Stefan Toepler

Photo of Stefan Toepler
Titles and Organizations


Contact Information

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Stefan Toepler is a professor of nonprofit studies in the Schar School of Policy and Government at AV.

He regularly teaches Introduction to Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Law, and NGO Management and Policy. Prior to joining Mason in 2002, Toepler was deeply involved with cross-national research on nonprofits and global civil society at Johns Hopkins University, and more recently he was affiliated with the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, conducting research on nonprofit-government relations in the Russian Federation and its regions.

Toepler’s research interests range from the study of philanthropic foundations and nonprofit management and policy more generally to the roles of NGOs in international development as well arts policy and cultural economics. With more than 100 publications, his most recent articles have appeared in the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Nonprofit Policy Forum, Economics, American Behavioral Scientist, International Journal of Public Administration, International Journal of Cultural Policy, and Development in Practice.

Currently, he is coediting the Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management, a comprehensive standard work on all aspects of nonprofit management with an international focus, comprising 34 newly commissioned chapters involving 50 leading scholars from 10 countries. He is also serving as coeditor-in-chief of the second edition of Springer’s International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.

He earned his PhD in business administration and economics from the Free University of Berlin in 1995.

Curriculum Vitae

View Stefan Toepler's CV



George Mason University
Schar School of Policy and Government
3351 Fairfax Drive, MS 3B1
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 993-8187


4914 Bradley Blvd
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Phone (240) 398-8796


AV, Arlington, Va.

Professor (with tenure) & MPA Director, Schar School of Policy and Government [2019-] Associate Professor (with tenure), Schar School of Policy and Government [2006-2019] Director, Center for Arts &Culture, university-affiliated cultural policy think tank [2005-2006] Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs [2002-2006]

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Lead Research Fellow, Government/NGO Relations in Russia’s Regions Project, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Research, Dept. of Public and Municipal Administration [2014-16]

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Associate Research Scientist (research faculty appointment), Institute for Policy Studies [1999- 2002].

Research Associate (Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, 1995-1998) and Lecturer (M.A. in Policy Studies, 1998-1999), Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society Studies.


Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D. in Business Administration and Economics), Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Economics and Administrative Studies.

Diplom-Kaufmann (Post-Graduate Degree in Management/MBA), Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Economics and Administrative Studies.

Vordiplom (Pre-Diploma) in Economics and Business Administration, Free University of Berlin, Germany, Department of Economics and Administrative Studies.


WWU Visiting Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Westphalian Wilhelms-University of Münster, Germany [2018]

Fellow in Museum Practice, Center for Education and Museum Studies, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC [2003/04]

Virginia Hodgkinson Research Prize for Global Civil Society(co-author), Independent Sector, Washington, DC [2001].

Fellow, Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, Berlin (Humboldt University, 2004-2013) [since 1997]

International Fellow in Philanthropy, Institute for Policy Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD [1993/94].

DFG/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft doctoral research scholarship, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin, Germany [1992-95].


Founding Editorial Board, Culture Section, Global Perspectives [2019-] Editorial Board, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis [2019-]

Editorial Advisory Committee, Global Perspectives on Philanthropy and Public Good book series, The Policy Press [2017-]

Senior Editorial Committee and founding Editorial Board, Journal of Civil Society [2004-] Associate Editor, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society [2002-2009, 2010-14]

Editorial Advisory Committee, International Dictionary of Civil Society, Philanthropy, and Nonprofit Organizations, Taylor and Francis/Europa Publictions [2003-2004]


Current Book/Edited Volume Projects

Anheier, H.K. Toepler, S., eds. The Routledge Companionto Nonprofit Management. London: Routledge. Status: in preparation.

Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S., Nonprofit Organizations: Theory, Management, Policy. 3rd ed. London: Routledge. Status: under contract.

List, R., Anheier, H.K., & Toepler, S., editors-in-chief. International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. 2nd ed. Heidelberg/New York: Springer. Status: under contract.

Books, Monographs, Edited Volumes, Special Issues

Rosenstein, C., and Toepler, S., eds. (2011), special issue: 36th Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts Conference. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol. 41, No. 3.

Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S., editors-in-chief (2010).International Encyclopedia of Civil Society (3 volumes). Heidelberg/New York: Springer.

Prewitt, K.; Dogan, M.; Heydemann, S. Toepler, S., eds. (2006). The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations: US and European Perspectives. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

  • French version: Fondations philanthropiques en Europe et aux État-Unis. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2007

Toepler, S., ed. (2005),special issue: 30th Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts Conference. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol. 35, No. 3.

Toepler, S., ed. (2002), special issue Profiling Cultural Support. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol. 32, No. 3.

Doppstadt, J., Koss, C. and Toepler, S. (2002). Vermögen von Stiftungen: Bewertung in Deutschland and den USA [The Valuation of Foundation Assets in Germany and the US.]. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers

Toepler, S., ed. (2000), special issue: Arts and Culture in Post-Socialist States. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, Vol. 30, No. 1.

Salamon, L. M., Anheier, H. K., List, R., Toepler, S., Sokolowski, S. W., and Associates (1999). Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies.

  • In Spanish: La Sociedad Civil Global: Las dimensiones del sector no lucrativo. Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2001.
  • 2nd Volume: Salamon, L.M., Sokolowski, S.W. and Associates, Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, Volume 2. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 2004.

Anheier, H. K., & Toepler, S. (eds.) (1999). Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Salamon, L.M. with the Assistance of Stefan Toepler and Associates (1997). International Guide to Nonprofit Law. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Salamon, L.M. with the Assistance of P. Burns, A. Coates-Madsen, W. Sokolowski and S. Toepler (1997). Public Good/Private Action: Maryland's Nonprofit Sector in a Time of Change. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies/Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations.

Toepler, S. (1996). Das gemeinnützige Stiftungswesen in der modernen demokratischen Gesellschaft - Ansätze zu einer ökonomischen Betrachtungsweise. [Philanthropic Foundations and Modern Democratic Society: An Economic Interpretation] Munich: Maecenata Publishers.

Strachwitz, R., & Toepler, S. (eds.). (1993). Kulturförderung - Mehr als Sponsoring [Cultural Patronage: Beyond Corporate Sponsorship.] Wiesbaden: Gabler Publishers.

Toepler, S. (1991). Kulturfinanzierung: Ein Vergleich USA-Deutschland [Financing the Arts: A Comparison between Germany and the USA.] OIKOS Studies on the Economy Series, Vol. 28. Wiesbaden: Gabler Publishers.

Article Manuscripts in Progress

Advocacy in Authoritarian Contexts: The Case of Disability NGOs in Russia. (with Christian Fröhlich) Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Civil Society.

Building Collaboration or Securing Control? Russia’s NPO Regional Support Program at the Local Level. (with Lester Salamon, Irina Krasnopolskaya and Gulnara Minneagaleeva). Revise and Resubmit,Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Partnering with Philanthropic Foundations: Role Expectations of Federal Government Officials. (with Alan Abramson). Submitted to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals

Toepler, S., Pape, U., & Benevolenski, V. (in press) . Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

Anheier, H., Lang, M., & Toepler, S. (2019). . Economics: The Open- Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 13(2019-8): 1–27.

Toepler, S. (2018). Nonprofit Policy Forum, 9(4): 1-9.

Toepler. S. (2018). Towards a Comparative Understanding of Foundations. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(13), 1956–1971.

Jakobson, L.I., Toepler, S., & Mersianova, I.V. (2018). Foundations in Russia: Evolving Philanthropic Approaches. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(13), 1844–1868.

Toepler, S. (2018). Public Philanthropic Partnerships: The Changing Nature of Government/Foundation Relationships in the US. International Journal of Public Administration 41(8), 657-669. (Online: 2017)

Jakobson, L., Rudnik, R., & Toepler, S. (2018). From Liberal to Conservative: Shifting Cultural Policy Regimes in post-Soviet Russia. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 24(3), 297-314. (Online: 2016)

Benevolenski, V. & Toepler, S. (2017). Modernizing Social Service Delivery in Russia: Evolving Government Support for Nonprofit Organizations. Development in Practice 27 (1), 64-76.

Salamon, L. and Toepler, S. (2015). Government–Nonprofit Cooperation: Anomaly or Necessity? Voluntas 26(6), 2155-2177

Abramson, A., Soskis, B. & Toepler, S. (2014). Public-Philanthropic Partnerships: A Review of Recent Trends. Foundation Review 6(2), 52-66

Toepler, S. (2013). Shifting cultural policy landscapes in the US: what role for philanthropic foundations? Cultural Trends, 22(3-4), 167-179.

Toepler, S. (2006). The Role and Changing Face of Non-Market Provision of Culture in the United States. MUSEUM International, 58(4), 55-62.

Toepler, S. (2006). Caveat Venditor? Museum Merchandising, Nonprofit Commercialization and the Case of the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Voluntas, 17(2), 95-109

Toepler, S. & Dewees, S. (2005). Are there Limits to Financing Culture Through the Market? Evidence from the U.S. Museum Field. International Journal of Public Administration, 28(1/2), 131-146.

Toepler, S. (2005). Called to Order: A Board President in Trouble. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 15(4), 469-476.

Toepler, S. (2004). Ending Pay-out as We Know It: A Conceptual and Comparative Perspective on the Pay-out Requirement for Foundations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(4), 729-738.

Toepler, S. (2004). Conceptualizing Nonprofit Commercialism: A Case Study. Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal, 9(4), 240-253.

  • Reprinted in Ott, J.S. & Dicke, L., eds. (2012), Understanding Nonprofit Organizations: Governance, Leadership, and Management. 2nd ed. Boulder: Westview Press/Perseus.

Toepler, S., Seitcheck, C, & Cameron,T. (2004). Small Organization Mergers in Arts and Humanities. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 15(1), 95-115.

Toepler, S. & Gould, J. (2004).Charitable Sharing: A Tort Reform Proposal. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23(1), 153-158.

Toepler, S. and Salamon, L.M. (2003). NGO Development in Central and Eastern Europe: An Empirical Overview. East European Quarterly, 37(3), 365-378.

Toepler, S. (2003). Grassroots Associations Versus Larger Nonprofits: New Evidence from a Community Case Study in Arts and Culture. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 32(2), 236-251.

Toepler, S. (2001). Culture, Commerce, and Civil Society: Rethinking Support for the Arts. Administration & Society, 33(5), 508-522.

Toepler, S. (2000). From Communism to Civil Society? The Arts and the Nonprofit Sector in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 30(1), 7-18.

Toepler, S. (1999). On the Problem of Defining Foundations in a Comparative Perspective. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 10(2), 215-225.

Zimmer, A. & Toepler, S. (1999).The Subsidized Muse: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States. The Journal of Cultural Economics, 23(1/2), 33-49.

Toepler, S. (1998) Foundations and their Institutional Context: Cross-evaluating Evidence from Germany and the United States. Voluntas-International Journal of Voluntary and Non-profit Organisations, 9(2), 153-170.

Toepler, S., & Zimmer, A. (1997) The State and the Non-profit Sector in the Provision of Arts and Culture: The Cases of Germany and the United States. The European Journal of Cultural Policy, 3(2), 289-304.

Anheier, H., Toepler, S., & Sokolowski, W. (1997). The Implications of Government Funding for Nonprofit Organizations: Three Propositions. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 10(3), 190-213.

Zimmer, A., & Toepler, S. (1996). Cultural Policies and the Welfare State: The Cases of Sweden, Germany, and the United States. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 26(3), 167-193.

Articles in Journals without double-blind review

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (2018). Civil Society Organizations: In Need of New Regulatory Models. Global Solutions Journal 1(3), 60-64.

Toepler, S. (2017). Staat und Stiftungen in den USA [Government and Foundations in the USA] Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen [Journal of Social Movement Research] 30(4), 84-91. Toepler, S. (2017).Unbezahlt im Einsatz.[Deployed without Pay] Welt-Sichten: Journal of Global Development and Ecumenical Cooperation, No. 5/2017, pp. 13-17.

Toepler, S. (2003). Stiftungswesen in den USA vor neuem goldenen Zeitalter? [A NewGolden Age for the US Foundation Community?] Verbands-Management: Fachzeitschrift für Verbands- und Nonprofit-Management [Association Management-Journal of Association and Nonprofit Management], 29(3), 40-47.

Anheier, H. K., & Toepler, S. (2003). Bürgerschaftliches Engagement in Europa. [Civic Engagement in Europe.] Verbands-Management: Fachzeitschrift für Verbands- und Nonprofit-Management [Association Management-Journal of Association and Nonprofit Management], 29(3), 48-57.

Toepler, S. (2002). New Money, New Criticisms: Assessing the U.S. Foundation Debate in the 1990s. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter* [Economic Policy Papers - Journal of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce], 49(1), 16-23.

Toepler, S. (1997) Organisations- und Finanzstruktur der Stiftungen in Deutschland. [Organization and Financial Structure of Foundations in Germany] Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen [Journal of Public and Nonprofit Services], 20(3), 314-329.

  • Reprinted in Zimmer, A., and Nährlich, S. (eds.) (2000) Engagierte Bürgerschaft: Traditionen und Perspectiven. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 213-230.

Chapters in peer-reviewed Edited Volumes since 2006 (in English)

Anheier, H., Lang, M., & Toepler, S. (in press). Comparative Nonprofit Sector Research: A Critical Assessment. In Powell, W. W. and Bromley, P. (eds,) The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook. 3rd ed. Stanford University Press.

Abramson, A., & Toepler, S. (2018). The Washington, DC, Region’s Modest Foundation Sector. In Hammack, D. & Smith, S., eds., American Philanthropic Foundations: Regional Difference and Change. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 97-124.

Toepler, S. (2018). Foundation-Government Relations. In Farazmand, A. (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Heidelberg/New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3239-1

Toepler, S. & Sommerfeld, M. (2017). Governing Without Networks? Implementing the Advanced Energy Tax Credit Program. In: Conlan, T., Posner, P., & Regan, P. (eds.).Governing under Stress: The Implementation of Obama's Economic Stimulus Program. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, pp. 159-181.

Toepler, S. (2016). Foundations in Germany and the US: Comparative Observations. In: Witkowski, G. & Bauerkämper, A. (eds.), German Philanthropy in Transatlantic Perspective. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp. 23-39.

Abramson, A., Benjamin, L. & Toepler, S. (2014). Metro Teen AIDS: Serve and Advocate. In Cnaan, R. & Vinokur-Kaplan, D., eds., Cases in Innovative Nonprofits: Organizations that Make a Difference. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 229-242

Toepler, S. & Wyszomirski, M. (2012). Arts and Culture. In Salamon, L.M. (ed.), The State of Nonprofit America. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp. 229-265.

Toepler, S. (2010). Foundation Roles and Impacts in the Arts. In Anheier, H. & Hammack, D. (eds.), American Foundations: Roles and Contributions. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp.283-304.

Toepler, S. (2007). Foundation Roles and Visions in the USA: A Comparative Note. In: H.K. Anheier and S. Daly, (eds.) The Politics of Foundations: A Comparative Analysis, London, Routledge, pp.324-339.

Heydemann, S., & Toepler, S. (2006). Foundations and the Challenge of Legitimacy in Comparative Perspective. In: Prewitt, K., Dogan, M.; Heydemann, S. & Toepler, S. (eds.), The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations: U.S. and European Perspectives. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Chapters in Edited Volumes (in English)

Toepler, S. (2018). Government Funding Policies. In Seaman, B. & Young, D. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management. 2nd ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.409-427.

Toepler, S. (2014). Nonprofit Arts and Culture in the United States: Roles, Audiences and Participation. In Freise, M. & Hallmann, T., eds, Modernizing Democracy? Associations and Associating in the 21st Century. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp.315-324.

Salamon, L.M. & Toepler, S. (2012). The Impact of Law on Nonprofit Development: A Framework for Analysis. In Overes, C. and van Ween, W. (ed.), Met Recht Betrokken. Amsterdam: Kluwer, pp.276-284.

Toepler, S. (2012). Philanthropy. In Juergensmeyer, M. & Anheier, H. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Toepler, S. (2010). Government Funding Policies. In Seaman, B. & Young, D. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 320-334.

Toepler, S. & Anheier, H. (2010). Economic Theories of the Nonprofit Sector. In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 1527-1533.

Toepler, S. & Hall, M. (2010). Philanthropy in North America. In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 1209- 1213.

Toepler, S. & Sacharko, J. (2010). Nonprofit Mergers. In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.),

International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp. 1068-1072. Toepler, S. & Chavaren, O. (2010). Operating Foundations. In Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S. (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 716-722.

Toepler, S. (2007). Charitable Foundations. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Farmington Hills: Macmillan Reference/Thomson

Toepler, S., & Kirchberg, V. (2007). Museums and Merchandising. In Rentschler, R. & Hede, A. (eds.), Museum Marketing: Competing in the Global Marketplace. Buttersworth- Heinemann, pp.160-168.

Toepler, S., & Mard, N. (2007). The Role of Philanthropy within the United Nations System: The Case of the United Nations Foundation. In: Anheier, H., Simmons, A., & Winder, D. (eds.), Innovation in Strategic Philanthropy: Local and Global Perspectives. New York: Springer, pp. 167-182.

Toepler, S. & Feldman, M. (2004). Foundation Funding and Innovation. In Rindt, S., Sprengel,

R. & Strachwitz, R. (eds.), Maecenata Jahrbuch für Philanthropie und Zivilgesellschaft 2003. Berlin: Maecenata Verlag, 265-272.

with various co-authors (2004). Part 4: The Middle East, and Poland. In Salamon, L.M., Sokolowski, S.W. and Associates, Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, Volume 2. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 215-241; 276-293.

Barnow, B. and Toepler, S. (2004). Workforce Development in the United States: Key Legislative Initiatives and the Roles of the Private and Nonprofit Sectors. In Zimmer, A. & Stecker, Ch. (eds.), Strategy Mix for Nonprofit Organizations: Vehicles for Social and Labor Market Integrations New York: Plenum/Kluwer Academic Publishers, 161-179.

Toepler, S. & Anheier, H. (2004). Organizational Theory and Nonprofit Management: An Overview. In Zimmer, A. & Priller, E. (eds.), Future of Civil Society: Making Central European Nonprofit-Organizations Work. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 253-270.

Toepler, S. and Zimmer, A. (2002). Subsidizing the Arts: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States. In Crane, D. et al. (eds.), Global Culture: Media, Arts and Cultural Policy in a Global Context. London: Routledge, 23-46.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1999). Philanthropic Foundations: An International Perspective. In Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (eds.), Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 3-23.

Toepler, S. (1999). Operating in a Grant-making World: Re-assessing the Role of Operating Foundations. In Anheier, H. & Toepler, S. (eds.), Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 163-181.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1999). Why study Foundations? In Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (eds.), Private Funds, Public Purpose: Philanthropic Foundations in International Perspective. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 255-259.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1998). Commerce and the Muse: Are Art Museums Becoming Commercial? In: Weisbrod, B. (ed.), To Profit or Not to Profit: The Commercial Transformation of the Nonprofit Sector. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 233-248.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1997). Philanthropic Giving and Fundraising in Europe: Patterns and Current Developments. In: Burlingame, D. (ed.), Critical Issues in Fundraising. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 81-109.

Strachwitz, R., & Toepler, S. (1996). Traditional Methods of Funding: Foundations and Endowments. In Doyle, L. (ed.), Funding Europe´s Solidarity: Resourcing Foundations, Associations, Voluntary Organisations and NGO's in the Member States of the European Union. Brussels: Association for Innovative Cooperation in Europe, 100-108.

Chapters in Edited Volumes (in German)

Toepler, S. (2006). „Stiftungen in den USA – Wachstum, Regulation and die neue Kritik am Stiftungswesen. [Foundations in the USA: Growth, Regulation and Current Criticisms] In: Egger, P., Helmig, B., & Purtschert, R. (eds.), Stiftung und Gesellschaft [Foundations and Society]. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, pp.193-210.

Toepler, S. (2005). „USA. In: Strachwitz, R., & Merker, F. (eds.), Stiftungenin Recht und Praxis [Foundations in Lawand Practice]. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, forthcoming.

Anheier, H. K., & Toepler, S. (2005). „Definition and Phänomenologie der Nonprofit- Organisation [Definition and Phenomenology of Nonprofit Organizations]. In: Hopt, K., von Hippel, T., & Walz, W. (eds.), Nonprofit-Organisationen in Recht, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft [Nonprofit Organizations in Law, Economics, and Society]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp.17-34.

Toepler, S., & Anheier, H. K. (2005). Theorien zur Existenz von Nonprofit-Organisationen [Theories on the Existence of Nonprofit Organizations]. In: Hopt, K., von Hippel, T., & Walz, W. (eds.), Nonprofit-Organisationen in Recht, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft [Nonprofit Organizations in Law, Economics, and Society]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp.47-64.

Anheier, H. K., & Toepler, S. (2003). „Bürgerschaftliches Engagement zur Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft im internationalen Vergleich. [Strenthening Civil Society through Civic Engagement: An International Comparison.] In Enquete-Kommission „Zukunft des Bürgerschaftlichen Engagements, Deutscher Bundestag (ed.), Bürgerschaftliches Engagement im internationalen Vergleich. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 13-55.

Toepler, S. & Sprengel, R. (2003). Quellen und Grundlagen externer Finanzierung. [Sources and Methods of External Financing] In Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.), Handbuch Stiftungen. 2nd ed. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 565-591.

Anheier, H. & Toepler, S. (2002). Bürgerschaftliches Engagement in Europa: Überblick und gesellschaftspolitische Einordnung. [Civic Engagement in Europe: Overview and Policy Implications.] Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte [Politics and Modern History], Social Science Supplement of the official German weekly Das Parlament, No. 9: 31-38.

Toepler, S. (2002). Bewertung von Stiftungsvermögen in den USA im Vergleich zu Deutschland. [The Valuation of Foundation Assets in the USA in Comparison to Germany.] In Doppstadt, J., Koss, C. and Toepler, S., Vermögen von Stiftungen: Bewertung in Deutschland and den USA. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 99-125.

Toepler, S. (1999). Das amerikanische Stiftungswesen in den 1990er Jahren: Wachstum und Problemstellungen. [The American Foundation Sector in the 1990s: Growth and Issues.] In Maecenata Institute/Bertelsmann Foundation (eds.), Materialsof the Expert Commission on the Reform of Foundation- und Public Benefit Laws. Berlin and Gütersloh: Maecenata Institute/Bertelsmann Stiftung, C38-C49.

Anheier, H. K., & Toepler, S. (1998). Stiftungen: Eine international vergleichende Perspektive. [Foundations: An comparative Perspective.] In Anheier, H.K. (ed.), Stiftungen für eine zukunftsfähige Bürgergesellschaft. Munich: Maecenata, 9-31.

Toepler, S. (1998). 'Stiftungen im deutsch-amerikanischen Vergleich. [A U.S.-German Comparison of Foundations.] In: Dahlmanns, G. (ed.), Gesellschaft im Umbruch: Der gemeinnüutzige Sektor-Partner von Staate und Wirtschaft. Munich: Macenata, 25-31.

Toepler, S. (1998). Kooperative Kulturförderung im Ausland: Das Beispiel USA. [Cooperative Arts Funding Abroad: The U.S. Case.] In: Sievers, N. (ed.), Neue Wege der Kulturpartnerschaft. Materials of the Institute for Cultural Policy, Vol. 3. Bonn: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft.

Toepler, S. (1998). Quellen und Grundlagen externer Finanzierung. [Sources and Methods of External Financing] In Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.), Handbuch Stiftungen. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 593-618.

Toepler, S. (1998). Modell USA? Der Dritte Sektor im Umbruch. [Model USA? The Third Sector in Transition.] In Rupert Graf Strachwitz (ed.), Dritter Sektor – Dritte Kraft. Düsseldorf: Raabe Verlag, 65-73.

Toepler, S. (1997). Kulturpolitk im ‘liberalen’ Staat. Das Beispiel USA. [Cultural Policy in a Liberal State: The US Case.] In: Wagner, B. & Zimmer, A. (eds.), Krise des Wohlfahrtsstaates – Zukunft der Kulturpolitik. Essen: Klartext Verlag, 50-61.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (1996). Kommerzialisierungstendenzen amerikanischer Museen [Commercialization Trends in American Museums]. In: Wiese, G., & Wiese, R. (eds.), Die Finanzen des Museums. Schriften des Freilichtmuseums am Kiekeberg, Vol. 25. Ehestorf bei Hamburg: Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg, 155-170.

Toepler, S. (1996). Non-Profit-Organisationen in Europa und den USA. [Nonprofit Organizations in Europe and the US.] In: Hauser, A., Neubarth, R., & Obermair, W. (eds.), Management-Praxis: Handbuch soziale Dienstleistungen. Neuwied: Luchterhand, 633-645.

Toepler, S. (1995). Marketing Management für Museen - Die amerikanische Perspektive [Marketing Management for Museums: The American Perspective] In: Zimmer, A. (ed.). Das Museum als Nonprofit Organisation: Management und Marketing. Frankfurt: Campus, 155-175.

Toepler, S. (1993). Kultur, Staat und Gesellschaft [On Culture, the State, and Society.] In Strachwitz, R., & Toepler, S. (eds.), Kulturförderung - Mehr als Sponsoring. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 1993, 25-34.

Toepler, S. (1993). Kulturförderung in den USA. [Arts Patronage in the Unites States.] In Strachwitz, R., & Toepler, S. (eds.), Kulturförderung - Mehr als Sponsoring. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 1993, 71-79.

Toepler, S. (1993).Alternative Formen der Kulturfinanzierung am Beispiel der angelsächsischen Länder [Patronage of the Arts and Humanities in Anglo-Saxon Countries.] UN-Forum Berlin, No. 1: 24-35.

Reviews and other Journal Materials

Toepler, S. (2017).Re-Considering Tocqueville Through A Wilhelmine Lens: A Review Of Adam’s Philanthropy, Civil Society, and the State in German History, 1815-1989. HISTPHIL July 10, 2017.

  • German version: Autoritarismus und Philanthropie in der Wilhelminischen Ära. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen [Journal of SocialMovement Research] 30(4).

Rosenstein, C. & Toepler, S. (2011). Guest Editor’s Introduction: 36th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference Volume. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 41(3), 167- 169.

Toepler, S. (2008). Review of Whose Muse? Art Museums and the Public Trust, edited by James Cuno. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 37(4), 758-760.

Toepler, S. (2007). Introduction. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society; 36(4), 243- 244.

Toepler, S. (2005). Editor’s Note and Introduction: 30th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference Volume. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 35(3), 163-167.

Toepler, S. (2003). Review of Foundations in Europe: Society, Management, Law, edited by Andreas Schlüter, Volker Then, and Peter Walkenhorst. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 32(1), 141-144.

Toepler, S. (2002). Profiling Cultural Support: Introduction. (Editorial) Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 32(3), 171-174.

Toepler, S. (2002). Review of Bruno S. Frey, Arts & Economics: Analysis & Policy. Journal of Cultural Economics, 26(1), 79-81.

Toepler, S. (1994). Review of H.-D. Horch: Geld, Macht und Engagement in freiwilligen Vereinigungen (Money, Power, and Commitment in Voluntary Associations). In: Voluntas - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 5(1), 107-113.

Toepler, S. (1994). Stiftungen in internationaler Perspektive - Ein Forschungsüberblick [Foundations in an International Perspective: A Research Agenda.] Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen [Journal of Public and Nonprofit Enterprises], 17(1), 123-126.

Policy Reports, Working Papers, Newspaper Articles, Other Material

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (2019). Civil Society and the G20: Towards a Review of Regulatory Models and Approaches. Policy Brief, T20 Japan.

Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (2018). Civil Society Organizations: In Need of New Regulatory Models. Policy Brief prepared for Task Force 8: Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics, T20 Global Solutions Summit Berlin, May 28/29, 2018.

Anheier, H., Leat, D., & Toepler, S. (2018). Philanthropic Foundations: From Promise to Sustainable Contributions. Policy Brief prepared for Task Force 8: Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics, T20 Global Solutions Summit Berlin, May 28/29, 2018.

Abramson, A., Mollison, Ch, & Toepler, S. (2017). Public-Philanthropic Partnerships. Policy Brief prepared for the Council on Foundations, Washington, DC

Daigle, D., Toepler, S., & Schmock, S. (2016). FINANCIAL ACCESS FOR CHARITIES SURVEY 2016: Data Report to the Charity & Security Network, Washington, DC.

Abramson, A., Soskis, B., & Toepler,S. (2012). Public-Philanthropic Partnerships: Trends, Innovations, and Challenges. Washington, DC: Council on Foundations.

Abramson, A., Soskis, B., & Toepler, S. (2012). Public-Philanthropic Partnerships in the U.S.: A Literature Review of Recent Experiences. Washington, DC: Council on Foundations.

Toepler, S. (2007).Giving Away Your Money. (op-ed letter). Washington Post, 3/3/2007, A13.

Toepler, S. (2002). Review of Third Sector Policy at the Crossroads, edited by Helmut Anheier and Jeremy Kendall. Alliance, 7(1): 50-51.

Toepler, S. & Kirchberg, V. (2002). Museums, Merchandising and Nonprofit Commercialization. National Centerfor Nonprofit Enterprise Working Paper

Toepler, S. (2000). The Role and Changing Face of Non-Market Provision of Culture in the US. Background Document for the Arts, Culture and the National Agenda Project (mimeo). Washington, DC: Center for Arts & Culture.

Toepler, S. with G. Finch (2001). The Arts and Humanities in Montgomery County: An Empirical Profile. Appendix A in Jerry Allen & Associates (2001), Creative Montgomery: A Vision for the Arts and Humanities in Montgomery County, MD. Bethesda: Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County. Also issued as S. Toepler with G. Finch (2000), Occasional Paper No. 12. Columbus: Arts Policy & Administration Program, Ohio State University.

Zimmer, A., & Toepler, S. (1998). The Subsidized Muse: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States. In Tenth International Conference on Cultural Economics (ed.), Plenary Sessions. Barcelona, Spain, June 14-17, 1998.

Toepler, S. (1997). Myths and Misconceptions? Evaluating the Government/Foundation Relationship in Germany against the American Experience. Center for Civil Society Studies Working Paper No. 14. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies.

Anheier, H., Toepler, S., & Sokolowski, W. (1996). Exploring the State-Dependency-Thesis: Nonprofit Organizations in Germany. Center for Civil Society Studies Working Paper No. 10. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies.

Toepler, S. (1995, August 18). Steuermittel - nur noch für Stilleben. (On threats to abolish the National Endowment for the Arts). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1994). Operation in a Grant-making World: Reassessing the Role of Operating Foundations. Research Report, International Fellows in Philanthropy Program. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, May 1994.

Toepler, S. (1994, November 11). Stiftungs-Einmaleins. (Book review). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1993, September 11). Der Markt als Herausforderer. (On the relationship between art and the market). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1993, Juli 17). Unsichtbare Hand - Kulturstiftung Haus Europa mit Wertesystem. (Conference review). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1993, Juli 2). Die Stunde der Läuterung. (Commentary on the closing of the state theater company in Berlin). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1992, April 14). Musterbeispiel - Freiburger ұäܰ Rolle von Stiftungen. (Conference review). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1991, December 4). Vorbild ҰßٲԲԾ. (Conference Review). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.

Toepler, S. (1991, November11). Die Wunderwaffe im Kulturbetrieb. (Commentary on arts management education). Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Arts & Culture Section.


Sub-national Variations in Government-Nonprofit Relations in Authoritarian Regimes: A Comparison of Regional Differences in Russia. (with Ulla Pape, Vladimir Benevolenski). Paper presented at ARNOVA’s 47th Conference in Austin, TX November 15-17, 2018.

Do authoritarian regimes restrict nonprofit advocacy? The case of disability NGOs in Russia. (with Christian ö). Paper presented at the 27th Conference of the German Political Science Association, Frankfurt, Germany, September 25-28, 2018.

Implications of Government Funding for Nonprofit Service Providers: Evidence from Russia. (with Vladimir Benevolenski). Paper presented at the 13th International Conference of ISTR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 10-13, 2018.

Fostering Nonprofit Development in Russia: A Regional Comparison. (with Ulla Pape, Vladimir Benevolenski and Maria Myasnikova). Paper presented at the 15th Annual JCPA and ICPA- Forum Workshop Comparing Third Sector Expansions, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College CUNY November 20-21, 2017.

Foundations and the Federal Government: Prospects for Partnership. (with Alan Abramson). Paper presented at ARNOVA's 46th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 16-18, 2017

Russia. Presentation at the Nonprofit Experiences under Authoritarian Rule Colloquium, ARNOVA's 46th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 16-18, 2017.

NGO Suppression in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes. (with Danielle Melton and Joshua Keruski). Paper presented at ARNOVA's 46th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 16-18, 2017

American Foundations and the Federal Government under Obama. An assessment. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of the European Research Network On Philanthropy, Copenhagen, July 13‐14, 2017.

Foundations in Germany and the US. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of the European Research Network On Philanthropy, Copenhagen, July 13‐14, 2017.

Center-Periphery Relations in Russia: The Case of Government Support for Nonprofit Organizations (with Vladimir Benevolenski, Ulla Pape, and Maria Myasnikova). Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Washington, DC, Nov 17-19, 2016.

Presentation in the Colloquium The Foundation Payout Debate: Comparative Perspectives on Distribution, Perpetuity and the Role of Foundations at the 45th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Washington, DC, Nov 17-19, 2016.

Advocates in Disguise: Social Welfare NGOS in Russia (with Christian ö). Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of ISTR, Stockholm, June 28-July 1, 2016.

Government Dependency: Issues, Causes, and an Application to the Russian Case (with Vladimir Benevolenski). Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of ISTR, Stockholm, June 28-July 1, 2016.

The Changing Nature of Government/Foundation Relationships in the US: Past and Present. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of ISTR, Stockholm, June 28-July 1, 2016.

Service Providers or Advocates: What is Known about the Advocacy Activities of Social Welfare NPOs in Russia? (with Christian ö). Paper presented at ARNOVA’s 44th Annual Conference, Chicago, November 19-21, 2015.

Government Regulation Affecting the Demand and Supply for Nonprofits (with Lester Salamon). Paper presented at the Conference on Government – Nonprofit Relations And Nonprofit Sustainability: Russia In Comparative Context, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 11-12 November, 2015

Service Providers or Advocates? Social Welfare NPOs in Russia (with Christian ö).

Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of APSA, San Francisco, Sept 2-6, 2015.

Metro TeenAIDS: Serve and Advocate (with Alan Bramson and Lehn Benjamin). Paper

presented at ARNOVA’s 43rd Annual Conference, Denver, CO, November 20-22, 2014

The Puzzle of a Modest-Size Foundation Sector in a Wealthy Area (with Alan Abramson). Paper presentation and panel discussion. Foundation Center and Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers. Washington, DC, September 17, 2014

New Forms of Public-Private Partnership in U.S. Philanthropy. Public Lecture sponsored by the Center for the Study of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector, School of Higher Economics, Moscow, June 26, 2014.

Between Markets and Charity: Understanding the Hybridization of Social Good Provision. Paper presented at ARNOVA’s 42nd Annual Conference, Hartford, November 21-23, 2013; and 11th bi-annual Conference of ISTR, Münster, Germany, July 22-25, 2014.

Government-Foundation Partnerships in the 21st Century. (with Alan Abramson and Ben Soskins). Paper presented at the 41st annual conference of ARNOVA, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 15-17, 2012

Foundations and Their Institutional Contexts: A Comparative Note. Paper presented at invitational symposium German Philanthropy in Transatlantic Perspective, Center on Philanthropy, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Sept 30-Oct 2, 2012.

Placing Foundations in Communities: The Case of Washington, DC (with Alan Abramson). Paper presented at 40th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Toronto, Canada, November 17- 19 2011

Accountability in the Arts (with Lehn Benjamin). Presentation at 37th Annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference, University of Lexington, KY, October 13-15, 2011

International Grantmaking by US Foundations: Recent Trends and Effects of the Economic Crisis. (with Lehn Benjamin). Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-10, 2010

Government Dependency of Nonprofits: A Review of the Evidence and Proposal for a new Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-10, 2010

Foundations, International Giving and the Financial Crisis. Invited paper presented at the Symposium The Global Crisis: What’s Next for Social Investment, Nonprofits and Philanthropy? Center for Social Innovation, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, September 17-18, 2009.

U.S. Foundations and the Issue of Legitimacy: Is there a Need for New Theory? Public Seminar at the Center for Social Innovation, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, May 18, 2009.

Invited Presentation for the Theories, Issues and Boundaries Section (TIBS) plenary Why the Absence of New Theory about Foundations' Role in Social Change? 37th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, November 20-22, Philadelphia, PA.

Exploring the Role of the Foundation Community in the Greater Washington DC Area. (with Alan Abramson). Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, November 20-22, Philadelphia, PA.

Foundation Roles and Impact in the Arts. Paper presented at the 8th Գ’l Conference of ISTR,

Barcelona, Spain, July 9-12, 2008,

Getting to the Grant II. Paper presented at the 33st Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Los Angeles, CA, Nov 20-22, 2004.

Getting to the Grant I: The Issue of Legitimacy. Paper prepared for Presentation at the 6th International Conference of ISTR, July 11-14, 2004, Toronto Canada

Coming to Terms with Foundations in a Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at the Invitational Conference The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundation: US and European Perspectives. Social Science Research Council and Mattei Dogan Foundation, Paris, May 26- 29, 2004.

Retailing Culture: The Shifting Rationales of Merchandising and the Case of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Paper presented at the 32st Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Denver, CO, Nov 20-22, 2003.

Sue for Justice and Charity: Using Tort Reform to Address the Economic Crisis of the Nonprofit Sector. (with Jon Gould). Paper presented at the 32st Annual; Conference of ARNOVA, Denver, CO, November 20-22, 2003.

Museums and Financvial Vulnerability. (with Mark Hager). Paper presented at the 29th Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, Columbus, OH, October 9-11, 2003.

Definition and Phenomenology of Nonprofit Organizations (in German; with Helmut Anheier). Invited Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Symposion on Nonprofit Organizations, Max- Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, September, 26/27, 2003.

Theories on the Existence of Nonprofit Organizations (in German; with Helmut Anheier). Invited Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Symposion on Nonprofit Organizations, Max- Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, September, 26/27, 2003.

Mission vs. Merchandizing: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog? PhilanthroTalk, Foundation Center, Washington, DC, June 5, 2003

The Distinctive Roles of the Nonprofit Arts: Another Take at the Impact Question, (with Kathryn Chinnock). Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference in Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, Charleston, SC, October 2-5, 2002

Nonprofit Commercialization and Museum Merchandising. Seminar, Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy, Urban Institute, Washington, DC, July 18, 2002.

Commerce and Culture: Testing Commercialization Theories at the Organizational Level, (with Volker Kirchberg). Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 13-15, 2002, and the 31st Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Montreal, Canada, November 14-16, 2002.

Charting the Commercialization of Museums (with Sarah Dewees and Kelly Panciera). Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Miami, Nov 28 – Dec 1, 2001.

Museums and Merchandising: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog? (with Volker Kirchberg). Paper presented at the 27th Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, San Francisco, October 18-20, 2001.

Assessing Foundation Asset Valuation Rules, Investment and Spending Regulations in the US and Germany [in German]. Bertelsmann Expert Commission on the Reform of Foundation- and Public Benefit Laws, Berlin, May 8, 2001.

Workforce Development in the United States: Key Legislative Initatives and the Roles of the Private uand Nonprofit Sectors. (with Burt Barnow). Paper presented at invitational conference Work and Social Integration’ sponsored by the Ministry of Labor and Social Services, State of Northrhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf, May 21-22, 2001.

Museums, Missions, and Merchandising: Where is the Art and What is the Deal? Panel Presentation at The Art of the Deal: Money, Mission, and the Arts—A Rutgers University Cultural Policy Colloquium, Center for Urban Policy Research, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Business & the Arts Program, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, March 27, 2001.

Museums and Commercialization. Presentation at the Johns Hopkins All-University Colloquium on Civil Society, Baltimore, February 27, 2001.

Social Origins of Civil Society in Central Europe (with Lester Salamon). Paper presented at the

29th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, New Orleans, November 15-19, 2000.

Does the Focus on Paid-staff Nonprofits Skew the True Scope of Voluntary Action? Evidence from a Case Study in Arts and Culture. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts, Washington, DC, October 12-15,2000, and the 29th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, New Orleans, November 15-19, 2000.

Problems and Prospects of Organizational Mergers in Arts and Culture: A Case Study (with Cara Seitchek and Theresa Cameron). Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts, Washington, DC, October 12-15,2000.

Panelist, NGOs in a Market Economy Session, 25th Anniversary World Congress of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, American University, Washington, DC, August 9- 12, 2000.

Panelist, The Impact of Foundations and Global Civil Society Sessions. 4th International Conference of ISTR, Dublin, July 5-8, 2000.

Panelist, International Perspectives on Civil Society Session. InterActivity 2000, Baltimore, MD, May 11, 2000.

The Influence of the Legal Framework on the Development of the Nonprofit Sector (with Lester M. Salamon). Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Washington, DC, November 4-6, 1999, and the 4th International Conference of ISTR, Dublin, July 5-8, 2000.

So What? The Impact of the Nonprofit Sector in Comparative Perspective (with Lester M. Salamon and Leslie Hems). Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Washington, DC, November 4-6, 1999

The Rebirth of Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Early Maturity or Post-partum Depression? (with Lester M. Salamon). Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of ARNOVA, Washington, DC, November 4-6, 1999

The Nonprofit Sector in Central Europe: An Empirical Overview. Presentation at the invitational Voluntas Symposion Ten YearsAfter: Civil Society and the Third Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Charles University and London School of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic, October 15/16, 1999.

Results of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project-Phase II. Presentation at the conference The Nonprofit Sector in the Czech Republic, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, October 14, 1999.

The Nonprofit Sector and the Arts: Bridging the Gap. Paper presented at the 25th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference, Nashville, TN, October 6-8, 1999.

Commercialization in the Nonprofit Sector: The Case of Museums. Faculty Seminar. Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies, June 14, 1999.

Crises, Commerce and Civil Society: Current Trends in the Nonprofit Sector and their Implications for the Arts. Presentation at the National Endowment for the Arts Reassessment of Support for Arts Organization Resources Colloquium Organizations and the Future, Washington, May 14, 1999.

Das amerikanische Stiftungswesen in den 1990er Jahren: Wachstum und Problemstellungen. [The American Foundation Sector in the 1990s: Growth and Issues.] Presentation at the 4th Colloquium of the Expert Commission on the Reform of Foundation- und Public Benefit Laws, Maecenata Institute/Bertelsmann Foundation, Berlin, Germany, April 13, 1999.

The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project. University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Charity Law Project Seminar, Toronto, Canada, December 4, 1998.

Convener and Chair, The Contribution of the Third Sector to Cultural Change in Central and Eastern Europe. Panel Session, 3rd International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Geneva, Switzerland, July 8-11, 1998.

The Subsidized Muse: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States. (With A. Zimmer) Invited Plenary Presentation, Tenth International Conference on Cultural Economics, Barcelona, Spain, June 14-17, 1998.

Does Government Impair the Evolution of the Private Foundation Sector? Evaluating the German Foundation Debate in a Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Indianapolis, Dec 4-6, 1997.

Panelist. Panel on International Cultural Policy. 23rd Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, Cape Canaveral, October 2-4, 1997.

Substituting Citizen Participation for Arts Policy: Future Directions of Arts Policy in Germany. (With A. Zimmer) Paper presented at the Culture and Policy session at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 28-31, 1997

An Update on Research on the Nonprofit Sector. Presentation at the Annual EUConsult Meeting, Cocconato, Italy, June 30-July 1, 1997.

Kommerzialisierungstendenzen amerikanischer Museen [Commercialization Trends in American Museums] (With H. K. Anheier) Paper presented at the conference Museum Finance, Freilichtmuseum Am Kiekeberg, Hamburg, Germany, Nov 25-26, 1996.

Forced into the Market? Determinants of Structural Change for Nonprofit Welfare Agencies in Germany. (With S. Naehrlich and A. Zimmer) Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, New York, Nov 7-9, 1996.

International Philanthropy. Seminar at the International Program, The Washington Center, Washington, DC, October 11, 1996.

Rigging the Market? Collectors, Dealers, Public Museums and the Making of Contemporary Art in Germany. (With A. Zimmer and T. Krickhahn) Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Montreal, Canada, Oct 3-5, 1996

Stiftungen im deutsch-amerikanischen Vergleich [The U.S. and German Foundation Sectors Compared]. Invited presentation at the symposium Changing Society: Developing Partnerships between Government, Business and the Third Sector, Frankfurt Institute, Dresden, Germany, Sept 17-18, 1996.

The Implications of Government Funding for Nonprofit Organizations: Three Propositions. (With H. K. Anheier and S. W. Sokolowski) Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of ISTR, Mexico City, July 18-21, 1996

The State and the Nonprofit Sector in the Provision of Arts and Culture: The Cases of Germany and the US. (With A. Zimmer) Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of ISTR, Mexico City, July 18-21, 1996

Kulturpolitik im 'liberalen Staat' [Cultural Policy in the 'Liberal State']. Invited presentation at the symposium Crisis of the Welfare State; Future of Cultural Policy, Society for Cultural Policy, Ev. Akademie Bad Arnoldshain, Germany, June 28-30, 1996.

Exploring the State-Dependency-Thesis: Public Sector Funding of Nonprofit Organizations in Germany. (With H. K. Anheier and S. W. Sokolowski) Paper presented at the International Research Symposium on Public Services Management, Aston Business School, Birmingham, March 25-26, 1996.

Distant Relatives: A Comparative Analysis of the US and German Foundation Communities. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Cleveland, OH, Nov 2-4, 1995.

Cultural Policies and the Welfare State: The Cases of Sweden, Germany, and the USA. (With A. Zimmer) Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts, University of California at Santa Barbara, Oct 19-22, 1995.

Fund Raising in Europe: Sources, Methods, Trends. (With H.K. Anheier) Paper presented at the 1995 Think Tank on Fund Raising Research, National Society of Fund Raising Executives & Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, Indianapolis, IN, June 1-3, 1995.

Philanthropic Foundations in Modern Societies: A Chance for or a Threat to Democracy? Paper presented at the conference Problems of Democracy in the United States, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University, Berlin, May 6-8, 1993.

Alternative Formen der Kulturfinanzierung am Beispiel der angelsächsischen Länder [Patronage of the Arts and Humanities in Anglo-American Countries.] Panel speech at the symposion The World's Cultural Heritage in Berlin and Brandenburg, German Association for the United Nations and UNESCO, Berlin, Germany, Nov 19, 1992.


Co-PI, GAO Request for Additional Analyses from the C&SN Financial Access Survey. NEO Philanthropy, $3,400 [2018]

PI, NGO Financial Transaction Survey. NEO Philanthropy (Charity & Security Network/Gates Foundation), $21,400 [2016]

The Value of the Philanthropic Sector as a Partner and Stakeholder for the Federal Executive Branch Departments and Agencies (with Alan Abramson and Char Mollison). Report prepared for the Council on Foundations, $20,000 [2016]

Assessment of Nonprofit Management Studies and Job Market in the Kyrgyz Republic. Field trip and report (with Patrice Flynn) for East-West Management Institute and Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies as part of a USAID-funded Project on Collaborative Governance in the Kyrgyz Republic [2013].

Co-PI, Public/Philanthropic Partnerships: A Review. Council on Foundations Public-Private Partnership Advisory Committee, $17,940 [2012]

Research team member, Navigating in a System of Shared Governance: New Management Strategies for 21st Century Federal Managers. Project funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation (2009-2012).

North American Consultation and Report on Cultural Diversity, UNESCO ($15,000) [2006] Impact of Foundations on Arts and Culture, Contributions of Foundations Project, Aspen Institute ($6,000) [2005].

Legitimacy and Functions of Foundations in Europe and the United States. Co-organizer (with Steve Heydemann, Ken Prewitt and Mattei Dogan) of SSRC-led project funded by the Russell Sage and Mattei Dogan Foundations.

Getting to the Grant: An Exploration of Decision-making in Foundations. Principal Investigator.

Funded by the Aspen Institute Nonprofit Sector Research Fund ($48,000) [2003].

Philanthropy and the U.N. System, International Network on Strategic Philanthropy (INSP) project on the Role of Philanthropy in Globalization. Sub-award from UCLA ($1,500) [2003] Museums and Merchandising. Principal Investigator. Supported by the Center for Arts & Culture ($5,000)[2001], George Mason University ʰDZDz’s Office ($3,000) [2003],

Smithsonian fellowship ($12,000)[2004].

Nonprofit Listening Posts Project. Associate Director, 2001/02

National and Local Profiles of Cultural Support Project. Research Director, Montgomery County Site, June 1999 to June 2001. Funded by Pew Charitable Trusts and Montgomery County, MD.

Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, Phase II. Coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, and nonprofit law, 1996 to 2002.

ѲԻ’s Nonprofit Sector Study. Employment analysis component, 1996/97.

Free-lance Consultant. Participated in a consultancy for DaimlerChrysler AG with Maecenata Management Ltd., nonprofit consulting firm, Munich, Germany [April 1999].Researched and wrote papers on evaluation trends, strategy and practice in US foundations [Jun 1994], and fundraising techniques [Feb 1995] for Bertelsmann Foundation. Devised, researched, and wrote program evaluation/peer institution review study, and strategy recommendations on behalf of Körber Foundation, Hamburg [May 1994], and report on foundations in Europe on behalf of L. P. Doyle and Associates, Brussels, Belgium for Maecenata Management Ltd., nonprofit consulting firm, Munich, Germany [May/June 1994].


PhD Students

Allison Grayson. PhD (Public Policy), Schar School, AV, Committee Member

Doug Penhallegon. PhD (Political Science), Schar School, AV, GOVT 998 proposal advisor, spring 2017

Brett Doyle. PhD (Political Science), Schar School, AV, Committee Member. Thesis: Beyond Ad Hoc: The Role of Inter-organizational Collaboration in U.S. Stabilization Efforts. Defense: 11/21/2016

Katharina Obuch. Dr. phil. (Political Science). Westf. Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Second Reader. Thesis: Civil Society Organizations in the Hybrid Regime of Nicaragua: Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo? Disputatio: 10/18/2016

William Sumner. PhD (Biodefense), Dept. Public and International Affairs, AV, Committee Chair. Thesis: Infectious Diseases and Indigenous Non-Government Organization Mitigation Efforts: A Qualitative Study of Potential Capacity Development Activities within Nigeria. Defense. 3/17/2014

Ѳٱ’s Theses/Projects

Briana Roberts. MA in Interdisciplinary Studies, AV, Committee Member. Connecting to Freedom: Short-Term Anti-Trafficking Shelter Placement, spring 2019.

Katie Goatley. MA in Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Committee Member. The Role of Foundations in Public Policy: A Case Study of the Role of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in the Passage of the Michigan Community Foundation Tax Credit, spring 1999.

Anne FitzSimmons. MA in Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Committee Chair. From entitlement to self-sustainability? the effect of privatization on heritage museums in Baltimore, Maryland, spring 1998

Rebecca Vilkomerson. MA in Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Committee Member.

The Role of Commercial Revenue on Nonprofit Human Service Organizations, spring 1997.

Undergraduate Theses

Danielle Melton, Honors Thesis, Chair: The Full Picture of Civil Society in Modern China: Suppression and Support, spring 2018


Course Introduction to NGO Management, Georgian Institute for Public Affairs, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, June 30-July16, 2014.

Faculty, Executive Seminar in Cultural Policy. Hertie School of Governance, Berlin (February 2013).

Faculty. MPA, George Mason Dept. of Public & International Affairs [2002 - ] Faculty. Johns Hopkins Master of Arts in Policy Studies (MAPS) [1999-2002]

Academic Advisor and Faculty. Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Studies Certificate Program [1999 to 2002]. Research Advisor. Johns Hopkins International Fellows in Philanthropy Program [1996 to 2002].


Organization Theory MPA core, AV (Designed and Taught,2012/13) Third-Party Government. MPA core George Mason University (Designed and Taught, Spring 2007).

Arts Policy. MPA and MA in Arts Management, AV (Designed and Taught, Spring 2005).

Introduction to Nonprofit Management. MPA and Nonprofit Certificate, AV (Designed and Taught, since Spring 2005. ONLINE: since spring 2008)

The NGO: Managing the International Nonprofit. MPA and Nonprofit Certificate, George Mason University (Designed and Taught since Fall 2002).

Nonprofit Leadership and Change. MPA and Nonprofit Certificate, AV (Designed and Taught, Fall 2002, Spring 2003).

Nonprofit Law, Governance and Ethics. MPA and Nonprofit Certificate, AV (Designed and Taught since Spring 2003. ONLINE: since Fall 2007)

The Nonprofit Sector: Size, Scope and Dynamics. Master of Arts in Policy Studies Program, Johns Hopkins University, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences/Institute for Policy Studies & Certificate in Nonprofit Studies Program (since Fall 2000), Baltimore, MD. (Designed and Taught, Spring 1998, 1999, 2000; 2002; Fall 2000; Spring and Fall 2001)

Partnering for Results. M.A. in Policy Studies and Certificate in Nonprofit Studies (Co-taught, Fall 2001)

Nonprofit Revenue Sources: Organizational and Policy Perspectives. International Philanthropy Fellows Program, Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies, Baltimore, MD. (Designed and Taught, Fall 1997)

Nonprofit Management and Public Policy. The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, Washington, D.C. (Designed and Taught, Spring 1996)


Department and University Service

Member, PhD in Public Policy Admissions Committee [2017/18] Member, MPA Director search committee [2017/18]

Chair, P&T Review Committee, public administration [fall 2017] Faculty Evaluator, Public Policy PhD Qualifying Exam [Spring 2017]

Member, Public Administration Field Committee, Political Science PhD Comprehensive Examination [Winter 2017]

Member, Governance Committee, Schar School of Policy and Government [2015-], Chair [2017-]

Member, School-wide P&T Committee, Schar School of Policy and Government [2016/17] Member, Fisher Award for Best Public Policy Dissertation Committee, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs, [2016]

Member, Bylaws Committee, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs, [2014/15]

Member/Alternate, University Promotion, Tenure and Renewal Appeal Committee[2014-]

Chair (2011-14)and Member, P&T Committee, College of Humanities and Social Sciences [2009-2014]

Member, Graduate Admissions Committee (Department), [2012/13]

Member, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Public Administration Search Committee [2012] Member, Tenure Review Committee, Arts Management Program, College of Visual and Performing Arts [2011]

Member, Grade Appeal Committee (Department) [2010]

Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee (Department) [2010/11] Member, PA Field Committee, PhD Progam (Department) [2010] Member, individual Re-Appointment Committee (Department) [2010]

Chair, individual Tenure & Promotion Review Committee (Department) [2009] Member, Grade Appeal Committee (Department) [2009]

Member, Asst. Prof. of Arts Management Search Committee, College of Visual and Performing Arts (University) [2008]

Member, individual Tenure & Promotion Review Committee (Department) [2007]

Summer Research Funding Proposal Evaluation, ʰDZDz’s Office (University) (2007, 2008) Member, Committee on Research Standards (Department) (2006)

Director, Center for Arts & Culture (College/University) [2005/06]

Member, Search Committee, Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship (University). [2004/05].

Member, Search Committee, MPA Director (Department) [2004/05].

Member, Search Committee, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Studies (Department) [2004].

Chair, Search Committee, Nonprofit Professional-in-Residence (Department) [2003]. Member, MPA Admissions Committee (Department) [2002-2004]

Member, MPA Website Committee (Department) [2001/02]

Service to the Profession

Primary Track Chair Civil Society and Conference Program Committee member, ARNOVA 2018 Conference [2018]

Programco-chair, conference track, ARNOVA 2017 Conference [2017]

Member, Local Activities Committee, and program co-chair, conference track, ARNOVA 2016 Conference [2015-16]

Board member, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR); chair, Publications Committee; member, Nominations Committee [2015-]; member. Executive committee [2017-]

Member, Advisory Council: Emerging Fourth Sector Mapping Initiative, Urban Institute, Washington DC [2014-]

Member, Emerging Scholarship Award Committee, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) [2013-14]

Co-Chair/Host, 36th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference, Arlington, VA, Oct 14-16, 2010

Member, Fellows in Museum Practice Selection Committee, Smithsonian Institution, 2008, 2009.

Member, International Fellowship Selection Committee, ARNOVA & Rockefeller Archives Center, June/July 2007.

Member, Scientific Committee, 32th Social Theory, Politicsand the Arts Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 9-11, 2006.

Co-Chair, Local Host Committee, 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Washington, DC, November 2005

Chair/Host, 30th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference, Arlington, VA, Oct 7-9, 2004 Wissenschafticher Partner [non-resident fellow], Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, Humbold University Berlin [2003-]

Member, Conference Program Committee & Book Award Committee, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) [2000 - 2002]; Scientific Committee, Annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference [2010, 2011]

Ad hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Sociology [2001], Curator: The Museum Journal [2003, 2005, 2006],Development in Practice[2017], International Journal of Cultural Policy [1998, 2017, 2018], International Sociology [2003], Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society [2010, 2011, 2012], Journal of Civil Society [2010, 2012, 2013, 2014], Journal of Cultural

Economics [1999, 2006], Management and Organization Review [2010] Museum

Management and Curatorship [2006; 2007; 2010; 2011, 2012, 2013],Nonprofit and

Voluntary Sector Quarterly [2002, 2004-2007, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018], Nonprofit

Management & Leadership [2001-2007, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018],Nonprofit Policy

Forum [2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017], Poetics [2013], Social Forces [2007, 2016];

Voluntas-International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations [1996, 1998;2007, 2014, 2016, 2017], Voluntary Sector Review [2011], ARNOVA Conference [1997, 2000-

2003, 2005, 2006, 2016-2018], ISTR Conference [1998, 2000, 2004, 2014-2018] and

Conference Working Paper Series [2000, 2002]; INTREU Program, National Research Council, National Academies [2005]; National Science Foundation [2007]; Swiss National Science Foundation [2007], Kumarian Press [1999]. University of Chicago Press [2010, 2011], Jossey-Bass Publishers [2011]; Springer [2018]

Public/Community Service

Member, Steering Committee, Consolidated Community Funding Pool Review Process, Fairfax County, VA [2013/14]

Member, Selection Committee, Future ED Fellows Program, Nonprofit Roundtable, DC [2012] Member and Travel Commissioner, Board of Directors, DC Stoddert Youth Soccer League [2008-14]

Member, Advisory Committee, Foundation Center - Washington, DC [2004-2006]

Member, Museums and Community National Task Force, American Association of Museums [2000- 2002]

President (2003), Board of Directors, Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, MD [2000-2006]

Member, Community Cultural Planning Steering Committee, Montgomery County, MD [1999/2000]

Member, Grants Advisory Committee, The Barker Welfare Foundation, Glen Head, NY [1994 - 1999 ].

Areas of Research

Areas of Research

  • Europe
  • International Development
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Philanthropy
  • Public Administration
  • Nonprofit/Government Relations in Russia
  • Global Civil Society
  • Cultural Policy