Academic Credit by Exam

The tables below explain how credits earned from academic exams transfer to George Mason.

Official score reports should be sent to the Office of Admissions after a student has indicated their intent to enroll.

Advanced Placement (AP)/NEWL Exams

Official AP transcripts should be sent to the Office of Admissions using George Mason's AP school code: 5827.

George Mason accepts National Examinations in World Languages (NEWL) exams in Arabic, Korean, Portuguese and Russian.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

AP Exam Minimum Score George Mason Equivalent Credits
AP Arts Ìý Ìý Ìý
Art History 3 ARTH 200 3
Ìý 4 or 5 ARTH 200, 201 6
2-D Art and Design 3 AVT elective 3
Ìý 4 or 5 AVT 104 3
3-D Art and Design 3 AVT elective 3
Ìý 4 or 5 AVT 105 3
Drawing 3 AVT elective 3
Ìý 4 or 5 AVT 222 3
Music Theory 3 or 4 MUSI 100 3
Ìý 5 MUSI 115 3
AP English Ìý Ìý Ìý
English Language & Composition 4 ENGH 101 3
Ìý 5 ENGH 101, 201 6
English Literature & Composition 4 ENGH 101 3
Ìý 5 ENGH 101, 202 6
AP History/SocSci Ìý Ìý Ìý
African American Studies 3, 4, or 5 AFAM elective 3
Comparative Government and Politics 3, 4, or 5 GOVT 133 3
European History 3 HIST 100 3
Ìý 4 or 5 HIST 100, L388 6
Human Geography 3 GGS 103 3
Ìý 4 or 5 GGS 101, 103 6
Macroeconomics 3 ECON elective 3
Ìý 4Ìýor 5 ECON 104 3
Microeconomics 3 ECON elective 3
Ìý 4Ìýor 5 ECON 103 3
Psychology 3, 4, or 5 PSYC 100 3
United States Government and Politics 3, 4, or 5 GOVT 103 3
United States History 3 HIST 121 3
Ìý 4 or 5 HIST 121, 122 6
World History: Modern 3 HIST 125 3
Ìý 4 or 5 HIST 125, L387 6
AP Math/CompSci Ìý Ìý Ìý
Calculus AB 3 MATH 123 3
Ìý 4 or 5 MATH 113 4
Calculus AB Subscore 3 MATH 123 3
Ìý 4 or 5 MATH 113 4
Calculus BC 3 MATH 123 3
Ìý 4 or 5 MATH 113, 114 8
Computer Science A 3 CS Elective 4
Ìý 4 or 5 CS 112 4
Computer Science Principles 3 CS Elective 3
Ìý 4 or 5 CS 100 3
Precalculus 3 MATH 103T 3
Ìý 4 or 5 MATH 105 4
Statistics 3 STAT 105T 3
Ìý 4 STAT 250 3
Ìý 5 STAT 250 for nonmajors; 260 for majors 3
AP Sciences Ìý Ìý Ìý
Biology 3 BIOL 103 3
Ìý 4 BIOL 103, 105 4
Ìý 5 BIOL 103, 105, 102Ìý 8
Chemistry 3 CHEM 103 4
Ìý 4 or 5 CHEM 211, 213 4
Environmental Science 3 EVPP 108, 109 4
Ìý 4 or 5 EVPP 108, 109, 112, 113 8
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS 103 4
Ìý 4 or 5 PHYS 243, 244 4
Physics 2: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS 104 4
Ìý 4 or 5 PHYS 245, 246 4
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 3 PHYS 245, 246 4
Ìý 4 or 5 PHYS 260,Ìý 261 4
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS 243, 244 4
Ìý 4 or 5 PHYS 160, 161 4
AP World Lang/Culture Ìý Ìý Ìý
Arabic Language Overall (NEWL)Ìý 3 ARAB 110 6
Ìý 4 ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 ARAB 110, 201, 202 12
Chinese Language & Culture 3 CHIN 110 6
Ìý 4 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 CHIN 110, 201, 202 12
French Language and Culture 3 FREN 110 6
Ìý 4 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 FREN 110, 201, 202 12
German Language and Culture 3 GERM 110 6
Ìý 4 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 GERM 110, 201, 202 12
Italian Language and Culture 3 ITAL 110 6
Ìý 4 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 ITAL 110, 201, 202 12
Japanese Language and Culture 3 JAPA 110 6
Ìý 4 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 JAPA 110, 201, 202 12
Korean Language Overall ( NEWL) 3 KORE 110 6
Ìý 4 KORE110, 201 9
Ìý 5 KORE 110, 201, 202 12
Latin 3 LATN 101, 102 6
Ìý 4 LATN 101,102, 201 9
Ìý 5 LATN 101,102, 201, 202 12
Portuguese Language Overall (NEWL) 3 PORT 110 6
Ìý 4 PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 PORT 110, 201, 202 12
Russian Language Overall ( NEWL) 3 RUSS 110 6
Ìý 4 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 RUSS 110, 201, 202 12
Spanish Language and Culture 3 SPAN 110 6
Ìý 4 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5 SPAN 110, 201, 202 12
Spanish Literature and Culture 3, 4, or 5 SPAN L488 3
AP Capstone Diploma Ìý Ìý Ìý
Research 3, 4, or 5 General Elective 3
Seminar 3, 4, or 5 General Elective 3

International Baccalaureate Higher Level (HL) Exams

Official IB transcripts should be sent to the Office of Admissions from the International Baccalaureate Organization.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

IB HL Exams Minimum Score George Mason Equivalent Credits
Arabic A: Language & Literature 4 ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 ARAB 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Arabic A: Literature 4 ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 ARAB 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Arabic B: Language 4 ARABÌý 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 ARAB 110, 201, 202 12
Biology 4 BIOL 103 3
Ìý 5 BIOL 103, 105 4
Ìý 6, 7 BIOL 103, 105, 102 8
Business Management 4,5 BUS elective 3
Ìý 6,7 BUS 100, elective 6
Chemistry 4 CHEM 103 4
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 CHEM 211, 213 4
Chinese Cantonese A: Language & Literature 4 FRLN 101, 102, elective 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, L330 elective 15
Chinese Cantonese A:Ìý Literature 4 FRLN 101, 102, elective 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, L330 elective 15
Chinese Cantonese B: Lang 4 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Chinese Mandarin A: Language & Literature 4 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 CHIN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Chinese Mandarin A: Literature 4 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 CHIN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Chinese Mandarin B: Lang 4 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 CHIN 110, 201, 202 12
Computer Science 4 CS 112 4
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 CS 112, 211 7
Economics 4, 5, 6, or 7 ECON 100 3
English A: Language and Literature 5 ENGH 101 3
Ìý 6 or 7 ENGH 101, 201 6
English A: LiteratureÌý 5 ENGH 101 3
Ìý 6 or 7 ENGH 101, 201 6
EnglishÌý B: LanguageÌý 5, 6, or 7 ENGH 100 4
Film 4, 5, 6, or 7 FAVS elective 3
French A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FREN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
French A: Literature 4 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FREN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
French B: LanguageÌý 4 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FREN 110, 201, 202 12
Foreign Language (non-GMU) A: Language & Literature 4 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, L330 15
Foreign Language (non-GMU) A: Literature 4 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, L330 15
Foreign Language (non-GMU) B: Language 4 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6,Ìýor 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Geography 4 GGS 101 3
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 GGS 101, 102 6
German A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 GERM 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
German A: Literature 4 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 GERM 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
German B: LanguageÌý 4 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 GERM 110, 201, 202 12
Global Politics 4, 5, 6, or 7 CONF elective 3
Greek A: Language & Literature 4 FRLN 101, 102, elective 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, L330, elective 15
Greek A: Literature 4 FRLN 101, 102, elective 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 FRLN 101, 102, L330, elective 15
Greek: Classical Language 4 GREE 150, 160, elective 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 GREE 150, 160, elective 12
Hebrew A: Language & Literature 4 HEBR 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HEBR 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Hebrew A: Literature 4 HEBR 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HEBR 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Hebrew B: Language 4 HEBR 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HEBR 101, 102, 201, 202 12
History: Africa and Middle East 4 HIST 125 3
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HIST 125, 262 6
History: The Americas 4 HIST 122 3
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HIST 122, 125 6
History: Asia and Oceania 4 HIST 125 3
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HIST 125, 252 6
History: Europe 4 HIST 125 3
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HIST 100, 125 6
History: Islamic History (last 2009) 4 HIST 281 3
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 HIST 101, 282 6
Italian A: Language & Literature 4 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 ITAL 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Italian A: Literature 4 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 ITAL 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Italian B: LanguageÌýÌý 4 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 ITAL 110, 201, 202 12
Japanese A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 JAPA 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Japanese A: Literature 4 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 JAPA 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Japanese B: LanguageÌýÌý 4 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 JAPA 110, 201, 202 12
Korean A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 KORE 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 KORE 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Korean A: Literature 4 KORE 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 KORE 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Korean B: LanguageÌý 4 KORE 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 KORE 110, 201, 202 12
Latin: Classical Language 4 LATN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 LATN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches 4 MATH 110, 123 6
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 MATH 110, 113 7
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation 4 MATH 103T, Elective 6
Ìý 5, 6, orÌý7 MATH 108, 110 6
Mathematics: Further# 4 MATH 110, 123 6
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 MATH 110, 113 7
Music, all curricula 4, 5, 6, or 7 MUSI 100 3
Persian A: Language & Literature 4 PERS 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 PERS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Persian A: Literature 4 PERS 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 PERS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Philosophy 4, 5, 6, or 7 PHIL 100 3
Physics 4 PHYS 103 4
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 PHYS 243, 244, 245, 246 8
Portuguese A: Language & Literature 4 PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 PORT110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Portuguese A: Literature 4 PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 PORT 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Portuguese B: Language 4 PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 PORT 110, 201, 202 12
Psychology 4, 5, 6, or 7 PSYC 100 3
Russian A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 RUSS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Russian A: Literature 4 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 RUSS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Russian B: LanguageÌýÌý 4 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 RUSS 110, 201, 202 12
Social and Cultural Anthropology 4, 5, 6, or 7 ANTH 114 3
Spanish A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 SPAN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Spanish A: Literature 4 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 SPAN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Spanish B: LanguageÌý 4 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 SPAN 110, 201, 202 12
Theatre 4, 5, 6, or 7 THR 101 3
Turkish A: LanguageÌý& Literature 4 TURK 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 TURK 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Turkish A: Literature 4 TURK 110, 201 9
Ìý 5, 6, or 7 TURK 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Visual Arts 4 or 5 AVT 104 3
Ìý 6 or 7 AVT 104, 105 6

#Mathematics: Further last offered 2020.

International Baccalaureate Standard Level (SL) Exams

Official IB transcripts should be sent to the Office of Admissions from the International Baccalaureate Organization.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

IB SL Exams Minimum Score George Mason Equivalent Credits
Arabic A: Language & Literature 5 ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 ARAB 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 ARAB 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Arabic A: Literature 5 ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 ARAB 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 ARAB 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Arabic B: Language 5 ARABÌý 110 6
Ìý 6 ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 ARAB 110, 201, 202 12
Biology 5 BIOL --- 3
Ìý 6 BIOL 102 4
Ìý 7 BIOL 102, --- 4+3
Business Mgmt 5-6 BUS --- 3
Ìý 7 BUS --- 6
Chemistry 5-7 CHEM 103 3
Chinese (Cantonese) A: Language & Literature 5 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Chinese (Cantonese) A: Literature 5 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Chinese (Cantonese) B: Language 5 FRLN 101, 102 6
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Chinese (Mandarin) A: Language & Literature 5 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 CHIN 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 CHIN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Chinese (Mandarin) A: Literature 5 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 CHIN 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 CHIN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Chinese (Mandarin) B: Language 5 CHINÌý 110 6
Ìý 6 CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 CHIN 110, 201, 202 12
Computer Science 5-7 CS 100 3
Economics 7 ECON --- 3
Environmental Systems & Societies 5 EVPP 108, 109 4
Ìý 6 or 7 EVVPP 108, 109, 112, 113 8
Film 5, 6, or 7 FAVS elective 3
French A: Language & Literature 5 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 FREN 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FREN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
French A: Literature 5 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 FREN 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FREN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
French B: Language 5 FRENÌý 110 6
Ìý 6 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 FREN 110, 201, 202 12
Foreign Language (non-GMU) A: Language & Literature 5 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Foreign Language (non-GMU) A: Literature 5 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Foreign Language (non-GMU) B: Language 5 FRLN 101, 102 6
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Geography 5-7 GGS 101 3
German A: Language & Literature 5 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 GERM 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 GERM 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
German A: Literature 5 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 GERM 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 GERM 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
German B: Language 5 GERM 110 6
Ìý 6 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 GERM 110, 201, 202 12
Global Politics 5, 6,Ìýor 7 CONF elective 3
Greek A: Language & Literature 5 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Greek A: Literature 5 FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 FRLN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Greek Classical B: Language 5 GREE 150, 160 6
Ìý 6 GREE 150, 160, elective 9
Ìý 7 GREE 150, 160, elective 12
Hebrew A: Language & Literature 5 HEBR 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 HEBR 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 HEBR 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Hebrew A: Literature 5 HEBR 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 HEBR 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 HEBR 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Italian A: Language & Literature 5 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 ITAL 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 ITAL 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Italian A: Literature 5 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 ITAL 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 ITAL 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Italian B: Language 5 ITAL 110 6
Ìý 6 ITAL 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 ITAL 110, 201, 202 12
Japanese A: Language & Literature 5 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 JAPA 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 JAPA 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Japanese A: Literature 5 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 JAPA 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 JAPA 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Japanese B: Language 5 JAPA 110 6
Ìý 6 JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 JAPA 110, 201, 202 12
Korean A: Language & Literature 5 KORE 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 KORE 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 KORE 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Korean A: Literature 5 KORE 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 KORE 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 KORE 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Korean B: Language 5 KORE 110 6
Ìý 6 KORE 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 KORE 110, 201, 202 12
Latin A: Language & Literature 5 LATN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 LATN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 LATN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Latin A: Literature 5 LATN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 6 LATN 101, 102, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 LATN 101, 102, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Latin Classical B: Language 5 LATN 101, 102 6
Ìý 6 LATN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 7 LATN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Mathematics (taken on or before Nov. 2020) 5, 6, or 7 MATH 108 3
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches 5, 6, or 7 MATH 108 3
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation 5, 6, or 7 MATH 110 3
Music 5, 6, or 7 MUSI 100 3
Persian A: Language & Literature 5 PERS 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 PERS 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 PERS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Persian A: Literature 5 PERS 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 PERS 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 PERS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Persian B: Language 5 PERS 110 6
Ìý 6 PERS 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 PERS 110, 201, 202 12
Physics 5, 6, or 7 PHYS 243,Ìý 244 4
Portuguese A: Language & Literature 5 PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 PORT 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 PORT 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Portuguese A: Literature 5 PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 PORT 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 PORT 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Psychology 5, 6 PSYC --- 3
Ìý 7 PSYC 100 3
Russian A: Language & Literature 5 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 RUSS 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 RUSS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Russian A: Literature 5 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 RUSS 110, 201, FRLN L330 6
Ìý 7 RUSS 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 12
Russian B: Language 5 RUSS 110 6
Ìý 6 RUSS 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 RUSS 110, 201, 202 12
Spanish A: Language & Literature 5 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 SPAN 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 SPAN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Spanish A: Literature 5 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 SPAN 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 SPAN 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Spanish B: Language 5 SPAN 110 6
Ìý 6 SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 SPAN 110, 201, 202 12
Turkish A: Language & Literature 5 TURK 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 TURK 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 TURK 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Turkish A: Literature 5 TURK 110, 201 9
Ìý 6 TURK 110, 201, FRLN L330 12
Ìý 7 TURK 110, 201, 202, FRLN L330 15
Turkish B: Language 5 TURK 110 6
Ìý 6 TURK 110, 201 9
Ìý 7 TURK 110, 201, 202 12
World Religions 5, 6, orÌý7 RELI 100 3

International Advanced (A)-Level Exams

The University awards credit for certain A-Level exams based upon receipt of an official Certifying Statement of Results from Edexcel, Cambridge International Examinations,Ìýor . Credit is not awarded for O-Level exams.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Due to the varying nature of the subject matter, course equivalencies noted with # may be appealed for specific course credit.

Subject Exam Grade(Mark)ÌýÌý George Mason Course(s) Semester Hours Awarded
Accounting A*, A, B, C, D, or E ACCT 203 3
Arabic A*, A, or B ARAB 110, 201,Ìý202 12
Ìý C ARAB 110, 201 9
Ìý D or E ARAB 110 6
Art & Design A*, A, B, or C AVT 104, 105, ---- # 6
Ìý D or E AVTÌý104 3
Biology A* orÌýA BIOL 103, 105,102 8
Ìý B orÌýC BIOL 103, 105Ìý 4
Ìý D or E BIOL 102 4
Business A*, A, or B BUS 100, elective 6
Ìý C, D, E BUS 100 3
Chemistry A* or A CHEM 211, 212, 213, 214 8
Ìý B CHEM 211, 213 4
Ìý C, D, or E CHEM 103 4
Chinese A*, A, or B CHIN 110, 201,Ìý 202 12
Ìý C CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý D or E CHINÌý110 6
Computer Science A*, A, B, C, D, orÌýE CS 100 3
Digital Media & Design A*, A, B, or C AVT 180, 280 6
Ìý D or E AVT 180 3
Drama A*, A, B, or C THR 101, 201 6
Ìý D or E THR 101 3
Economics A*, A, B, or C ECON 103, 104 6
Ìý D or E ECON elective 3
English Language A*, A, B, or C ENGH 101,Ìý202 6
English Literature A*, A, B, or C ENGH 202 3
French A*, A, or B FREN 110, 201, 202 12
Ìý C FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý D or E FREN 110 6
Foreign Language, non-George Mason A*, A, or B FRLN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Ìý C FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý D or E FRLN 101, 102 6
Geography A*, A, B, or C GGS 102, 103 6
Ìý D or E GGS elective 3
German A*, A, or B GERM 110,Ìý201,Ìý202 12
Ìý C GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý D or E GERM elective 6
History A*, A, B, C, D, or E HIST L386 # 6
Mathematics A*, A, or B MATH 105,Ìý113 8
Ìý C MATH 105, 123 7
Ìý D or E MATH 105 4
Mathematics-Further A*, A, or B MATH 105,Ìý 113, 114 12
Ìý C MATH 105, 113 8
Ìý D or E MATH 105, 123 7
Media Studies A*, A, B, or C GENL elective # 6
Ìý D or E GENL elective # 3
Music A*, A, B, C, D, or E MUSI 100 3
Physics A* orÌýA PHYS 243, 244, 245, 246 8
Ìý B PHYS 243, 244 4
Ìý C PHYS 103 4
Ìý D PHYS 122, 123 2
Ìý E PHYS 122 1
Portuguese A*, A, or B PORT 110, 201,Ìý 202 12
Ìý C PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý D or E PORT 110 6
Psychology A*, A, B, C, D, or E PSYC 100 3
Sociology A*, A, B, or C SOCI 101 3
Ìý D orE SOCI elective 3
Spanish A*, A, or B SPAN 110,Ìý 201, 202 12
Ìý C SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý D or E SPAN 110 6
Travel & Tourism A*, A, B, C, D, or E TOUR 200 3

International Advanced-Subsidiary (AS) - Level Exams

Effective fall 2025, the University awards credit for certain AS-Level exams based upon receipt of an official Certifying Statement of Results from Edexcel, Cambridge International Examinations, or Oxford International AQA. Credit is not awarded for O-Level exams.Ìý

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Subject Exam Grade(Mark)ÌýÌý George Mason Course(s) Semester Hours Awarded
Accounting a BUS ---elective 3
Arabic a ARAB 110, 210 9
Ìý b ARAB 110 6
Art & Design a, b, or c AVT 104, 105 6
Ìý d or e AVT 104 3
Biology a BIOL 102, ---elective 7
Ìý b or c BIOL 102 4
Ìý d or e BIOL --- 3
Business a BUS elective 3
Chemistry a, b, c, d, or e CHEM 211,Ìý213 4
Chinese a CHIN 110, 201 9
Ìý b CHIN 110 6
Computer Science a, b, c, d, or e CS 100 3
Digital Media & Design a, b, or c AVT 180, 280 6
Ìý d or e AVT 180 3
Drama a, b, or c Ìý Ìý
Economics a ECON ---elective 3
Foreign Language, non-George Mason a FRLN 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý b FRLN 101, 102 6
French a FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý b FREN 110 6
Geography a, b, or c GGS 101 3
Ìý d or e GGS ---elective 3
German a GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý b GERM 110 6
History a, b, c, d, or e HIST L386 3
Japanese a JAPA 110, 201 9
Ìý b JAPA 110 6
Physics a PHYS 243, 244 4
Ìý b PHYS 103 4
Ìý c PHYS 122, 123 2
Ìý d PHYS 122 1
Ìý e PHYS elective 1
Portuguese a PORT 110, 201 9
Ìý b PORT 110 6
Psychology a PSYC 100 3
Ìý b or c PSYC elective 3
Spanish a SPAN 110, 201 9
Ìý b SPAN 110 6
Travel & Tourism a, b, c, d, or e TOUR 200 3

ACT Global Assessment Certificate

NOTE: George MasonÌýwill accept a maximum of 7 courses or 21 credits. Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Code Module George Mason Equivalency Credits Hours
GAC 003ÌýÌýÌý Study Skills for Independent Learning UNIV 110 3
GAC 004 Mathematics I: Fundamentals MATH 103T 2
GAC 005ÌýÌýÌý Computing I: Intro to Computing for Academic Study IT elective 3
GAC 006ÌýÌýÌý Business, Science & Social Science I: Communications Skills COMM elective 3
GAC010 Mathematics II: Probability, Statistics, and Finance MATH 110 3
GAC 011ÌýÌýÌý Computing II: Data Management IT elective 3
GAC 012ÌýÌýÌý Business II: Business Studies BUS elective 3
GAC 013ÌýÌýÌý Science II: Scientific Principles GENL elective 3
GAC 016ÌýÌýÌý Mathematics III: Calculus & Advanced Applications MATH 113 3
GAC 017ÌýÌýÌý Computing III: Digital Communications IT elective 3
GAC 022ÌýÌýÌý Business III: International Business BUS elective 3
GAC 023ÌýÌýÌý Science III: General Science COS L301 3
GAC 024ÌýÌýÌý Discrete Mathematics MATH elective 3
GAC 027ÌýÌýÌý Social Science II: Identity & Interaction in Society SOCI 101 3
GAC 028ÌýÌýÌý Social Science III: Research Skills & Global Issues SOCI 120 or GLOA 101 3
GAC 029ÌýÌýÌý Psychology II: Intro to Psychology PSYC 100 3
GAC 030ÌýÌýÌý Psychology III: Research Skills in Psychology PSYC 260 3

BTEC Higher National

George Mason accepts select BTEC Higher National Level 4 or 5 exams for transfer credit evaluation with scores of Merit (M) or Distinction (D or D*). Scores of Pass (P) are not accepted for transfer credit. Official BTEC transcripts should be sent to the Office of Admissions directly from Pearson.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course.Ìý Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

CLEP Exams

The University awards credit for select CLEP exams. New students should request that their official CLEP exam results be sent to the Office of Admissions after submitting the admission application. ÑÇÖÞAV’s CLEP school code is 5827. To prevent an error in the score report, students should use the DI code 5827 and not enter a custom address.

Questions regarding CLEP exams may be directedÌýto the College Board.

All CLEP exams listed below will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions for students pursuing any major (including exploratory) at George Mason when taken prior to matriculation. Current George Mason students must to their academic advisor for approval prior to taking CLEP exams after enrolling at George Mason. Post-matriculation credits will be evaluated by the Office of the University Registrar.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular ÑÇÖÞAV course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

CLEP Examination Credit-Granting Score George Mason Course Credits Awarded
American Government 50 GOVT 103 3
Biology 50 BIOL 103 3
Business Law, Introductory 50+ BUS --- 3
Calculus 50 MATH 113 4
Chemistry 50 CHEM 101, 102 6
College Algebra 50 MATH 103T 2
College Algebra - Trigonometry 50 MATH 105 4
College Mathematics 50 MATH 106 3
Educational Psychology, Intro to 50 PSYC elective 3
French Language 50 FREN 110 6
Ìý 60 FREN 110, 201 9
Ìý 66 FREN 110, 201, 202 12
German Language 50 GERM 110 6
Ìý 60 GERM 110, 201 9
Ìý 66 GERM 110, 201, 202 12
History of the United States I:
Early Colonization to 1877
50 HIST 121 3
History of the United States II:
1865 to the Present
50 HIST 122 3
Human Growth and Development 50 PSYC 211 3
Information Systems 50 IT 104 3
Macroeconomics, Principles of 50 ECON 104 3
Management, Principles of 50+ BUS --- 3
Marketing, Principles of 50+ BUS --- 3
Microeconomics, Principles of 50 ECON 103 3
Precalculus 50 MATH 105 4
Psychology, Introductory 50 PSYC 100 3
Sociology, Introductory 50 SOCI 101 3
Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2 50 SPAN 101 3
Ìý 56 SPANÌý 101, 102 6
Ìý 60 SPANÌý 101, 102, 201 9
Ìý 66 SPANÌý 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Spanish Language with Writing: Levels 1 and 2 50 SPAN 101, 102 6
Ìý 65 SPAN 101, 102, 201, 202 12
Trigonometry 50 MATH 104 2
Western Civilization I:
Ancient Near East to 1648
50 HIST 100 3
Western Civilization II:
1648 to the Present
50 HIST 100 or L388 3

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exam (CAPE)

The following list of Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exam (CAPE) exams and corresponding George Mason transfer credit is effective for new students. Official CAPE transcripts should be sent to the Office of Admissions from the institution at which the exams were taken.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particularÌý George MasonÌý course.Ìý Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Subject Test Score ÌýÌý George Mason Course Equivalence Credit Hours Awarded
Accounting Unit 1: Financial Acct I-III ACCT elective 3
Accounting Unit 2: Cost and Mgmt. Acct. I-III ACCT elective 3
Biology Unit 1: Biomolecules, Reproduction I-II BIOL 103, 105 4
Biology Unit 1: Biomolecules, Reproduction III BIOL 103 3
Biology Unit 2: Bioenergetics, Biosystems I-II BIOL 102 4
Biology Unit 2: Bioenergetics, BiosystemsÌý III BIOL 102T 3
Building &ÌýMechanical Engineering Drawing Unit 2 III ME elective 3
Chemistry Units 1 and 2 I-III CHEM elective 3
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technology: Units 1 and 2 I-III ECE elective 3
Entrepreneurship Unit 1: Entrepreneurship Theory I-III BUS elective 3
Entrepreneurship Unit 2: Essentials of Business Ownership I-III BUS elective 3
Geography Units 1 and 2 I-III GGS elective 3
Logistics and Supply Chain Ops Unit 1: Conceptual Issues I-III BUS elective 3
Math: Applied Math Unit 2: Math. Applications I-III MATH 125 3
Math: Pure Mathematics Unit 1: Alg, Geo, Calculus I-III MATH 113 4
Math: Pure Mathematics Unit 2: Complex Numbers I-III MATH 114 4
Mgmt. of Business Unit 1: Mgmt. Principles & Processes I-III BUS elective 3
Mgmt. of Business Unit 2: Application in Management I-III BUS elective 3
Physics Unit 1: Mechanics, Waves, Matter I-III PHYS 243 3
Physics Unit 2: Electricity and Magnetism I-III PHYS 245 3
Physics: Units 1 and 2 I-III PHYS 243, 245 6
Tourism Units 1 and 2 I-III TOUR elective 3

French Baccalaureate

The University has reviewed transfer credit equivalencies for the following subjects of the French Baccalaureate exam. The French Bac “total score" is not used to determine credit eligibility; credit is based on examination subject scores alone.

George Mason awards credit for some French Baccalaureate subject exams based on the area of specialization (Language & Literature, Economics & Social Sciences or Sciences) and the grade received. Official score report must be sent from directly from your school or national registry. Additional subjects may be appealed for credit.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particularÌý George Mason course.Ìý Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Subject Exam Specialization (Serie) GradeÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý GMU Course(s)ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Semester Hours Awarded
Biology/Geology S (Science) 16-20 BIOL 103, BIOL 102T 6
Biology/Geology S (Science) 14-15 BIOL 103 3
History/Geography ES (Econ/SocSci) 12-20 GGS 101 3
History/Geography L (Lang/Lit) 12-20 GGS 101 3
Philosophy ES (Econ/Soc Sci) 12-20 PHIL 100 3
Philosophy L (Lang/Lit) 12-20 PHIL 100 3

German Abitur

The University will consider transfer credit for the written exam subjects of the Abiturpurfungen (final examination) portion of the Abitur.Ìý Each subject requires a minimum score of 10 on the 15-point scale. The Abitur total score is not used to determine credit eligibility.Ìý

An official ZeugnisÌýderÌýAllgemeinenÌýHochschulreifeÌý(Abitur) transcript must be sent to the Office of Admissions.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particularÌý George Mason course.Ìý Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Abitur Subject Score Credit George Mason Equivalent
Biology 10-15 8 BIOL 103, 105, 102
Chemistry 10-15 8 CHEM 211, 212, 213, 214
Economics 10-15 3 ECON elective
English 10-15 3 ENGH elective
French 10-15 6 FREN 201, 202
German 10-15 6 GERM 201, 202
History 10-15 3 HIST L314
Mathematics 10-15 3 MATH 103T
Physics 10-15 8 PHYS 103, 104
Religion 10-15 3 RELI 100
Social Studies 10-15 3 HIST 100
Spanish 10-15 6 SPAN 201, 202

Lebanese General Secondary Education Certificate (aka Lebanese Baccalaureate)

The University has reviewed transfer credit equivalencies for the following subjects of the Lebanese Baccalaureate exam. The Lebanese Bacc “total score" is not used to determine credit eligibility; credit is based on examination subject scores alone.

Official score report must be sent from directly from your school or national registry. Additional subjects may be appealed for credit.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded

Subject Exam Minimum GradeÌýÌý GMU Course(s) Credit Hours Awarded
Arabic C (70%) ARAB L300 3
Biology C (70%) BIOL 102T 3
Math C (70%) MATH 113 3
Physics C (70%) PHYS 243 3

George Mason Departmental Credit/Course Waiver Exams

Some academic departments offer credit by exam or course exemption. Consult individual departments for testing information and your academic advisor for applicability to your degree program.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Course Contact
Department of Communication
COMM 100 - Public Speaking
*COMM test provides a WAIVER for the Core requirement. Course credit is NOT applied.
Contact the Department of Communication
Phone: 703.993.1090
Department of English
ENGH 101 - Composition
ENGH 302 - Advanced Composition
Contact the Department of English
Phone: 703.993.1160
Department of Modern & Classical Languages
Intermediate language placement testing
*MCL language testing provides a WAIVER for the foreign language requirement. Course credit is NOT applied.
Contact the Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Phone: 703.993.1220
School of Music
The School of Music offers credit by exam for some courses. Contact the School of Music
Phone: 703.993.1380
SYST 462 - Flight Training Lab I
SYST 463 - Flight training Lab II
Contact the Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
Phone: 703.993.5689

SAT Subject Tests

SAT Subject Tests were last offered in the US in 2020 and internationally in June 2021. George Mason will continue to review exam scores taken before this time.

NOTE: Students may only receive advanced standing once for a particular George Mason course. Duplicate transfer credit will not be awarded.

Subject Test Minimum Score George Mason Course Equivalence Credit Hours Awarded
Chinese w/Listening 620 CHIN 201 3
Ìý 670 CHIN 201, 202 6
French 620 FREN 201 3
Ìý 670 FREN 201,Ìý 202 6
French w/Listening 620 FREN 201 3
Ìý 670 FREN 201,Ìý 202 6
German 620 GERM 201 3
Ìý 670 GERM 201, 202 6
German w/Listening 620 GERM 201 3
Ìý 670 GERM 201,Ìý 202 6
Hebrew, Modern 620 HEBR 201 3
Ìý 670 HEBR 201, 202 6
Italian 620 ITAL 201 3
Ìý 670 ITAL 201, 202 6
Japanese w/Listening 620 JAPA 201 3
Ìý 670 JAPA 201, 202 6
Korean w/Listening 620 KORE 201 3
Ìý 670 KORE 201, 202 6
Latin 620 LATN 201 3
Ìý 670 LATN 201,Ìý 202 6
Spanish 620 SPAN 201 3
Ìý 670 SPAN 201,Ìý 202 6
Spanish w/Listening 620 SPAN 201 3
Ìý 670 SPAN 201,Ìý 202 6