In This Story
From Inside Higher Education:
All of which prompts a question: Is it time to reconsider the salaries of presidents? Why are relatively short-term presidents—the average tenure is 6.5 years, according to a 2017 survey conducted by the American Council on Education—worth so much more than full professors who tend to stick around longer and work with students on a daily basis?
—Judith Wilde and James Finkelstein
From Issues in Science and Technology:
With this possible influx of money and expectations, it’s time to revisit how NSF and NSB work together. Over the past seven decades, these two entities have created a national ecosystem for scientific innovation that has enabled generations of discoveries and discoverers—though NSF is far more visible to the public.
—James Olds, Jessica L. Rosenberg, Nick Robichaud
From the Washington Post:
The governor’s move adds a new twist to the old maxim that governors propose and legislators dispose: Now, it’s the governor proposes and then tries to sell what he is proposing through paid media, like brand-name consumer products.
—Mark J. Rozell
From Psychology Today:
Old age is the greatest risk for developing Alzheimer’s, but being a woman is the second-highest risk factor.
—Nadine Kabbani
From the Hill:
How might China do this? It could state forcefully that Beijing wishes to see: an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine; the withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine; and a Ukrainian pledge that it will not join NATO. And it could deploy Chinese peacekeeping forces to the Donbas and Crimea.
—Mark N. Katz
From Brookings:
For ESSER, our sense is that policymakers have not fully reckoned with the magnitude of learning loss that has taken place during the pandemic and the costs necessary to offset this loss.
—Matthew P. Steinberg and Kenneth Shores
From the Geopolitics:
By bits and bots, the human mind is under assault in hitherto unprecedented ways, challenging our legal and moral norms and social customs. The use of a new range of weapons and techniques in hybrid warfare scenarios with or without explicit consideration of its impacts on the civilian population situated in the inscrutable zone of indistinction between stable peace and open conflict ostensibly contributes to the ongoing and ever-advancing displacement of the battlefield and threatens further erosion of basic yet essential international legal protections.
—Joanna Rozpedowski
From Texas National Security Review:
China’s Biomedical Data Hacking Threat: Applying Big Data Isn’t as Easy as It Seems
We need to do a better job of conducting more complex socio-technical assessments of how China might try to use biomedical big data, as well as studying China’s bioinformatics personnel and technical infrastructure.
—Sonia Ben Ouagrham-Gormley and Kathleen M. Vogel
From El Faro (English):
But after waiting nearly four decades for their day in court, the families of the victims remain steadfast in their demands for truth and justice.
—Jo-Marie Burt and Paulo Estrada
From Taiwan Insight:
Then there is the fourth factor, which is much discussed in Taiwan: the willingness of the US to become directly involved in the defense of Taiwan if China invades.
—Gerrit van der Wees
From Small Wars Journal:
Recently, leaders of the Western world have become aware of the suspicious nature of these groups and began to take action against these shadowy organizations.
—Mahmut Cengiz, Layla Hashemi, and Vladimir Semizhanov
From Al Jazeera:
The so-called “electables” of parliament switched sides. The opposition suddenly had the numbers and, poof, Khan was gone – for now.
—Ahsan Butt
From the Washington Post:
The task over the coming seven months in Virginia mirrors the one facing Democrats nationally. Former president Barack Obama recentlysummed it up in just 11 words: “We’ve got a story to tell, just got to tell it.”
—Mark J. Rozell
From the Hill:
In a two-party system like that of the U.S., voters will sooner or later get fed up with the incumbent party and demand change—even if that means voting for a party in thrall to paranoia.
—Bill Schneider
From Homeland Security Today:
The Turkish prosecutor, during a court hearing for 26 defendants in the Khashoggi murder case,demandedthat the proceedings be stopped and the case handed over to the Saudi Arabian judicial officials.
—Mahmut Cengiz
From Higher Ed Dive:
This leads us to wonder what "academic freedom" governing boards are protecting by giving their presidents tenure.
—Judith Wilde and James Finkelstein
From U.S. Army War College War Room:
At one end of their spectrum of choices is for the United States to unreservedly guarantee the security of Gulf Cooperation Council states and other U.S. allies in the region. At the other end, America could withdraw and potentially cede its current influence in the region to Russia or China.
—Alec Jackson (I-SEC master’s student)
From Arab Center Washington:
To be sure, these developments ultimately represent MbS’s desire to consolidate absolute authority and eliminate alternative power centers capable of challenging his rule. What is occurring in Saudi Arabia is best understood as the restructuring of religion toward this end: religious authority is being centralized under the authority of MbS and brought under the direct control of the monarchy.
—PhD Candidate Jon Hoffman
From Homeland Security Today:
The scale of corruption in Turkey is unknown, but it is fair to say that corrupt officials and bureaucrats siphon off money from almost all government contracts.
—Mahmut Cengiz
From the Hill:
Ideological division overwhelmed populist resentment. And saved France.
—Bill Schneider
From GlobaDev:
As the crisis subsides, reduction in poverty and inequality through more, and better, formal employment is at the center of most economic recovery strategies worldwide.
—Maurice Kugler, et al.