
professional development

  • March 25, 2024

    On March 21, 2024, Break Through Tech Mason hosted "A Day in the Life: Tech Jobs Unveiled," a panel event featuring Jamie Bowers, Site Reliability Engineer at Microsoft; Veeraj Modi, Security Analyst at Microsoft; and Cassandra Rothrauff, Senior Computer Engineer at Booz Allen Hamilton. Each panelist discussed their path in the tech industry as well as advice they would offer students just starting out.

  • August 17, 2023

    亚洲AV staff member Kathy Zimmerman was recently recognized by Liaison, the company that supports TargetX and Salesforce, for her significant contributions to the higher education community.

  • April 7, 2022

    Students in the Rising Health Care Leaders at Mason gained critical leadership experience by hosting a successful 2022 RHLM Spring Symposium. President of RHLM, Akshaya Chinnathevar Ramesh, reflects on how leading others to plan and organize the event further prepared her for a career in health leadership.