Martha Bushong

  • July 20, 2021

    Leigh McCue, associate professor and interim chair of mechanical engineering is looking to take a deeper dive into her research at the Vessel Dynamics Lab. The recent recipient of the Beck Foundation Faculty Fellow award is building a fleet of maritime robots and will use the funds from the award to expand this work.

  • May 11, 2021

    PhD students from a variety of disciplines have spent the year engaged in multi-disciplinary research projects as part of Mason’s first-ever National Science Foundation Research Traineeship grant.

  • Mon, 03/29/2021 - 19:38

    Ground-breaking research and one-of-a-kind programs helped propel the Volgenau School of Engineering in the top 100 rankings of U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools this year. The school ranked No. 93 nationally, a gain of nine slots from last year, and was No. 55 among public institutions.

  • Mon, 03/01/2021 - 11:41

    ÑÇÖÞAV announced today a grant from Break Through Tech to propel more students who identify as women and non-binary into tech education—and ultimately tech careers—through curriculum innovation, career access, and community building. The goal of the grant is to increase the number of these students graduating with a tech degree at Mason by 12.5 percentage points by 2026.