
Roland Wilson

Photo of Roland Wilson
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Professor and Program Coordinator for Carter School's conflict resolution program at 亚洲AV's Korea Campus.

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Campus: Korea

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Dr. Roland B. Wilson is the Program Coordinator, Professor and faculty advisor for the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at 亚洲AV鈥檚 campus in South Korea. He is also the Peace and Conflict Studies Center Asia (PACSC Asia) Founder and Co- director, an international mediator and consultant. Dr. Wilson received his bachelor鈥檚 and master鈥檚 degrees in linguistics, Korean, and teaching English as a second language from Indiana State University. He received his doctorate in conflict analysis and resolution from 亚洲AV鈥檚 School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.

Dr. Wilson possesses more than 35 years of combined military, government and academic experience and has written about a myriad of complex subjects, including Asia Pacific relations, foreign policy, diplomacy, and security and conflict issues. He has also lived in East Asia for more than 20 years and speaks Korean at a professional-level.

Dr. Wilson鈥檚 current interests include working to improve foreign policy, diplomacy, and conflict resolution efforts around the world. He is also working to create and enhance local community and governmental capacity to peacefully mediate, transform, and resolve culturally diverse and historically deep-rooted and protracted conflicts by developing courses and providing professional workshops and other education and training opportunities.


  • PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, 亚洲AV
  • MA, Linguistics, Korean and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Indiana State University
  • BA, Linguistics, Korean and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Indiana State University

搿滊灉霌 鞙岇姩 氚曥偓
頃滉淡臁办氅旍澊鞀寑頃欔祼旃错劙 頃欕秬鞚 攵勳焷 攵勳劃 氚 頃搓舶 頂勲攴鸽灗 听欤检瀯甑愳垬

瓿犽鞚 毵£碃 鞛堧嫟. 霕愴暅 鞎勳嫓鞎勴弶頇旍檧 攵勳焷鞐瓣惮 靹柬劙鞚 毂呾瀯鞛愳澊鞛 甑牅鞝侅澑 欷戩灛鞛 氚 旎劋韯错姼鞚措嫟. 鞙岇姩 氚曥偓電 鞚鸽敂鞎犽倶欤茧雽頃 鞏胳柎頃, 頃滉淡鞏错暀 氚 鞝 2 鞕戈淡鞏措靹滌潣 鞓侅柎甑愳湣頃欔臣鞐愳劀 頃欖偓鞕 靹濎偓 頃欖渼毳 氚涭晿鞙茧┌, 臁办氅旍澊鞀寑頃欔祼 攵勳焷攵勳劃 氚 頃搓舶頃欔臣鞐愳劀 氚曥偓頃欖渼毳 氚涭晿雼.

鞙岇姩 氚曥偓電 甑半寑, 鞝曤秬 氚 頃欔硠鞐愳劀 35 雲 鞚挫儊鞚 瓴巾棙鞚 鞂撿晞鞕旉碃, 鞎勳嫓鞎 韮滍弶鞏 歆鞐 甑皜霌れ潣 甏瓿勳檧 鞕戈祼 鞝曥眳, 鞕戈祼, 鞎堧炒 氚 攵勳焷鞐 甏頃 鞐瓣惮毳 歆勴枆頃 鞕旊嫟. 霕愴暅 霃欖晞鞁滌晞 歆鞐棎靹 20 雲 鞚挫儊 瓯办<頃橃榾旮办棎 瓿犼笁 頃滉淡鞏 甑偓 電ル牓鞚 臧栰稊瓿 鞛堧嫟.

順勳灛 鞙岇姩 氚曥偓鞚 甏鞁偓電 鞝 靹戈硠鞚 鞕戈祼 鞝曥眳瓿 鞕戈祼, 攴鸽Μ瓿 攵勳焷鞚 頃搓舶頃橁赴 鞙勴暅 雲鸽牓 霌膘棎 鞛堧嫟. 鞙岇姩 氚曥偓電 甑愳湣 瓿检爼鞚 臧滊皽頃橁碃 鞝勲鞝侅澑 鞗岉伂靾 霌 甑愳湣 頉堧牗 旮绊殞毳 鞝滉车頃溂搿滌崹 雼れ枒頃 氍疙檾鞝 氚瓣步瓿 肟岆Μ 旯婌潃 鞐偓毳 歆雼堦碃 鞛堧姅 攵勳焷鞚 韽夗檾鞝侅溂搿 欷戩灛, 氤頇 氚 頃搓舶頃 靾 鞛堧弰搿 歆鞐 靷殞鞕 鞝曤秬鞚 鞐焿鞚 歃濎鞁滍偆瓿犾瀽 雲鸽牓頃橁碃 鞛堧嫟.