Costello College of Business News

  • October 9, 2020

    Before she began pursuing her MBA, Christina Snyder knew that women were underrepresented in business, not necessarily in the ÑÇÖÞAV School of Business, but certainly among leadership in the business world. Soon after starting her MBA studies at Mason, she discovered the Women in Business Initiative and the opportunity to apply for the Women in Business Initiative Endowed Scholarship. She leapt at the chance to apply, and she's so thankful that she did.

  • October 5, 2020

    Attending ÑÇÖÞAV School of Business in the early-90s, Marie Robles, BS Accounting ’94, was mesmerized by the diversity she saw across campus. Students of all ethnic, religious, and other cultural backgrounds intermingled in the classrooms. Mason’s diversity made her feel at home. However, she’s aware that boardrooms and offices are often devoid of that inclusive and welcoming experience.

  • September 29, 2020

    When Linh Le, a senior in the accounting accelerated master’s program, first arrived to ÑÇÖÞAV, she realized that even working multiple part-time jobs would still put tuition out of reach. Besides, she also understood that she would need that extra time to focus on her demanding courses. Adding to the hardships that she expected was the unexpected impact of COVID-19. She now finds herself on track for the accelerated program that would have been much harder to fund had she not applied for, and received, the Janis S. Reed Endowed Scholarship.

  • August 11, 2020

    The pandemic has not killed brick and mortar stores despite the move of consumers to clicks and online buying. Only changes that provide greater convenience to consumers at reasonable cost to retailers will persist. Most disruptions have already been coming and the pace and convergence have simply been accelerated. But very big questions remain.

  • July 6, 2020

    It had been 15 years since graduating from ÑÇÖÞAV when Michael Gallagher, MBA ’94, was approached by school officials about getting involved with the School of Business Alumni Chapter. He jumped in with both feet, serving several roles including chapter president and has sat on the Dean’s Advisory Board for the past three years.

  • June 30, 2020

    Maxwell Gocala-Nguyen (he/him) is a liaison to students, helping to build communities within the School of Business by bringing people together from all different groups. As the associate director for undergraduate recruitment and engagement at ÑÇÖÞAV School of Business, Gocala-Nguyen has spent the past four years working with staff, faculty, students, and alumni to build connections and grow the School of Business community.

  • June 18, 2020

    An interdisciplinary hub within the School of Business, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship supports Patriots from all of Mason’s programs and schools with a variety of courses and experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

  • June 9, 2020

    I write to you as the business leaders, change-makers, and innovators of today and tomorrow. I echo comments from Interim President Anne Holton and President-designate Gregory Washington and want to express my own feelings of pain, anger, and sadness.

  • June 5, 2020

    Information security is a critical part of every organization. However, it’s also expensive—a problem for executives deciding on funding allocation. Nirup Menon, professor and chair of information systems and operations management, along with coauthor Mikko Siponen, delved into the role personality plays in determining how executives react to information security costs.

  • May 29, 2020

    With nearly a quarter of its undergrad enrollment identifying as Asian American or Pacific Islander, the School of Business continues to be one of the most diverse schools within the most diverse university in Virginia.