- April 11, 2022
Ajay Vinzé, professor and former dean of the Trulaske College of Business at the University of Missouri, has been named the next dean of the ÑÇÖÞAV School of Business. He will assume his role on July 1, 2022.
- March 23, 2022
The rules of the economy are being wholly rewritten right under our noses, and distributed ledger technology wields the pen. That’s the core contention of Sarah Grace Manski, an assistant professor in ÑÇÖÞAV's School of Business.
- March 16, 2022
Mason’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is hosting the 2022 Spring Container Design Challenge as part of an ongoing partnership with the City of Fairfax Economic Development Authority.
- March 10, 2022
ÑÇÖÞAV’s Center for Retail Transformation, part of the School of Business, is working with Microsoft to host a series of informational panels this spring and summer to help students understand how technological innovation is affecting retail businesses.
- February 24, 2022
If you feel your social skills have gone downhill, you’re not alone. After nearly two years of working from home, and much less social activity outside of work, we’re likely to commit more unintentional lapses in etiquette, or social gaffes.
- January 25, 2022
ÑÇÖÞAV has some of the nation’s best online master’s programs, with six of them in the Top 20, according to the just-released 2022 U.S. News & World Report Best Online Programs rankings.
- January 21, 2022
Kat Grimsley was one of six main researchers and co-authors for the 188-page United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) #Housing2030 Report, a joint initiative of UNECE, UN Habitat and Housing Europe that compiles and analyses examples of successful affordable housing initiatives from Europe and elsewhere.
- December 9, 2021
Students in OSCM 430 Design Thinking for Innovative Operations learned techniques to help them focus on the end user experience when creating corporate strategies and products.
- December 7, 2021
Mason graduating senior Alex Lee devoted hours upon hours to attending networking events hosted by the School of Business. He talked to potential employers, asked questions, put himself out there.
- November 29, 2021
Forthcoming research from Mason's Brad Greenwood represents the most extensive analysis of the impact of police body worn cameras in a major American city.