GIS - Introduction: What is GIS? What can we do with GIS?鈥, Annual Political Science Association Meeting, Washington DC, USA (September, 2010)

Professional Committee Service

A member of the AcademyHealth Methods and Data Council (2020 鈥 Present). The council members advise the Board and AcademyHealth leadership on the priorities and trends in new methods and data trainings for the field of health services research. The council is comprised of 25 members representing the multiple disciplinary perspectives in health services and policy research.

A member of the Simulated Allocation Models (SAMs) Improvement Subcommittee under Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) Technical Advisory Committee - Appointment through the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) and The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (2012 - Present)

A member of International Advisory Board of the Health Geography section of the Central European Journal of Geography Sustainable Development () (August 2020 鈥 Present)

National Science Foundations (NSF) Ad-hoc Proposal Reviews (2015: SBE; 2016: SBE; 2019: ENG)

National Science Foundations (NSF) In-person/virtual Proposal Review Panel 鈥 2014: SBE; 2016: SBE; 2020: OISE and ENG; 2021: OISE and CISE; 2022: IIS and OISE; 2023: OISE

National Institutes of Health (NIH) In-person/virtual Proposal Review Panel 2023: NIDDK

Mentorship of a high school student who is an awardee of the (UCLA STEP-UP Program (Summer 2019, 2021, 2022)

An expert mentor in the Collective Pandemic Intelligence Breakthrough Track of the 4th annual Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good Global Summit, which is the leading United Nations (UN) platform for inclusive global dialogue on AI (August 鈥 September, 2020)

Mentorship of George Washington University (GWU) Health Services Scholarship Award Summer 2020 (Mai Hassan, George Washington University Medical School)

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) US-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation Grant Ad-hoc Proposal Review (2019)

A committee member of the North American Regional Science (NARSC) student-led paper competition (2014)

External reader of the PhD Thesis by Dr. Mahammad Saiful Islam, Department of Business Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster (2013)

Journal Reviews

  • HPB


  • BMJ

  • Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

  • JMIR mHealth and uHealth

  • The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

  • Viruses

  • Life

  • Transplantation

  • BMC Infectious Diseases

  • BMC Health Services Research

  • Health Care Management Science

  • Social Science & Medicine

  • Operations Research for Health Care

  • Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

  • IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering

  • International Journal for Equity in Health

  • IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics

  • Journal of Simulations

  • Papers in Regional Science

  • Annals of Regional Science

  • Central European Journal of Geography Sustainable Development

  • World Medical and Health Policy

Schar School and University Service

Master Thesis & PhD Dissertation Committees

Schar School (8 completed + 4 current students as the Chair; 17 completed + 9 current students as a committee member)

Completed: 31 students (10 as the Chair, 21 as a committee member)

Chair: 1. Michelle Kloc (2009), 2. Douglas Anderson (2013), 3. Divya Srinivasan (2014), 4. Tina Himathongkam (2016), 5. Kirk Heffelmire (2018), 6. Carol Davis (2019), 7. Tina Himathongkam (2020), 8. Monica (Hyun-Ju) Kim (2021), 9. Mehdi Nayebpour (2022), and 10. Abu-Bakkar Siddique (2022)

Committee: 1. Michael S. Jackson (2008), 2. Christina Checherita (2009), 3. Caterina Au (2009), 4. Darius Tirtosuharto (2010), 5. Jiamin Wang (2010), 6. Uma Kelekar (2011), 7. Huaqun Li (2011), 8. Matthew Hardy (2011). 9. Xin Zhou (2011), 10. Amit Patel (2012), 11. Debasree DasGupta (2013), 12. Pietro Masci (2013), 13. Alfred Sarkissian (2017), 14. Karen Buckley (2018), 15. Chris Brown (2018), 16. Erik Goepner (2018), 17. Camilo Padro (2020), 18. Mary Sproull (2022), 19. Henry Kim (2022); 20. Meng-Hao Li (2022); 21. Maurice Johnson (2023)听

In Progress: 9 students (2 as the Chair, 5 as a committee member)

Chair: 1. Patrick Baxter; 2. Owen Nucci
Committee: 1. Yi-Ting Chiu, 2. Kurt Bison, 3. Keith Luter, 4. Damon Dade, and 5. Narae Lee

College of Science (COS)
(11 students as a committee member: 10 completed, 1 in progress)听


Geography & Geoinformation Science (GSS)
Maggie Rieder (Master Thesis, 2010), Chris Nobles (2014), Xi Mei (2015), Brendan Hurley (2022), Katherine Kulbicki (2022); Mary Schwoerer (2023)

Computational Science and Informatics (CSI)
Cristina Metgher (2016), Meysam Alizadeh (2016)

School of Environmental Science and Public Policy
Haiying Lin (2010), Jennifer Biddle (2011) In Progress:

Computational Science and Informatics (CSI)
Kunle Timothy Apanisile

Geography & Geoinformation Science (GSS)
Zifu Wang

College of Engineering and Computing (CEC)
(1 student as a committee member: All completed)

Department of Computer Science (CS)
Kamaleldin Mohamed (2017)

Internship Advisory: Internship Advisory involves (i) mentoring students while they work as an intern outside school and (ii) instructing them while writing an academic report under their internship programs.

Fall 2022-Spring 2023 MPP graduate (1)
Fall 2010 MPP student (1)
Spring 2006 MPP students (2)
Summer 2006 MPP student (2)
Fall 2006 MPP student (1)
Spring 2005 MPP student (1)
Summer 2005 MPP student (1)
Fall 2005 MPP student (1)

Independent Study Supervisor: Advisory to Independent Study involves instruction to a student while he/she writes an academic paper.

Spring 2023 MPP Student (1)
Spring 2020 Undergraduate Student (1) (VSE, Bio-Engineering) Fall 2012 MPP student (1)
Fall 2008 MPP students (1)
Spring 2007 MPP students (1)

Directed Readings and Research: Advisory for Directed Readings and Research involves instruction and assistance to PhD students while they prepare a field statement (which is the first step towards writing dissertation).

Spring 2020 PhD Student (2)
Fall 2019 PhD Student (1)
Spring 2019 PhD Student (1)
Fall 2018 PhD Student (1)
Spring 2018 PhD Students (3)
Fall 2017 PhD Student (2)
Spring 2017 PhD Student (1)
Spring 2016 PhD Student (1)
Fall 2015 PhD Student (1)
Fall 2014 PhD student (2)
Spring 2012 PhD student (1)
Summer 2009 PhD Student (1)
Fall 2008 PhD student (1)
Spring 2006 PhD student (1)
Summer 2006 PhD student (1)
Spring 2007 PhD students (3)
Summer 2007 PhD student (1)
Fall 2007 PhD student (1)

Other Service

  • Associate Dean for Research & Grants (Aug. 2021 Present)

  • A member of the GMU Reimagining Faculty Roles and Rewards Committee (Oct. 2023 Present)

  • A member of the Schar Conflict of Commitment Committee (Sep. 2023 Present)

  • A member of the GMU Health Data Security Working Group (Sep. 2020 Present)

  • A member of the Schar Curriculum Committee (Aug. 2020 Present)

  • A member of the Institute for Digital InnovAtion (IDIA) Advisory Council (Aug. 2020 Present)

  • A member of the GMU-IRB Review Board (Aug. 2016 Present)

  • Mentor of the Mason Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURE) (Summer, 2023)

  • A member of the University Research Space Committee (Nov. 2020 May 2021)

  • A member of the SoC/IDIA Symposium Steering Committee (July 2021 December 2021)

  • A member of the Liaison Committee for the Public Administration hire (Fall/Spring 2022)

  • A member of the CHHS Seed Grant Review Panel (Fall 2022)

  • A member of the IDIA Fellowship Program Review Panel (Fall 2022)

  • A member of the PI Advisory Group for RAMP (Spring 2022 Fall 2022)

  • A member of the Faculty Master Search Committee (Fall 2021- Spring 2022)

  • A member of the 2020 Annual Report Evaluation Committee (Fall 2021- Spring 2022)

  • A member of the Faculty Annual Report Evaluation Committee (Aug. 2021 Dec. 2021)

  • Director of Research for the Schar School of Policy and Government (Aug. 2015 Aug. 2021)

  • A member of the Doctoral Research Scholarship (DRS) Recipient Selection Committee, Office of Graduate Education (Summer 2021)

  • A member of the Project Manager Search Committee for IDIA (Summer 2021)

  • A member of workforce policy committee for the Schar School (Spring 2021)

  • A member of the Vice President of Research (VPR) Search Committee (Nov. 2020 Feb. 2021)

  • University Working Group to design the new multidisciplinary research center 鈥Institute for Digital InnovAtion鈥 (IDIA) (2019 - 2020)

  • A member of the Promotion & Tenure Liaison Committee, Faculty of Public Policy & Public Administration (2020)

  • Public Policy PhD admission committee (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021)

  • Public Policy PhD fields of study working group (2019)

  • A committee member for the political science quantitative faculty hiring (2018)

  • A liaison committee member for the security faculty hiring (2017)

  • GMU-INOVA Health Symposium Steering Committee (2017)

  • GMU-INOVA Ethics and Policy Conference on Personalized Health Conference Committee (2017)

  • PhD qualifying exam preparation and grading (2009, 2013, 2016)

  • MPP/MPA Program Curriculum Committee (2014)

  • Research Committee for the Schar School of Policy and 骋辞惫鈥檛 (2014)

  • Faculty Search Committee for a health/quantitative position at SPP/GMU (2007-2008)

  • Committee member for the recipient selection of the SPP Dissertation (Fisher) Award recipient (May 2007)


  • AcademyHealth

  • Institute of Mathematics and Its Application (IMA)

  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

  • Regional Science Association International (RSAI)

  • Policy Studies Organization (PSO - Honorary life-time membership)


Media Appearance

  • Feb. 20, 2023: Yomiuri News 鈥溾

  • July 20, 2023: Yomiuri News 鈥溾

  • Feb. 25, 2022: WUSA 鈥淭丑颈蝉 33-year-old has already had 2 kidney transplants. He was one of the lucky ones. Here's his story鈥

  • LORD, MARY. 鈥.鈥 ASEE Prism 28, no. 8 (2019): 18鈥20

Podcast - Organ trafficking: The dark side of kidney exchange

Areas of Research

  • Biostatistics
  • GIS and Spatial Statistics
  • Health Care Services and Policy
  • Chronic Diseases and Organ Transplants